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Friday, December 9, 2022

Bobover 48 Rebbe Arrives at Kotel.. Police trying to prevent another Meron but the Bobover Chassidim will have none of that


מכות בין חסידי באבוב למשטרה בכותל


Low Klass said...


This story is like a sitcom.

Julia Faart stiffed her lawyer out of big bucks & has jumped to new lawyer Nancy Shemtob, a Reform SY.

The stiffed lawyer Adria Hillman tantz bei alleh chassunos. She used to represent a husband who said his wife isn't frum enough to raise the kids.

To sue Faart, she hired Richard Klass, nephew of Sholom Klass of Low Klass Jewish Press infamy. "Little Richard" is a member of KJ by Haskel the Rascal Lookstein. He used to be taunted relentlessly on UOJ as the grossly obese ferd who protects molester clients. Lately it looks like he's seen some major gastric bypass action.

Anonymous said...

All the beatings from the vicious Israeli cops for the nxt century will make sense because of a tragedy? Besides the point that it is crystal clear who was at fault in meRon