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Monday, December 5, 2022

Rabbi Dr. Ahron Twersky Predicts Agudah Will Become ‘Irrelevant’ Due to Not Representing Chassidim


So Chassidim are not happy with their own organizations and now want to take control of the Aguda as well. 

Have you ever seen a Litvisher Gadol in the Eida Hachreidis? 

And how come when the good Dr. Twersky mentioned all the Chassidic groups, he leaves out Chabad? I guess Chabad is only good when they need a hot lunch when they travel.

 Dr Twersky is correct when he says that the Aguda will become irrelevant in two or three years but not because they don't have any Chassidim on the Moetzes Torah Hagdolah, they are irrelevant because they are out of touch with the "hamoin am" 

If the Chassidim would join, you would no longer recognize the Aguda. 

Dr Twersky is not being genuine, he knows that Bobov was never part of Agudah, Satmar hates any organization that they cannot control, same with Chabad. Satmar is also opposed to the Daf HaYoimie, a big Aguda program. 

 Dr. Twersky also knows it not practical to appoint Chassidishe Rebbes on the Moetzes. If you appointed Bobover 48, Bobov 45 would scream. Let's for argument's sake say that Satmar would join, so who would you appoint? R' Zalman Leib or R' Aron? His whole speech was a waste of time, and the listeners will never get those 20 minutes back. 


While appearing at a panel about antisemitism at the Agudah Convention Friday, Rabbi Dr. Ahron Twerski spoke out against the lack of Chassidic representation within the Agudah in recent years.

He said, “I used to come to Agudah conventions and feel comfortable…because there was a Chassidishe olam…for the last ten years we have been uninvited, not formally, but uninvited. The problem starts because Chassidim are not represented on the Moetzes Gedolei Torah.”

He called it “shameful” and said “there’s no excuse for it.”

Dr. Twersky predicted that “Agudath Israel will become irrelevant to Klal Yisroel” in a few years

The always gracious and even-tempered Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zweibel responded. He first joked about how this proves that the Agudah carefully censors each speaker’s speech in advance. He then thanked Dr/ Twersky for raising the issue, and assured the audience that it is being addressed.


שליח said...

He left them out since they are not and never were part of Aguda. No one is insulted...

Moshiach NOW

Anonymous said...

The Agudah made Aaron Twerski 2nd fiddle to a Chassidishe askan in Rockland County, Yisruel Kahan. There was a major flaw in both their speeches which has come to be expected of the Agudah, as non-Agudah gedolim have pointed out going back decades. There was NOT ONE mention of Torah as the best solution or any part of the solution. How could these Convention Fressers ignore this - bifrat when the inyana deyuma is Hakol Kol Yaakov??????

Kahan contradicted himself when he said a goyishe inspector catches Yidden all the time on new construction violations but never once R' Don Ungarischer ztl because he was a tzaddik who always made sure to make kiddush Hashem. In the next breath, Kahan said we are all tzaddikim but the anteh-Semitten refuse to recognize it. It would have been a lot more productive had Kahan given musser for all the terrible, willful chilul Hashem that goes on & which causes at least 95% of anti-Semitism in Rockland to begin with. The Agudah has come to be living in a dream world, so are they supposed to solve the Klal's problems? Maybe this is the real reason why Twerski then went off script to waver between whether the Agudah "will become in irrelevant in 3 to 5 years" or is already irrelevant.

Twerski got rather emotional while bashing his Agudah hosts for excluding the Chassidishe oylam for the last 10 years from the Moetzes, which he said is the gorem why the Chassidishe oylam stopped coming once a year to Fress and otherwise have no interest in Agudah, and why he is personally uncomfortable coming to join the Fressers. He feels it was a revolution bemeizid that the Litvaks pushed out the heimishe. He warns if the Agudah does not immediately do kiruv & expand the Moetzes with heimishe Hadras Punims, gantz Klal Yisroel will lose the brewing battle against yeshivos. Pro-Fresser Twerski seemed confused when he said Bobov is one of the excluded Chassidussen. As a Bobover himself he knows that Bobov always refused to join Agudah.

Zweibel got up & tried to make a dishonest joke that Twerski's rant is proof that we don't heavily censor speakers as we are always accused of. Cut it out Chaim Dovid, as it's obvious that Twerski pulled a fast one on you.

Twerpski said...

UOJ calls Twerski the Tort Putz


Agudah Fresser Papal infallibility Complex said...

Vus zugt Pro-Fresser Twerski?

The last time he gave a major speech was at the circus for Torah Temimah parents where Margulies paid Twerski & Ohel's David Mandel to convince everyone that, in Twerski's words, Kolko could not possibly be a molester benefitting from a protection racket, because Ich ken Margulies who is "an honorable man". This is the same Twerski who was supposed to sit on the Agudah beis din to posken on the Kolko cover up - a beis din which never convened because Margulies said he is ignoring the hazmonos until he is able to consult with Rav Elyashev. Margulies of course never bothered to approach Rav Elyashev.

Since at that time Twerski was Dean of Hofstra Law School, R' Feivy Mendlowitz wrote a letter to Hofstra President Stuart Rabinowitz with a media report of Twerski's "honorable man" outrage, protesting the breach of ethics & morals unbecoming of a law dean. The next thing you know, Twerski announces he is resigning from Hofstra with some mealy mouth excuses as to why.

The Av Beis Din by the way was the Philly rosh yeshiva who never issued a seruv against Margulies and stated against all the shitos in poskim that Kolko hott "mistomme getonn teshuvah", when Kolko had not asked any of his 100+ victims for mechila, denied he did anything & was still continuing to molest.

