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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Beit Shemesh "Dalet" Residents Confront The Extremists screaming "Go Back to Gaza" Go to Hamas" Mayor Grinberg Quiet!


Yom Haztmaot in Beit Shemesh "dalet"
The Chareidim Living in Beit Shemesh "Bet" are more or less made up of Satmar "shventz" and Neturei Karta "savages" so they rented buses to take them to "dalet" and to  protest on behalf of Hamas כדרכם בקודש, but to their surprise, they were drowned out by residents who made a motorcade with the Zionist flags, and were when they were close to the savages they started singing the Zionist National Anthem the Hatikvah! 
Residents screamed at the  sickos "go to Gaza" Join Hamas"! 

These protests started escalating as soon the New Mayor, the "upgerissinar" fool, Shmulik "patsy" Grinberg got elected!
When he ran for office he came to "Dalet" and said that he wouldn't allow the "Bet'nickis' to run the show. But they laugh at him, at his weakness, and his helplessness! 

Below is a Bet Shemesh Press Release !

*City News:* 
Today the Beit Shemesh Police held a show of determination and strength when they prevented an incident of violence by the extremists from Rama B who tried to carry out a Palestinian flag parade in the Rama D neighborhood, on the occasion of Independence Day.

To my astonishment, *the extremists brought with them on the bus a Palestinian photographer,* wearing a vest that bore the word PRESS, to document the events, as the extreme left organizations do when they come to make provocations against IDF soldiers in the Palestinian Territories.

The police thwarted the demonstration right at its beginning, and crowds of residents, equipped with Israeli flags, prevented the Palestinian photographer from accompanying the extremists.

A small number of extremists who continued with the procession on Amoraim Boulevard, were accompanied by hundreds of residents, most of them with Israeli flags who played at high volume the song "Am Yisrael Chai" by Eyal Golan.*

While *Commander Alon Weinstein* came to his senses and took a hard hand against the extremists - it was *Mayor Shmulik Greenberg* who proved that he was spineless, when he surrendered to a handful of terrorist supporters in ultra-Orthodox clothing, who vandalized Israeli flags. 
Greenberg "smeared" residents who approached him about rehanging the flags , that the extremists removed, with convoluted statements, to avoid attacks against him, relying that  " Israeli short memory". Thinking that we will forget!

Putz Mayor Grinberg

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