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Monday, December 5, 2022

UTJ said to request full authority at Meron, site of disaster So they can Cover-up the Faults of the Chareidie Leaders


Years before this tragedy, police were warning the Chareidie Askanim and leaders that this Meron was a "tragedy waiting to happen" but the Rebbes refused to listen and in fact fought tooth and nail not to have any police supervision of Meron. They called it "Zionist Intervention." 
All public places where the police are in control, places like the Kotel, Kever Rachel, Mearas Ha'Machpeilah etc are basically places that crowds can safely enter and exit.
We don't really know what happened at Meron, but now we will never find out. The families of the victims must sue every one of these Chassidishe Rebbes in court so that maybe just maybe we would get some of the truth out. 
Chareidim blamed the police and it could be that police did have a hand in this tragedy but now we will never know,

United Torah Judaism MK Meir Porush has requested full responsibility over Mount Meron, a significant religious site in the Upper Galilee, including implementing recommendations made by a committee investigating the deadly disaster during Lag B’Omer festivities there last year, according to a Sunday report.

The Haredi party lawmaker made the request during coalition talks with the Likud party, the Walla news site reported.

Citing sources involved in the talks, the report said the ultra-Orthodox lawmaker wants responsibility over any changes to be made as a result of the findings of the government committee probing the tragic crush at the site in 2021 — which left 45 people dead and more than 150 injured.

Porush, No. 3 on UTJ’s electoral list, had objected to the formation of the state inquiry to look into the tragedy.

The sources told Walla that the demands from Porush, reportedly a candidate to be Jerusalem minister in the government to be potentially led by Likud chief Benjamin Netanyahu, were under discussion.

Mount Meron, the site of the grave of second-century sage Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, is traditionally visited by thousands of mainly ultra-Orthodox worshipers on the anniversary of his death during the holiday of Lag B’Omer, several weeks after Passover.

The Meron tragedy occurred on April 30, 2021, when thousands of celebrants streamed down a narrow walkway. Some people fell on the walkway and down a flight of stairs at its end, toppling onto those below and precipitating a fatal crushing domino effect. It was Israel’s worst civilian disaster.

The taskforce investigating the crush presented its initial findings to Prime Minister Yair Lapid in October, which included a variety of strategies to centralize the event’s management moving forward, as well as to expand and strengthen the gravesite and its surrounding areas.

Specifically, it called for the appointment of a government minister with relevant background to oversee the event’s planning and execution.

Yesh Atid MK Merav Ben-Ari said Porush was “shameless” in making the request.

“All year long we have dealt with Meron, and no Haredi Knesset member has bothered to study the problems and the corrections we made to save lives. All they care about is business,” she said.

Israel Diskind, whose brother Simcha was killed at Mount Meron, told Walla he was glad an ultra-Orthodox representative requested authority over the site but added, “There’s no authority without responsibility.”

“The first step that must be taken immediately after receiving the authority is to organize the mountain from start to finish. In another six months, the festivities will be held at Meron — there is enough time to protect people’s lives,” Diskind said.

In August, the panel investigating the deadly disaster released a letter of warning, alerting a number of former and current senior officials, including Netanyahu, who was prime minister at the time of the disaster, and former public security minister Amir Ohana, that they may potentially be found responsible for the tragedy.


Frum but normal said...

WHAT?, have these ignorant gangsters no shame?, the blood of these Meron KEDOSHIM is still dripping from your filthy hands.
These gangsters where warned for years by the authorities that what is being done year after year is a disaster waiting to happen.
These murderers ignored the warnings,with the result of over 40 kedoshim .
Now these filthy gangsters have the audacity to demand that they get back authority in MERON.
Seems that 47 dead Jews is not enough for these bloodthirsty gangsters.
Hope the government tells them to go to hell

Prof Ryesky said...

This is how I called it a few months ago:


Anonymous said...

Shocking audio from the police in meron from the hour leading up to the tragedy