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Rav Teichtal z"l author of "Eim Habanim Semeicha" |
But if you read the Four Page bio in the Yated, you would never know the reason Rav Teichtal wrote the sefer Eim Habanim Semeichah, and what was in it.
The article goes into depth explaining his other seforim, but couldn't find space to mention his most important work.
The Yated is afraid of the fanatical Israel haters, and would not
G-D forbid write what Rav Teichtal really wanted publicized.
Eim Habonim Semeicha was written while hiding from the Nazis. And in this sefer he castigates the Gedoilim for opposing the rebuilding of Eretz Yisroel!
He writes:(The Rav wrote the sefer in Loshon Hakoidesh, this is an English Translation by R' Moshe Lichtman)
"Had the Orthodox Jews joined those who were engaged in this sacred endeavor sixty, fifty, or forty years ago, and had they inspired all of Israel to do the same, we would have found abundant relief in the Land. Thousands upon thousands would have settled there and would have been rescued from death. The Orthodox would have, thus, fulfilled the verse in Mishlei 24:11"To rescue those being taken out to be put to death."
He continues:
"However, they opposed this undertaking.
Not only did they oppose it, but they caused the simple, Orthodox Jews to despise the rebuilding of the Land so much that if one of them begins to speak or get enthused about it, they consider him repulsive and abominable. They all rebuke him, saying, "You are a Zionist, an abhorrence, and an abomination." Thus, they have truly caused the desirable Land to be despised and detested.
The simple man who does not know enough Torah to decide whether this is true or not, chastises those who desire to rebuild the Land.
He says, "You are a sinner and a Zionist," for he wants to be considered devout and pious. In this way, he defames both himself and our Holy Land. In reality, though, he is just a simpleton, someone who does not know how to ask. He cannot distinguish between his right and left. "
He Continues:
"Out Master, Maharam Chagiz, discusses the great punishment that awaits those who slander the inhabitants of Eretz Yisrael"
Hashem decreed that just as all the men who have seen My glory (Bamidbar 14:22) meaning, the generations of the spies.... willl not see the Land, the same is true of future generations.
Anyone who spreads an evil report about the Land will be stricken and will receive the punishment of the spies. This is the meaning of the next pasuk "And all who provoke Me shall not see it."
The divine Kabbalist R' Avraham Azulai (the grandfather of our master, the Chida) writes in his Holy work, Chesed L'Avraham
(Maayan 3, Nahar 12):
Anyone who lives in Eretz Yisrael is considered a tzaddik even though it does not seem that way, and even though he is presumed to be wicked."
He later writes:
"I must confess the truth and declare my sin, I, too, despised the rebuilding of the Land, because I heard unqualified statements made by many Orthodox Jews , which became firmly implanted in my heart. I did not concern myself with this matter at all, because I was preoccupied with learning, teaching, and writing volumes on the Talmud and its commentaries, as well as responses to questions regarding the word of Hashem. I only delved into this halacha after we suffered afflictions in this bitter exile. Hashem enlightened me, and I saw that I and all this who opposed this movement were mistaken. I admit and say, "That which I previously told you was mistaken." just like Rava and other Talmudic Sages did. When Rabbis admit their mistakes, they are praiseworthy."
"Thank G-D, I have no qualms about publicly expressing the truth that is in my heart. I am not afraid of any man, for I studied under great and righteous Gedoilim and was raised among the genuinely holy wise men of the generation. ...."
I will write excerpts from his sefer in coming posts
Rav Teichtal's H"Y"D, sefer has been translated by R' Moshe Lichtman who did an excellent translation.
This sefer both in Hebrew and English is a must read. He refers many times to Rav Kalisher's sefer Drishes Tziyon. Both these seforim are hard to get here in the States because the ignorant Malaga soaked robots refuse to distribute them. What a disgrace... The average Judaica store doesn't have them.
