Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Off-The-Derech Youths Causing Damage During Shabbos...... Who did they it Learn it from?

A Bunch of "OTD" kids in Bnei Brak watching from the sidelines how their counterparts, the"frum" yeshivah guys act ...decided to give a little back to the community ........

For years now, they are watching how "Torah Learning Yeshivah Bochrim" with help of Kollel Guys .....
turn over garbage bins, stop traffic, ...cause innocent people on buses and cars to sit in traffic for hours ....and cause untold damage ... in the name of "Daas Torah" .....

And they are thinking to themselves ....
 "Why not us?' "We also need a little attention!"

So they decided to try to do the same things in the communities of Bnei Brak that ignored them while they were growing up ..
except for one difference ....

they did it on shabbos ....

Of course, in Meah Shearim, the residents  have a special heter to throw rocks and over throw garbage bins on Shabbos ....
and in Bet Shemesh Bet, they have a special heter to take out the glass bottles from the re-cycling bins and throw them on the roadways on shabbos..

But in Bnei-Brak????

So now the Bnei-Brak Rabbanim that called for protests to stop the   Chillul Shabbos in Tel Aviv will have to deal with their own "Chillul Shabbos" in their very own backyards from their own children ....

G-D sure has a sense of humor!

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1 comment:

Joe Magdeburger said...

After the Holocaust, and with so many Amelekim who want to finish the job, kt should be unthinkable to discard a Jewish child. Period.