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Monday, January 27, 2020

Auschwitz depicted in color for first time in new chilling documentary

It's a story about the rise of fascism through the eyes of children,' creator David Shulman tells i24NEWS

A new documentary, “Auschwitz Untold: In Color,” takes viewers for a chilling new look at the largest Nazi extermination camp, where over a million Jews would eventually meet their deaths.
Before the film makes its world-wide debut this week, beginning Sunday on the British More4 television channel, i24NEWS caught the director, David Shulman, for an interview.
On the decision to colorize the footage, Shulman admits he was initially concerned. “I think it’s a subject that few, if any, dared to approach with the idea of colorization,” he said.
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“I thought it could be regarded as quite crass, but I made my suggestions of the things I wanted to focus on. When you look at the film as a whole, and it’s a feature length documentary, there's a lot more story being told than just about the camps,” Shulman told i24NEWS.
“It's a story about the rise of fascism and the rise of fascism through the eyes of mostly children who are the survivors today, so it’s not just wall to wall colorized footage of Auschwitz,” he added.
Of the footage used, Shulman says he had film documentation from Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Bergen and Belsen, among others, that mostly came “from the period of liberation and that period immediately around the liberation.”
But a rare source of material derived from “a very unique album generally called the Auschwitz album” is where Shulman found the most compelling documentation.  
“It was an album of 193 photographs that were discovered by chance by a Holocaust survivor after she was liberated. This album is the only known record to exist of images from inside a Nazi extermination camp"

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