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Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Majority of Israeli Population Oppose a Palestinian State In Saudi Normalization Deal

 A  survey conducted by the Jerusalem Center for Foreign Affairs (JCFA) has revealed that a significant 64 percent of the Israeli public opposes the establishment of a Palestinian state as part of the normalization process with Saudi Arabia.

The comprehensive report is scheduled for release at the 13th Annual Jerusalem Post Conference in New York next week. Conducted in collaboration with the Panels Politics research institute, led by Menachem Lazar, the survey provides insight into the perspectives of both Jewish and Arab Israelis on this critical political issue.

The survey highlights considerable political divides: 84 percent of right-wing voters, 54 percent of centrist voters, and 24 percent of left-wing voters oppose the creation of a Palestinian state. Conversely, a similar percentage of left-wing voters support the idea unconditionally.

Support for a Palestinian state, conditional on recognition and demilitarization, saw a notable decline among respondents aged 60 and above, dropping from 44 percent to 32 percent. Similar decreases were observed among those with academic education (from 29 percent to 20 percent) and high-income individuals (from 33 percent to 20 percent). Opposition was particularly pronounced among younger respondents (70 percent of those aged 18-29), individuals with lower education levels (72 percent), and traditional, religious, and Charedi respondents (74 percent, 88 percent, and 91 percent, respectively). Among secular respondents, the opposition rate stood at 54 percent.

Dr. Dan Diker, president of the JCFA, is set to present the survey findings at the conference. He will also engage in discussions with Mosab Hassan Yousef, known as “The Green Prince,” addressing the potential dangers posed to Israel by the creation of a Palestinian state, particularly in light of strategic and security concerns following the October 7 massacre.

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