Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Day Yoimie Snippets ... Menachois Pages 100,101, 102,103,104, 105 & 106

You can copy and print this without my consent, since Torah belongs to all of us..... 

"דף ק .."ברקאי  
Page 100 Mesectas Menachois  

In the days when the Temple stood, the Kohanim would offer the "korban tamid," before any other sacrifices were offered.  

Towards the end of each night, the supervisor of the Kohanim would appoint a Kohein to stand at the highest area of the Temple to gaze towards the east to watch when exactly the  sun rose.
As soon as the appointed "watcher" would notice sunrise he would shout out "barkai" .... meaning the sun rose.

There are rabbis who are of the opinion that the Kohanim would wait a bit more till sunrise was more prominent.

The reason they would appoint someone to watch and announce the sunrise, was because of a story that actually happened.
It happened that the Kohanim once saw the moon on the east and thought that it was the sun rising, and they went ahead and sacrificed the "korban tamid" while it was still night, which invalidated the sacrifice. 
They were then forced to burn it since the Halacha is that there cannot be any sacrifices offered at night.
They therefore appointed someone who would be able to distinguish when the sun actually rose.

Press "read more" immediately below to continue to the rest of the dafim!

"דף ק''א .."לשכת העצים  
Page 101 Mesectas Menachois  
"The Office of the Wood" 

In the Temple they had a designated office called 
"לשכת העצים'' .  
That was where the Kohanim inspected the wood logs that were placed on the alter, to see if they were infested with worms. 
Logs of wood that had worms couldn't be placed on the alter because it was considered blemished, and even Kohanim themselves that had a blemish couldn't serve in the Temple.

"דף ק''ב .."קרבן אשם תלוי  
Page 102 Mesectas Menachois  
"Asham Talui " 

The Halacha is that if a person isn't sure whether he sinned, for example, he did something that was prohibited on Shabbas, and isn't sure if it was still Shabbas when he did it, he is required to bring what is called an "asham talui" a "hanging asham," meaning a sacrifice that "isn't certain." He isn't certain that he sinned.

The Talmud discusses a case where a person wasn't sure that he sinned and designated an animal for his "Korban Asham Talui, and then he subsequently found out definitively that he didn't commit a sin, what then do we do with the designated animal?"

There is a dispute amongst the rabbis what to do with this animal.

R' Meir is of the opinion, that the animal goes back to its original status as just a plain animal with no sanctity attached since it is now clear that he was never required to bring a sacrifice.

The rabbis are of the opinion that once an animal is designated to be a sacrifice it contains some degree of sanctity and therefore we let it graze until it develops a blemish, making it unfit to be a korban, it is then sold and with those funds we buy an animal that will be used as a "korban nedava" a "donated sacrifice."

The rabbis reason that there could be a possibility that when this person designated the animal to be offered, thinking that he sinned, it could be, that he thought that even if he subsequently found out that he didn't sin, he would want that korban to remain a korban!

"דף ק''ג .."רבי יהודה בר אלעי  
Page 103 Mesectas Menachois  
"Rebbe Yehuda son of Elai " 

Throughout the entire talmud, when we find a final Halachic psak, the talmud writes:
''פתח רבי יהודה בר אלעי'' ..... 
"Rebbe Yehuda son of Elai opens the discussion."

Who was Rebbe Yehuda and why was he nicknamed 
''ראש המדברים בכל מקום''...."Chief spokesman in every matter?"

Rebbe Yehuda was a primary student of Rebbe Akivah..... 

Throughout the Mishna, he is only known as "Rebbe Yehuda" without his father's name mentioned.
In the Mishnah alone there are over 600 Halachois brought down in his name.

Rebbe Yehuda was born in Usha.
 He once gathered all the rabbis in the Galilee to his town and established and instituted what was called and famously known as the  ''תקנות אושא''...... "Edicts of Usha." 

The Talmud in Tractate Bava Kammah relates that wherever it says in the talmud 
''מעשה בחסיד אחד'' ...... "The story that happened with a certain chasid" 
it is refers to Rebbe Yehuda son of Elai.

The reason he was nicknamed 
"ראש המדברים בכל מקום"
is because the King commanded that he always speak first!

"דף ק''ד .."הקרבן שה' אוהב  
Page 104 Mesectas Menachois  
"The Sacrifice That Hashem Loves "

Chazal say that Hashem especially loves the sacrifice that poor people offer, because they have to make a special effort to bring it, because they do not have the financial capability to buy an animal.

Reb Yitzchok asks:
Why is it that when the Torah speaks about the korban mincha, the Torah states:
''ונפש כי תקריב קרבן מנחה'' ....
"and if a soul offers a mincha sacrifice"
and by the other mentioned sacrifices the Torah doesn't write the word .... "נפש" .... a soul?

Reb Yitzchok answers that Hashem says ...
"the reason a poor person brings a mincha offering is because he lacks funds to buy an animal, he therefore brings a mincha made out of flour, I will consider that as if he sacrificed his very own soul, because of his efforts!"

"דף ק''ה .."מנחה מיוחדת  
Page 105 Mesectas Menachois  
"The Special Mincha "

One of the 5 different types of Minchas was called ''מנחה מיוחדת''
"The special mincha."
What was this "special mincha" and why it was it called "special?"

The mincha that was made from fine flour was called the "special mincha."
Because all the other type of minchas are referred by the Torah as "the mincha of the flat griddle"
"the deep-fried mincha," or "the oven-baked mincha"

The mincha of fine flour, however, had no modifying name for the pasuk simply calls it a "mincha" 

"דף ק''ו .."קרבן עצים   
Page 106 Mesectas Menachois  
"The Wood Sacrifice"

Rebbe is of the opinion that if someone takes a vow and says that "I obligate myself to bring a wood sacrifice" that he is now required to bring wood to the Temple and it is offered on the alter as if it was an animal sacrifice.
The Kohanim must now grind the wood, sprinkle salt on it and offer it on the alter.

Normally the wood serves as the fuel for the sacrifices offered on the alter but in this case the wood itself is the sacrifice! 

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