You can can get Eim Habonim Semeicha at Lambda Books in Crown Heights Brooklyn. (718) 972-5449 , if he still has stock... I have no connection to this distributor , just in case somebody thinks I'm shilling for them.
The Drishas Tziyon is published by Mosad Harav Kook in Jerusalem...
The Yated, just like Artscroll(,which I originally liked and thought was a good idea), into shameless liars.
When you omit, you lie... Artscroll is publishing a Chumash WITHOUT the Rashbam, a rishon, a grandson of Rashi, because something that he wrote doesn't appeal to Artscroll's talmidei chachamim.
Supoosedly, the authenticity of this Rashbam is in question... In that case, print a footnote and explain, don't censor... You have NO right to censor... Did you know that the entire Rashi on Taanis is , according to many scholars, a pseudo Rashi ?? Who know how many other Rashis are not authentic... !! Of course, when it comes to us zhlubbs, we're told that we're too stupid and we don't understand a given rav's or rishon's opinion... We're too dense, but these arrogant elite say no such thing to themselves... Oh, they understand everything and this Rashbam makes no sense, so take it out... I DO believe they photo-shopped Mrs. Chafetz Chaim out of a photo in the bio...
Imagine.... These guys set themselves up a the moral rulers of our generation....I believe that Artscroll is a dangerous organization by the way they manipulate their translations even in Chimah & gemorrah... They pick and choose according to their arrogant agenda.. Certainly a history or bio by them should be thrown into the nearest garbage. If no other company , for financial reasons. is able to compete with them, then our children will be stuck with only Artscroll, thinking this is genuine Toras Moshe... and so will thousands of others who are learning about Yiddishkeit... We need more tranlators before Artscroll becomes the only source of Torah..
But don't let this little irritation stop you Maximillian & Helena Silversteins, Otto & Letitia Goldbergs, Henry & Laura Kestenbaums from donating gazillions to this super rich outfit in memory of your babitch'ke....
Did someone say Almeh D' Shikreh ????
Derby- what you say about the Rashbam is wrong. The Rashbam on Breishis through Lech Lecha was not in the early chumashim. It wasn't discovered and then published until the 19th century. Also, the Rashbam in posuk 14 contradicts this rashbam that Artscroll didn't include. For these two reasons combined they didnt include. It is not a new thing, none of the old Mikraos Gedolos had this rashbam.
#1 I have an old Mikraos gedolos, and it DOES have it there
#2 The Rashbam contradicting another Rashbam means absolutely nothing....
there are hundreds of Rashis' that contradict each other, and the Ramban seems to find an answer
there are many Mishnas that contradict each other, that's why we have those discussions in the Gemarrah
There are thousands of Gemarras that contradict each other that's why we have Rashi and Tosfos
There are hundreds of Tosfos that contradict each other, that's why we have the Marsha etc..
The Rambam contradicts himself hundreds of times...see the Raavad and the Ohr Somaich
What are you babbling about?
Who appointed Artscroll to tell us what to learn?
And maybe, just maybe the Rashbam that the Artscroll did print is the false one, and the one that they omitted is the one that the Rashbam actually wrote?
Maybe just maybe he wrote both!
I heard this argument before.You may be right. However, the Rambam himself contradicts himself in some places, as does Rashi, as do other meforshim. Is Artscroll the 2015 version of the Bach ??? Sherman & co. took it upon themselves to delete on their own. Can they prove that this Rashbam is pseudo??? If yes, then let's see the proofs. Though Rashi, for example, spent time in Germany, doesn't give the publishers the right to include German words in many of his perushim either. These weren't included in older manuscripts, as far as I know.
When you say 'discovered' , I wonder what that means. Just as the Meiri wasn't 'discovered' till many years later.
The only thing you know for sure, is that the 5 Chumashim are accurate.. The gemorrah itself has different girses, because we know that many meforshim, Rashi included, has girses that don't appear in our "Artscroll" or any other gemorrahs. Now that Artscroll set a precedent, we'll see deletions and additions by the big" talmidei chachomoim" as they see fit. A new meshugahs.... Additions & deletions by the scholars....
