Sunday, January 20, 2019

Day Yoimie Snippets ... Chullin 47, 48, 49,50,51, 52, & 53

Hey ladies ... here is an opportunity to test your husbands and see if he really goes to the daf....

This is a good opportunity for the entire family to share thoughts on the daf ... so that the family feels united by discussing what the head of the house is studying.  
I try to break it down so that everyone can understand it .... however this particular tractate is difficult ... so I'm trying my best...
You can copy and print this without my consent, since Torah belongs to all of us..... 

See  previous Daf Yoimie Snippets 

This week's "Daf Yoimie Snippets Sponsored For the Refuah Shliemah of צארטל בת אסתר מלכה 

"דף מ''ז "נתן הבבלי       
Page 47  Mesectas Chullin  
"Nathan Ha'Bavli" 
The Talmud on this daf relates a story about Rebbe Nathan the Babylonian. 

A lady unfortunately had two previous newborn children that died as a result of the bris that was performed on them.
She now had a third child and was concerned that this child would die as well.

Concerned, she brought the child to Rav Nathan prior to the bris and asked for guidance on what to do.
Rav Nathan observed the child and noticed that the baby had a reddish color.
Rav Nathan advised her to wait until the reddish color would subside and then have the bris performed.
The lady took R' Nathan's advise; the baby survived and the mother named the baby "Nathan Ha'Bavli" 

Who was this Nathan Ha'Bavli?
R' Nathan was the Rosh Bais Din in the town of Usha in the Galil. It was in Usha that Judaism was restored after the destruction of the second Bais Ha'mikdash.

R' Nathan was the son of the "Rosh Ha'Goleh" the "leader of the Jewish people in Galut".... 
 R' Nathan made Aliyah to assist Reb Shimon ben Gamliel who the Nasi there. 

Press "read more" immediately below to continue to the rest of the dafim!

"דף מ''ח "בדיקת הראה       
Page 48  Mesectas Chullin  
"Inspecting the Lung " 
The halacha is pretty straightforward ... if one finds a hole in the lung of a slaughtered animal, it is considered "treifa"

The lung is structured like a balloon. The animal inhales air into the lungs and then exhales the air outside.

What is the halacha if one slaughters a cow and then while inspecting the lungs and blowing into it he hears a hissing sound, is that an indication that the lung was punctured?

The solution to this dilemma is simple we place a bit of water on top of  the suspected hole and if we observe that the water is moving ... that is a positive sign that there is a hole in the lung and the cow is considered "treifa."

If we are not successful in isolating the suspected place where the air is escaping, we place the entire lung in lukewarm water (just like when we inspect a flat tire) and we watch to see if there are bubbles forming ... if we find bubbles then we have a hole, if we don't see bubbles we can be sure that there aren't any holes in the lung and the animal is considered kosher.

"דף מ''ט "שתיה ממים שהיו מגולים        
Page 49  Mesectas Chullin  
"Drinking Water That Was Left Exposed " 
Our rabbis decreed we are prohibited to drink from water that was left exposed, because we are concerned that a snake drank from this water and poisoned it.

The rabbis prohibited exposed water even if someone did drink from it and survived... it is still prohibited because we are concerned that perhaps the snake inserted the venom on the bottom of the vessel ... the previous guy who survived must have drank from the surface.

The Shulchan Aruch rules that in today's day and age where snakes are not common ... one may drink from exposed water.

On this daf the Talmud states that there are 5 different fluids that even if they are left uncovered and exposed are not included in the ban of "exposed water."
Fish Brine, Vinegar, Oil, Honey & Fish fat.
It seems snakes don't like those fluids.

"דף נ' "דיני אבלות        
Page 50  Mesectas Chullin  
"Laws of Mourners" 
 Reuvein returns from a long period of time from let's say the army, and on his return he is informed that his father died and his brothers and sisters are sitting shivah for 2 days already. 
When does Reuvein start his count of the shivah?
Can he join his siblings and conclude the shiva with them, saving himself 2 days? 
Or does he begin the count as soon as he finds out about the tragedy, and is therefore required to sit a full 7 days?

The Mishna says ..."it depends" when he returned and from where he returned.

So if he returned within 3 days of the burial and he was originally not far from the shiva house, then he joins in the count of his siblings and thereby saves a couple of days ...

But if if he came within 3 days burial, but ...he came from a distant place ... for example he took an airplane ...then he counts 7 full days....
If he returned after 3 days of burial even if he was in a place around the corner ... he counts a full 7 days.

In our case, Reuvein did return within the 3 day limit, however, he came from a distant place, so he would have to sit 7 full days.

"דף נ''א "בית הכוסות        
Page 51  Mesectas Chullin  
"The Reticulum" 
When sheep and cattle eat in an uncontrolled area, they can often consume feed that has metal, nails or screws mixed in. 
When those foreign objects travel to the animal's intestines, the body separates them from the edible food, and the foreign objects get deposited in their small stomach the one close to the diaphragm which is referred to in our daf as the בית הכוסות known as "The Reticulum."

If upon examination of a slaughtered animal, we find a needle, or any foreign object that penetrated the walls of the reticulum and it made a hole, the animal is rendered treifa.

"דף נ''ב "בעלי חיים דורסים        
Page 52  Mesectas Chullin  
"Animals Claw"
An animal that suffered being "clawed" by a predator, is rendered treifa,
דרוסה "clawing" is one "treifas" that were brought to us by Moshe at Sinai.. הלכה למשה מסיני !

"Clawing" is when an animal, a predator stabs its prey with its nails.

How about if a small animal stabs with its nails a large animal, does that make the large animal a דרוסה? Clawed?
The answer is surprisingly "NO"!
However the Shulchan Aruch says that there are levels on this particular issue, in cases when a smaller animal "claws" a larger animal.

For example
A Lion will render every animal it "clawed" a דרוסה even if the victim or prey was larger.

A wolf that clawed cattle, has not made the animal a דרוסה, even if the animal was just a small calf. 
However, if it "clawed" sheep, the sheep are rendered דרוסה! And that's even if the sheep was larger than the wolf.

A cat, mole, weasel or rat do not make large sheep דרוסה
However if they clawed  goats or birds they are rendered treifa!

"דף נ'ג "ספק דרוסה        
Page 53  Mesectas Chullin  
"When We Are Unsure If The Animal Suffered being Clawed"
Reuvein woke in middle of the night and noticed in the animal pen a lion running rampant amongst his frightened bulls ...
Reuvein managed to chase the lion away but as he was stroking the back of one of the bulls his finger got caught in something on the back of the bull, and as he pulled on it, he noticed that it was one of the lions nails.

In a case like this, the bull is now considered a ספק דרוסה, a "questionable clawing," because we are concerned that perhaps the lion stabbed the back of the bull with his paws.
And until we can ascertain that this animal wasn't in fact "clawed" the bull is considered a דרוסה

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