Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Satmar Distributes Video of Satmar Girls in Yerushalyim Dancing .... What about Tzneeois??

They do what's good for them ......
They yell tzneeois.... they refuse to photograph women ...

Yet the video above clearly came from the Satmar staff!
The lady in black in the middle is the Satmar Rebbitzin !


Candid Marmorosher said...

A rich macher in Satmar was once cavorting at an upper crust goyishe Manhattan party alongside scantily clad shiksas holding martinis. He didn't know that socialite websites send photogs to upload pictures from such parties. Einer from inzerra recognized him & pasted the picture to his heimishe blog. Wow did the macher start shvitzing bullets! He found out who owns the blog and called the guy desperate to have the picture removed before the kanoyim see it. He alternated between veiled threats, every ounce of his koyach persuasion, and hints of being willing to pay. The blogger had Rachmunnes on him so he took it down without taking any gelt.

Anonymous said...

Come on, little girls? Their little boys won't see this. And their pedophiles get unlimited access.

This is actually very smart public relations, how kids are properly nourished. We need more of this attitude and stop this downward spiral of stupidity.

Joe Magdeburger said...

Are Satmar really all one "they?" I temember before the chumra of the month club was founded and the "finfte shulchan aruch" held more sway. Gangsterlike to use piety to cover their tracks. This should not fool us about their real aims ir sour us to real frumkeit.This video looks like it was filmed in a saner age, or like it was intended to be circulated among females only