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Sunday, August 3, 2014

Scarborough Stands By Remarks Accusing Israel of 'Indiscriminate…Killing of Women and Children'

It's now happening in the USA! A well respected former GOP Congressman from Florida and now Newscaster, espouses the same anti-Semitic views as Hamas!

His co-host is Mika Brezezinski, the daughter of Zbiginew Brezezinski, Jimmy Carter's National Security adviser. 
Zbiginew was a noted anti-Semite.

On friday, Mika flubbed 

On thursday morning MSNBC's Joe Scarborough accused Israel of "what appears to be indiscriminate killing … of women and children." 

Friday morning, Scarborough seemed shocked that he was criticized for accusing Israel of war crimes with no evidence to back it up and then went on to read a prepared statement that attacked his critics as "simple minded."

In a carefully worded statement, Scarborough chose not to walk back, amend, or even address his unfounded smear against Israel. He obviously stands by those remarks. 
The Poilishe anti-Semitka Mika


Anonymous said...

This is not the first time that MSNBC has given a platform to radical b.s..

The network is jointly owned by Microsoft & General Electric, the parent company of NBC.

Microsoft once hosted an online "community" called "Death2Israel". After the Wall St Journal complained and basically twisted Microsoft's arm, Microsoft finally took it down.

Anonymous said...

Scarborough & Brezezinski used to co-host a show together on ABC, which is owned by the Walt Disney Co.

Walt Disney is run by Left wing Jews who have preserved ABC News's anti-Israel bias.