Friday, May 31, 2024

Tuna Beigel Sticks Up for Supporters of Murderers of Jews


This stupid little twerp doesn't understand why Frum Jews wouldn't judge chilonim but judge the Neturei Karta! 

Growing up in the Satmar sewers he cannot understand why vilifying Neture Karta, a group that supports Iran, a country that vowed to destroy the only Jewish State in the world, is the right thing to do! 

Growing up surrounded by the hateful SHIT"ah of Satmar he cannot distinguish between a Jew that has yet to embrace and observe mitzvois, and Jews that fly to Teheran to attend a funeral of a murderer of his own people and who was a threat to all of civilized mankind. There was a good reason that Iranians themselves called Raisi "The Butcher of Iran"

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