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Friday, February 27, 2015

Al Sharpton to get the Ax from MSNBC

MSNBC is set to pull the plug on contentious Reverend Al Sharpton in a last ditch attempt to revive dwindling audience numbers.

The liberal anchor's nightly Politics Nation show is to be shelved by broadcasting bosses as they make drastic changes in the hope of clawing back viewers.

Company President Phil Griffin is believed to be placing his faith in a swing from the left in their Congress coverage - insisting that the station's Republican bashing glory days are now firmly in the past.

An MSNBC source told the Daily Beast: 'Going left was a brilliant strategy while it lasted and made hundreds of millions of dollars for Comcast.

'But it doesn't work anymore.
'The goal is to move away from left-wing TV.'

Sharpton's removal - which may see his politics show re- homed to a weekend slot - will be music to the ears of conservatives and right-wingers, often agitated by the 60-year-old's opposition stance.
It follows the exit of liberal firebrand Keith Olbermann, who left to join ESPN in 2011.

Long-term NBC anchor Brian Williams is also on six-month's unpaid leave after fabricating a story of coming under fire in a US military helicopter in Iraq.
It's thought that both of these factors were key in the broadcaster's decision to alter its stance to straight news from left-leaning.

The source added: 'Everybody in the food chain from top to bottom understands that the Olbermann era is over.' 

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