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Friday, December 9, 2022

Laura Loomer gets Her Twitter Back


Over recent weeks, Elon Musk has proven to be serious about his intention to restore free speech to Twitter, and continues to reinstate Twitter accounts taken down by the previous management.

On Thursday, Twitter reinstated the account of Laura Loomer, a political activist who has been banned on Uber, Lyft, Uber Eats, & even getting her bank account shut down.

Loomer was banned in 2018, after she posted a tweet criticizing Rep. Ilhan Omar.

The tweet that caused her to be cancelled, was when Loomer called Omar “anti-Jewish”, and said she is a member of a religion in which “homosexuals are oppressed” and “women are abused” and “forced to wear the hijab.”

At the time, Twitter decided that Loomer violated their rules against hateful conduct.

Loomer never accepted the suspension, all the while maintaining that no rules were violated. “Everything I said is 100 percent true and factual. It’s not malicious, it’s not mean, it’s not hateful,” she said.

Around a week after the suspension, Loomer handcuffed herself to the front doors of Twitter’s New York headquarters, while wearing a Yellow Star of David and carrying a bullhorn and several printed-out tweets.

She told reporters she was protesting Twitter’s double standard of banning her for hateful coneduct, while allowing vicious Jew haters, such as anti-Semitic Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan to remain on the platform.

On Thursday, Loomer tweeted, “After getting BANNED on Twitter in 2018, and being digitally exterminated on nearly every other social media site, payment processor, Uber, Lyft, Uber Eats, & my own bank, I’M BACK!!!!! Elom Musk has finally unchained me from the doors of Twitter HQ! Thank you, Elon!”

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