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Sunday, January 6, 2019

19 Year Old Ben Zion Brandwein Completes Shas & Commentaries Gets a Bottle of Wine From The Boyaner Rebbe


Wow!! That will surely encourage others....

I'm not saying that he studied Shas for a reward .... but come on.....

Anyway, Great accomplishment! 

A 19-year-old boy, Ben Zion Brandwein, student of the Bayan Yeshiva in Modi'in Illit, studied Shas and all its commentators by heart, and at the end of the Talmud, he was examined by the Admor of Boyan  who gave him a bottle of wine! 

As a child, Ben Zion,  studied in the Talmud Torah from Kanovka Belz and was a tremendous masmid. Presently, he studies at the Bayan Yeshiva in Modi'in Illit.

Despite his youth, he was able to finish the entire Talmud - , with commentators by heart.
Ben Zion Brandwein lives in Bnei Brak, and his father serves as a bookshop manager in the city.
When the Admor of Bayan heard that the outstanding young man knew the entire Talmud, he tested him asking him questions  from several places in Shas, then blessing him and giving him a bottle of wine in appreciation.
The graduation ceremony of the outstanding 19-year-old boy will take place at the Bayan Yeshiva in Modi'in Illit, with the participation of the yeshiva rabbis and accompanied by an orchestra and a Seudat Mitzvah.


mmz said...

Ok, know it all, what do you think is the appropriate gift to give a Χ—Χ‘Χ™Χ“

Abe said...

I doubt that anyone normal could recite from memory all of Shas AND all the commentaries> Do you even realize how improbable that sounds? I dunno…. maybe this kid has high aspergers functionality>Even so so, only if this person is independently tested, would I believe this tale.

This is how all these miracle worker Rabbis tall tales get started.

mmz said...

I'm not sure what all commentaries refer to, but my brother was able to accomplish getting tested on shas, rashi and tosfis at age 20

Abe said...


What does “getting tested on Shas” mean? Was he able to recite ALL of Shas AND ALL of Rash and Tosfos by heart?

mmz said...

Not verbatim. Like any subject you test on, you're supposed to know what the material well, not just to recite it mindlessly.