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Sunday, December 12, 2021

Chassid Steals Hundreds of Thousands From Chasidish Store, and Is Released by Israeli Police

 It's interesting that the owner went directly to police without consulting a rav but if his daughter would have been molested, he would have gone to rav first!

A prominent chasidus in Yerushalayim is in shock after a member of its community was caught stealing hundreds of thousands of shekalim from the store in which he worked.

The thief, who portrayed himself as a baal teshuva but actually grew up in a frum home, was taken under the wing of community members, who helped him get a job in a Yerushalayim store – Shehechiyanu Colors on Rechov Yirmiyahu.

But, to the great shock and disgust of the community, the individual was caught after stealing at least 10,000 shekel and additional hundreds of thousands in shekalim in checks.

Immediately upon learning of the theft, the store owner contacted the police, who arrested the suspect for quetioning. However, to the storeowner’s surprise, the police released him without asking the court to extend his detention.

“I begged the police not to release him before he said where the checks are,” the storeowner said. “Even if the cash is gone, at least the checks can be saved.”

“I expect the police to arrest him once again in order to understand where he keeps the money. I brought all the evidence to the police, so there is no reason why he should not be prosecuted.”

Israel Police said in a statement that they are continuing the investigation “professionally and thoroughly.”

Community leaders say they don’t believe this was the first time the suspect stole, as numerous valuables have gone missing in recent weeks across the community.


Hillel (democracy) not Shamai (cults)---see more here said...

Oy vey, all the ganev (thief) needed to do is pay a cut to the godoylim (infallible genius clergy*).

The godoylim (infallible genius clergy*) would of made the ganev (thief) rush hakuel (community director) with his name on buildings.

*This translation is godoylim in Hebrew. In the holy Yiddish language, godoylim means #2, feces (crap). Rabbi Joel Teitelbaum made Yiddish holier than Hebrew. Therefore the Yiddish (crap) translation Trumps. Fyi Yiddish is a German language, and English's long lost cousin.

~Hillel (democracy) not Shamai (cults)
See more at link
+ new post! "Judaism's 2 Key Cults, In the Commie & Fascist Image And How To Change It"

What you can do: If you smell a crime call the police! If you feel too hassled or threatened to call the police, contact us! goldncalf@gmail.com or text ‪(413) 337-9559‬. Please also contact us if you want us to upgrade your shul (house of worship), kids school, or chaseedus (religious community/sect) from cultish behavior to a democracy (as per Hillel). Where everyone has a voice and civic engagement is encouraged. Especially top level decisions. Or if you want to help us in general, to upgrade cultish behavior to democracies. goldncalf@gmail.com or text ‪(413) 337-9559‬. The faster we do this the faster we'll have full access again to Temple Mount. Jewish (or any identity) is great, if it makes collaboration with other identities even greater. Degrading other identities doesn't work and never will.

Mendel said...

Relating to your first comment, it’s not the first time where money has proven to be way more important then the welfare of their own children, from my experience this applies to Dayonim/Rabbonim, money-avoidah zorah, is the number one thing in this world