Maybe it doesn't bother you, but Artscroll already has a history of distortions especially in their bios.... Sherman himself himself said that he wants to portray rabbonim in hagiographic terms and not write about some of their weaknesses... In other words, they were malachei Elokim... BS.... It doesn't detract one iota from their greatmess and Tzidkus if they had human failings.... We need HUMAN role models, not malochim...
The Torah itself writes about the weaknesses of our great & holy ancestors... Every one of them.... But Sherman & Co. are gonna lie and distort..
Sorry, I ain't buying it..
There are hundreds of Rashis' that wern't discovered until the 19th century..."Rasi Yoshon"
The Meerie wasn't discovered until recently actually!
In addition... Who gave Sherman & Co. to delete EVEN if there's a girse problem? Who ARE they ?????
As I wrote earlier, we, the zhlubbs and shmegs... we the amei haratzim, if we have a question or problem with a girseh, we'll told to shut up because we don't have the seichel nor yerei Shomayim to change anything... Fine, I accept that... But Sherman & Co. won't say that to themselves... They won't say.." We don't understand this contradiction.."
We'll just delete... !!
And you're ok with that??? They need to fast 40 days and go to the mikvah 3x a day before these guys dare to alter even ONE letter by a Rashbam or anybody else... What Chutzpah...!!!
Rashi in Sanhedrin brings down a Gemarrah that says the Beruria the wife of R' Meir, committed suicide, but you won't find that Gemarrah anywhere.
I'm sure that R'Shermans ancestor was a also a censor guy, a Holier than thou guy, and mustv'e taken that gemarrah out!
I heard that Chassidim and the farfrumta Litvishe meshigaim are contemplating taking out the story of Yehuda and Tamar and Yosef and Potifere's wife, from the Torah!
How about the Story of Dovid Hamelech and Bas Sheva? Why is that still in Tanach..?
Actually, a man told me that the very frum girls yeshiva where his daughter attends, the Yehuda/ Tamar, Dovid/ Batsheba and other such incidents aren't taught on purpose....They just didn't happen..
This is where it's going.... Who ARE these arrogant control freaks who decide for the average shlimiel what he can learn and what he can't...
What was this that a poster a while back wrote that a certain Rosh Yeshiva in Baltimore (?) didn't allow the Abrabanel in his yeshiva???
Personally, if anybody censors anything, I'll make it my business to buy it....
Artscroll's omission is the contemporary version of Rambam's book burnings....
Back to the Abarbanel for a sec..
When I objected to this poster's story about the Rosh Yeshiva's censorship, he wrote that this RY was a big anav and who was I to complain...
If he sees this, I'd ask him what his definition of anivas is...
Did it ever occur to this RY that maybe HE didn't understand the Abarbanel ???
It's only us doofuses, shmegs and 9-5 pipicks who don't understand and can't question.. Unbelievable...!
Same for the Ralbag, by the way... There are many who want to censor him too...
L'chol ( Levi Mechel Pinchas) Hapoochis
I know people that won't learn the Torah Temimia, because he was a bachelor..
There are many that say that the Malbim should not be learned saying that he was a "letz"
I'm telling you guys... i'ts a sick world out there..
But I will start a series of posts from the Sefer Eim Habonim Semeicah...
since the Yated censored it.
People will see how a Rosh Bais Din who was originally anti_Israel, and close to the Rabid fanatical Minchas Eluzer, turned around and wrote that those Rabbonim that were anti_State were Baalei Loshon Harah and are "usid din v'Chesbon"
DIN you are dead wrong on this! The Yated features a large picture of the sha'ar blatt of the sefer Eim Habanim Semeicha and write in the caption that R' Teichtel wrote it while hiding from the Nazis. What do you want??!
