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Friday, December 10, 2021

Harav Avraham Baruch and other Crazed Sfardie Rabbanim : "Women Wearing Wigs Are From Ameileik and Have No Chelik in Olam Haba "




frum but normal said...

This crazed MESHUGENER has the morals and brains of a rabies infected sewer rat,notice is foaming at the mouth exactly as a rabies infected animal, needs to be put into a straight jacket and hauled away to the nearest mental asylum for the criminaly insane.

Uriah’s Wife said...

So let me get this straight. The holy Rav Avraham Baruch shrieks that wigs atop a married woman’s natural hair retroactively ordains her Amalek and consigns her to go directly to gehenom. On the other hand, the late posek hador, Rav Moshe Feinstein permits it.
Now, the issue of married women covering their hair with a wig is deemed to be a breach of D’Oraysa according to the saintly Avraham Baruch. So is Rebbetzin Feinstein languishing in Gehenom? That poor unfortunate lady. She shouldn’t have listened to her hysband.

Maria said...

There is a special place in hell for the misgunist screechers. Only question is will the status of שוטה be an exemption.