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Monday, December 13, 2021

Ami's Byline "Protecting Judaism from the State" Hides the Perfidy of the Chareidie Parties


Chaim Friedlander, who writes the "Israeli Politics" column for Ami Magazine papered over a "bombshell" of a story in his column titled "Protecting Judaism From the State," in which he describes how the "chareidi parties" have "come together to resist the government's plans.

But hidden in his column we find out how chareide parties have no qualms selling the Jewish State and its inhabitants to the Arab murderers. And the proverbial "cherry on top" was even worse. Friedlander in his column exposes a secret that isn't known to the chareidie public. 
"Rabbanim turned to the Arab Bais Din "The Shura Council" for help!
Thank the Almighty G-d that the Arab "gedoilim" rebuffed them.
This is not like when the Agudah teams up with the Catholic Church to get funds for private schools, this is teaming up with animals that vow to murder all Jews including the "rabbanim" that turned to them for assistance!

Let me share the paragraph in question and highlight the pertinent details.
Friedlander is explaining how Aryeh Deri, MK and Shas Chairman tried to recruit the Arab Ra'am party in their scheme to bring down the government, and he is lamenting the fact that he didn't succeed.

"At this point Deri went on to enumerate the main players in destroying the state's Jewish identity, from Lieberman to Yair Lapid, and including Ze'ev Elkin and Mansour Abbas: " If we thought that Sa'ar and Elkin would moderate the government's position, we were mistaken." he said. "All they care about is legalizing cannabis. And we can't rely on Ra'am. We thought that we could rely on them for issues of religion and state, but we were wrong. In fact, they are the most stable feature of this government; they have a big package of promises from the government that they want to see fulfilled, and they need to protect the coalition in order to get them."

"Deri was referencing recent efforts to influence the Ra'am MKs to object to a new draft law for chareidim and changes to the giyur law. The request was made to Ra'am with the understanding that they had never gotten involved in the issue of the army draft, and that as a religious party they wouldn't want to harm another religion. Additionally, a number of rabbanim turned to the Shura Council, which functions as the spiritual guidance of the party. However, this too was rebuffed."

I'm outraged. 

Did Deri actually think he could rely on the Arab murderers "for issues of religion?"
Did Deri and his pack of chareidie hypocrites want the murderers to cooperate to "object to a new draft law and changes to the giyur law"?

Deri  wanted the help of the Arabs in the giyur law? Is is this guy insane? 
Why would Yishmael help Yaakov in his quest to keep his yiddishkeit? Please pass me some of what Deri is smoking. 

Did Deri try to get  the Arabs to object to a new draft law?  
Deri initially thought that Arabs would be happy if there were less soldiers in the Jewish army to defend his pathetic rump, and so he was sure that the Arabs would go along with and object to the new draft law! 

These are the feckless losers that represent us in the Knesset!

And the rabbanim.... they go like a bunch of pathetic beggars to the Arab Mullahs to try to convince them to object to the giyur law because a "religious party wouldn't want to harm another religion."?????
These are the same Mullahs that bark in their mosques every Friday that Israel must be destroyed and all Jews must be cast into the sea" These are the Mullahs that the "rabbanim" groveled over like a dog for its treat!

These are our "rabbanim" our "gedoilim"

The gist of the Friedlander's article is how the Chareidie parties that hate each other got together to attempt to topple the government, but in summarizing he inadvertently left in details that depict our chareidie leaders as a bunch of dangerous amateurs who would likely sell their own bodies and souls to the devil accomplish their goals. 

Sick and getting sicker out there!


Anonymous said...

Funny how this blog has nothing to say about Trump's nice words about Abbas. I guess it's because he doesn't write for Ami...

Judaisms 2 key-cults (see more here) said...

Case in point, religious politics is what makes politics so dirty.

Also, as you see Judaism's godoylim (shamans) are the worst. The Muslim clerics refused to play as dirty, they care more for their people. Godoylim (shamans) have literally become fascists.

Other than Chabad (commie), but Chabad works closely with Satmer fascists to entrap everyone who tries to escape Satmer persecution (or Ger, Belz, Viznits, Bobov, Skver, etc. all coordinate with Satmer.). Chabad (commie) trolls coordinate with these fascist trolls at the peripheral of orthodox Judaism. Chabad is key on maintaining the (fascist-commie) iron curtain.

See more info at link about Judaism's 2 key cults