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Friday, December 30, 2022

Iranian writer sentenced to death after giving interview to Israeli TV

 Iranian writer and painter Mehdi Bahman was reportedly sentenced to death in Iran on Thursday after taking part in the anti-government protests which erupted following the death of Mahsa Amini.

Bahman was arrested in October, days after he gave an interview to Israel’s Channel 12 News in which he described the goings on in Iran during the protests.

Some reports said that he had been taken to the notorious Evin Prison, which is known for holding political prisoners, after his arrest.

Thursday’s reports indicated that Bahman was charged with and convicted of espionage over the interview with Israeli television.

Protests have gripped Iran following the September 16 death of 22-year-old Amini after she was arrested by the morality police.

Hundreds of protesters have been killed in more than two months of nationwide unrest, including dozens of minors.

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