Hundt said...

UOJ a new amusing upteitch this morning that Twerski is classic "man bites dog"

basic facts said...

"Have you ever seen a Litvisher Gadol in the Eida Hachreidis?"
How about rav pinchas epstien, rav zelig reuven bengis, rav dovid soloveitchik, rav yisrael yaakov fisher, rav yaakov blau ztzdll, rav moshe sternbuch shlita ect...the edah represents an partisan ideological outlook, not a partisan religious one. indeed, the badatz stamp says "bes din tzedek lkol mkehilos Ashkenazim". there is even a small Sephardic branch of the edah...

Anonymous said...

Eidah Chareidis - Rav Shternbuch is not Chassidish. His mother is from the Vilna Gaon. Even though his father is a Romanisher, he was sent to learn in Litvisher yeshivos.

The Pappenheims & some others in the Edah are Yekkes.

Anonymous said...

Basic "Not" Facts
You are giving examples of a hundred years ago when they had no choice but to appoint Litvaks as the Chassidim were by in large amai ratzim.
there are no litvaks in the Eida Hachreidis for the last 50 years

basic facts said...

what does DIN mean by "litvishe godol"?. if he means a bend down hat litvack from bnei brak, you might be right. this is why the slobodka yeshiva moved to chevron there was major politics in the beginning because of their more "modern dress". rav zonnenfeld actually took litivshe eidems from chevron partly to show the edeh tzibbur the chevron yeshivas kashrus. the chazon ish started in the yishuv hachadash with the "olam hayeshivas". However, even rav zonnenfeld wasnt chassidish, he was ungarish/ashkenashize and a talmid of rav avrohom shag and the derech of the chasam sofer. the maharil diskin's son, rav yitzchok yeruchem was with rav zonnenfeld and he was litvishe (his wife wore a sheitel). the raaved rav moshe sterbuch, the regular yerushalmer yidden, the rav of the perushim rav turchin, the rav of zichron moshe rav epstien, neturei karta ohel sarah, torah vyirah, and yeshous yaakov, all litvishe nusach hagra or nusach ashkenaz

Anonymous said...

the yekkes and the edah like each other because Isaac breuer was anti Zionist

Anonymous said...

The leadership of the eida is litvish they just dress yerushalmi ie Rav Moshe Shternbach

Neturei Farta said...

What was R' Amram Blau?

Anonymous said...


Heavy discussion

Anonymous said...

The man is senile and should never have been allowed to speak at the convention.
When Gedolim or leaders age and the slightest sense of senility sets in, we must
keep them away from a public microphone.

basic facts said...

reb amram blau was ungarishce, his father was from pressburg. the other original head of nk was rav aharele katzenellebogen, a litvack and a descendent of rav chaim volozhener ztzl (as was rav zundel kroizer ztzl). in fact the hirsch faction of neturei karta (yeshuos yaakov) put out the famed "siddur vilna" with a dedication to rav katzenellebogen and their father, reb moshe hirsch (an original talmid of reb aharon kotler ztzl, who met with arafat s'r'i'), his son-in-law through marriage, and mentions this yichus. the original neturei karta had no chassidim. in fact the satmar rav ztzl (nishtachech derech habesht) was stoned by them when he said to vote in the municipal elections. in terms of yerushalmi chassidim, they actually liked rav kook ztzl. in rav gorens book (with might and strengh), he describes a shouting fight between rav kook and rav zonnenfeld at a mixed chassidic litvish wedding (both were given kibbudim); there is a famous photo of the yerushalmi chasidic yeshiva chayey olam being opened by rav kook and rav zonnenfeld. the chassidim did have a rav on the edeh, rav Moshe Nachum Wallenstein ztzl. Anyhow the point remains: the edeh haredis represents a partisian ideological outlook, not a partisian religous one.

Prof Ryesky said...

The AI began to lose its relevance when it decided to halt publication of the Jewish Observer.

Siddur Vilna said...

A Yekkishe talmid chochom who has interaction with the Brisker oylam was the one who outed Hirsch as producing the siddur as a money making gig. Many Briskers & Yekkes stopped using the siddur following the revealation. I am a Brisker and it pained me to stop using a siddur that I enjoyed but I could not continue holding on to the yotzei min hatumah.

Neturei Fart Ahhh said...

R' Amram Bloi is fetter of Moshe Tuvya Lieff

emes said...

lets all be honest...the main issue effecting klal yisrael is internet schmutz...the whole agudah convention and not one godol is fighting against this...rav elya ber is the manhig hador of america and he isnt an agudist...hes the only one fighting the internet, like rav shach against the moshiach sheker when everyone else ignored the problem ...if the satmar rov was alive today hed be fighting the internet, not tzionus, or any other random crisis that a chassidus or the agudah pushes...

Dusiznies said...

Sorry, but I'll let you into a secret...Shhh Shhh!
I hope no one is listening in.
But the internet is here to stay .... deal with it.
Even Satmar is on the internet, Der Yid and Der Blatt are all on the internet, officially.
Even the Neturei Karta is on the internet.
Yes there is shmutz on the internet, but "shmutz" went on during the times of the Noda Be'Yehuda too, just open the Shaalos Utshuvois.
I don't have a solution to the problems with the internet but banning it would be a joke.
It's not only Frum Jews that are trying to find a solution, but even goyim are also looking for ways to deal with it.