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R' Katz and R,Meisels in Better Times |
So here is the story as I know it ....
For many years the Rav of the Ahroinie Shul in Bnei Brak was Rabbi Eliyahu Katz ..... He also served as the "Head"of the Yeshivah...
Notice I wrote "Head"
When he died it was natural to appoint his son R' Avraham Shlomo Katz as the Rav....
R' Aron Teitelbaum, Satmar Rebbe of Monroe threw a wrench into the mix and appointed his nephew R' Chaim Tzvi Meisels as Rosh Yeshivah of the Satmar Yeshivah of Bnei Brak .... in effect taking away one of jobs of R' Katz...
The problem.....
In Satmar circles there is no such thing as "Rosh Yeshivah"
"Rosh Yeshivah" is a term used primarily in the Litvishe circles, where practically everyone that wears a long frock with two buttons in the back is a Rosh Yeshivah....
You can find even 10 Roshei Yeshivah in any given Litvishe Yeshivah ... in fact in some Litvishe Yeshivois even a third grade Rebbe is called a Rosh Yeshiva.....
Finally the devoted talmidim of Rav Meisels had enough with this phony Litvishe "Rosh Yeshivah" business and took out a page from the Satmar "alter heim" pagebook and started to beat the crap out of the R' Katz followers and even physically threw out R' Katz from the Satmar Bais Medrish on one occasion ....(there are videos of this)...
The Satmar Rebbe from Monroe tried stopping the family feud, trying his best to avoid a civil war in his own camp .... and he actually managed to quiet things down for awhile....
Well last night on the holy night of "Zos Chanukah" while the fires of the menorah were flickering towards the heavens, down here on earth, the Meisel Camp in the spirit of Chanukah took up his fight like the Chashmonoim and a fist fight erupted and of course they called the Zionists to break it up!...
The Katz Camp called this a"pogrom" ...see the poster below...
Meanwhile in the Yeshivah this morning, R' Meisels according to the Kikar Shabbos Blog, begged his "Maccabees" not to use physical force to fight on his behalf ...
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