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Tuesday, December 7, 2021

.Good Luck "Fakewood" Garden State Parkway And NJ Turnpike Tolls Going Up Again on Jan. 1


The New Jersey Turnpike Authority said on Monday that, as part of its 2022 budget, it will be raising tolls on the Garden State Parkway and New Jersey Turnpike by 3%. The rise comes just 16 months after the tolls on the two largest toll roads in the Garden State spiked by 36% and 27%, respectively.

“The purpose of the 3% indexing is to provide a stable funding source for capital needs. That’s where the additional revenue will be going,” a Turnpike Authority spokesman said. “It will support the unprecedented amount of work being done under the Authority’s long-term capital program.”

Beginning in 2022, the Turnpike Authority is allowed to raise tolls by 3% based on certain economic indicators, though it hasn’t been publicly stated what those economic indicators are.

“Whether a toll increase is needed or not, the Authority will take one annually, depending on the rate of inflation, unless the governor or legislature act to stop them,” said Steve Carrellas, the New Jersey policy director for the National Motorist’s Association.

1 comment:

Hillel (democracy) not Shamai (cults) said...

Can we focus on Fakewoods head mafia Malkiel Kotler?

Live & let live. Don't attack regular people or their identities. It just reinforces Malkiel Kotler as the self appointed getchke (god) of Fakewood and his spy's and spyware at TAG.org.

~Hillel (democracy) not Shamai (cults)
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