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Showing posts with label rav teictal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rav teictal. Show all posts

Monday, February 9, 2015

Yated does Bio on Rav Teichtal z"l but omits R' Teicthal's pro State of Israel stance!

Rav Teichtal z"l author of "Eim Habanim Semeicha"
This past 10th of Shevat, was the 70th Yahrzeit of the great Rabbi Yissochor Shlomo Teichtal z"l,the  author of Mishneh Sochir a Halachic work on all parts of the Shulcha Aruch. Rav Teichtal z"l was  murdered in 1945, just days from being liberated while trying to protect a Jew that was being brutally beaten by a Ukrainian  for seizing a singly dry piece of bread.

But if you read the Four Page bio in the Yated, you would never  know the reason Rav Teichtal wrote the sefer Eim Habanim Semeichah, and what was in it. 

The article goes into depth explaining his other seforim, but couldn't find space to mention  his most important work. 
The Yated is afraid of the fanatical Israel haters, and would not  
G-D forbid write what Rav Teichtal really wanted publicized. 

Eim Habonim Semeicha was written  while hiding from the Nazis. And in this sefer he castigates the Gedoilim for opposing the rebuilding of Eretz Yisroel!

He writes:(The Rav wrote the sefer in Loshon Hakoidesh, this is an English Translation by R' Moshe Lichtman)

"Had the Orthodox Jews joined those who were engaged in this sacred endeavor sixty, fifty, or forty years ago, and had they inspired all of Israel to do the same, we would have found abundant relief in the Land. Thousands upon thousands would have settled there and would have been rescued from death. The Orthodox would have, thus, fulfilled the verse in Mishlei 24:11"To rescue those being taken out to be put to death."

He continues:
"However, they opposed this undertaking. 
Not only did they oppose it, but they caused the simple, Orthodox Jews to despise the rebuilding of the Land so much that if one of them begins to speak or get enthused about it, they consider him repulsive and abominable. They all rebuke him, saying, "You are a Zionist, an abhorrence, and an abomination." Thus, they have truly caused the desirable Land to be despised and detested. 
The simple man who does not know enough Torah to decide whether this is true or not, chastises those who desire to rebuild the Land. 
He says, "You are a sinner and a Zionist," for he wants to be considered devout and pious. In this way, he defames both himself and our Holy Land. In reality, though, he is just a simpleton, someone who does not know how to ask. He cannot distinguish between his right and left. "

He Continues:
"Out Master, Maharam Chagiz, discusses the great punishment that awaits those who slander the inhabitants of Eretz Yisrael"

Hashem decreed that just as all the men who have seen My glory (Bamidbar 14:22) meaning, the generations of the spies.... willl not see the Land, the same is true of future generations. 

Anyone who spreads an evil report about the Land will be stricken and will receive the punishment of the spies. This is the meaning of the next pasuk "And all who provoke Me shall not see it."

The divine Kabbalist R' Avraham Azulai (the grandfather of our master, the Chida) writes in his Holy work, Chesed L'Avraham 

(Maayan 3, Nahar 12):
Anyone who lives in Eretz Yisrael is considered a tzaddik even though it does not seem that way, and even though he is presumed to be wicked."

He later writes:
"I must confess the truth and declare my sin, I, too, despised the rebuilding of the Land, because I heard unqualified statements made by many Orthodox Jews , which became firmly implanted in my heart. I did not concern myself with this matter at all, because I was preoccupied with learning, teaching, and writing volumes on the Talmud and its commentaries, as well as responses to questions regarding the word of Hashem. I only delved into this halacha after we suffered afflictions in this bitter exile. Hashem enlightened me, and I saw that I and all this who opposed this movement were mistaken. I admit and say, "That which I previously told you was mistaken." just like Rava and other Talmudic Sages did. When Rabbis admit their mistakes, they are praiseworthy." 
"Thank G-D, I have no qualms about publicly expressing the truth that is in my heart. I am not afraid of any man, for I studied under great and righteous Gedoilim and was raised among the genuinely holy wise men of the generation. ...." 

I will write excerpts from his sefer in coming posts