It's on pg. 54
I am holding it in my hands... there is a photo of the cover and that he wrote it hiding from the nazis!
You write: What do you want??!
What I wanted was for them to write what was IN his most provocative, important and pertinent work!
If you read the entire Bio, you wouldn't know anything about it!
They ignored it .... I know because I spoke to Pinny about it.. he is afraid that they will boycott his rag!
re read my Headline...
The Yated omitted his "pro-Israel Stance"
Which is what R' Teichtal wanted to be publicly known ,,,, he wanted people to know that he changed his mind and wanted others to see the truth..
but the cowardly Yated refrained from writing what was the most important work of the Rav.Shame on them!
I hear your point but you wrote in the post: "you would never have known that R' Teichtel wrote the sefer Eim Habanim Semeicha" and that is an utterly false accusation!
Writing that he wrote Eim Habanim means absolutely nothing if you are not going to write what the sefer was all about..
reading the BIO, one would never really know the essence of Rav Teichtal..
And it is NOT A FALSE accusation.. the Yated wrote a 4 page bio and omitted everything about the sefer on purpose to be politically correct...
Nowhere in that 4 page article is it indicated anywhere what the Rav's real stance was on Israel...
Rav Teicthtal wrote this sefer because he wanted it publicized....
to write a 4 page bio and to leave out the most important fact is not only ingenue but disgusting ...
to just put a photo of the cover and not write what's in it is misleading, I stand by every word I wrote...
pinny Lip-shitz should be ashamed of himself!
In the 20's thousands of polish jews wanted to come but weitzman שר׳י wouldn't allow it... They perished...
2) rav teichtal held of the 3 oaths for halacha... No wars... As a later commenter showed...
What do you mean "but witzman wouldn't allow it? What kind of crazy comment is that?
what power did weitzman have in the 20's? there was no state!
So Rav Teichta held of the 3 oaths ... so what? the 3 oaths were made null and void by the nations that murdered 6 million Jews!
And Rav Teictal himself wrote that the Gedoilim are going to have to give "Din V'cheshbom" for advising Jews to stay in Europe.... so how does that reconcile with him holding the 3 oaths?
In recently releaced british documents the british gave thousands of cirtifacates of entry to weitzman to distribute... His zionest freinds didn't want them so he destroyed them ( explained in utube video by rav yosef tzvi ben porat called zionism(?)... Perhaps i will send a link.
See EIM 2:21 yes we must come only in non violent way( no war of independance .
I'm researching your assertion, but even if it should be true ... how is Weisman different than The Satmar, Belz Rabbonim that advised those THAT ACTUALLY DID have Certificates not to go?
Whats the difference?
What's the difference if you dont go because Weizman tore up the certificate or because the Satmar Rebbe told you not to go?
And we are basically talking not in the 20's but talking in the late 30's when the British had quotas ... and Weizman had absolutely no say in the matter!
Hashem hid the holocost from the satmar rebbe... ה״ had his reosons... See rav avigdor millers new book... The chazon ish said that hashem hid the H from him, otherwise he could have stopped it. ( heard from rav shach- printer by his grandson rav asher bergman.
Oh "Hashem hid the holocost from the satmar rebbe"
What else did"Hashem hide from him?
How about the founding of the State of Israel?
Hashem also hid from him that men landed on the moon ... because he denied it!
The Satmar Rebbe would have stopped the Holocaust?
So Moshe Rabbeinu couldn't stop Ameliek fighting with the Jews, Rashi couldnt stop the Crusades ... and the Satmar Rebbe could stop the Holocaust?
He couldn't stop himself from dying?
The Chazon Ish said that " H hid it from him"?
well Hashem hid it from the entire world, my friend!
The Satmar Rebbe couldn't stop a fly... how about that!
He said himself in the tapes of Parshas Shlach 1967, that he is not a Novie, and doesn't have any Ruach Hakodash, unless you want to say that he really does, but is a liar!
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