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Friday, December 2, 2022

“Jail Is Hard For Them:” Judge Releases Arabs Who Tried Lynching Chareidi Family


Earlier this week, Supreme Court Judge Yitzchak Amit rejected the appeal filed by the prosecutor’s office against the decision of a Jerusalem District judge to release to house arrest three Arabs who attempted to lynch a Chareidi family in Beit Chanina on Chol Hamoed Sukkos.

In the course of the attempted lynch, the mother was injured by shattered glass, the three small children were covered in glass, and the entire family suffered severe emotional trauma. As the family was on the way to their home in Neve Yaakov, dozens of Arab rioters blocking the road began throwing rocks at their car, smashed the car’s windows, and even tried to open the car’s doors. When a stone hit the window next to the mother, an Arab approached and smashed the window completely, and his friend stuck his hand in the car and tried to punch her head.

A large stone thrown at the baby’s car seat hit the seat but miraculously landed between his legs.

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Frankie Jr. said...

Don Corleone badly needed here for some justice.

frum but normal; said...

These filthy leftist TREASONOUS self hating and terrorist loving so called judges, are a thousand times a bigger danger than all the terrorist's combined.
These filthy RABIES INFECTED SEWER RATS, should be hunted down and dealt with exactly as you would a rabies infected animal