"rabbi" Ezriel Tauber, who is an alleged molester of women, decided like a fox guarding the chicken coup, to speak to "Ex Sem Girls" in London.
Ezriel is also a rabid hater of the State of Israel and can't stop spewing his fanatical hate against the country that hosts millions of Jews, at his seminars.
He is also the author of many books, written allegedly to broaden his Shalheves ("Keep the Flame Burning") Organization and trap innocent women in his snare of molestation and to brainwash them to hate their fellow brothers and sisters in Israel.
This poster touts a "unique experience" at this seminar.
My advice to the "Ex Sem Girls" get your "unique experience" somewhere else.
Ezriel is also a rabid hater of the State of Israel and can't stop spewing his fanatical hate against the country that hosts millions of Jews, at his seminars.
He is also the author of many books, written allegedly to broaden his Shalheves ("Keep the Flame Burning") Organization and trap innocent women in his snare of molestation and to brainwash them to hate their fellow brothers and sisters in Israel.
This poster touts a "unique experience" at this seminar.
My advice to the "Ex Sem Girls" get your "unique experience" somewhere else.
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Lady "speaker" Tauber |
It's obvious from your outburst that the main issue you have with R' Tauber is simply because according to you he has the courage to to expose the REAL face of the NaZionistic regime VER TZUPLATZT
Mmmm, fresh meat on Valentine's Day! What could be more b'heimish?
Hey 10:45,
It won't be long before this guy'll be hauling his quivering behind with only his gatches and tuna sandwich, to the Zionist regime, or whatever you scribbled about it.
Not only he, but also the whole cotton- pickn' fanatics and Tziony haters, WITH the British Queen's English....... They'll be running over each other to get the hell out of England.. Same for the "Antverpen" chevra...
the Derby
Oh, and you ALREADY Platzzed from kinah of the Zionist state that disturbes your Shit'eh and give lie to its sinah ...
Cheers again,
the Derby
That's what YOU hope should CV happen but the way it looks unfortunately is completely the opposite that those in EY would be in that position Hashem yishmor, and all thanks to Zionism
Of course we are mispallell and hope for the best but Hashem will also stick up for his own kovod which is being desecrated by that atheist regime
You must be kidding, what is there to be TZUPLATZT about this CORRUPTED atheistic regime? Is it that there are millions of murderers ready willing and able to destroy and kill each and every human in EY? Is it the disgusting toeivo that's being practiced by the majority of the citizens in EY? Is it that without the USA they can't and won't exist not even one day? Stupidity also has limits
The Israeli state was founded by, protected by... Hashem.....
I hope nothing bad happens to the English... I only want them to take blinders off... Same for here in the USA... The signs are here buddy, though you refuse to see... The once Jew friendly majority Democrat Party, now Muslim lovers... Huge Arab, Mexican South American immigration who'll have political clout as never before... The now socialist country taking from the working class and giving it to the rest with abandon... Jewish influence waning... No more picture'lach with kipa wearing politicos with rabbonim sitting at the Tish with Oipss surrounded by shleppers, wanting programs... Unemployment/underemployment now a disease.... It's soon over.... Y'know why?.... Because the geulah is a' comin' and you & I are going to be in Israel whether you like it or not..... Our children and grandchildren for sure will have to go...
As I said before.... You're sour grapes..!!! Y'shoudda made Aliyah when the atheists did, now you gotta eat it... Tuff Luck, shmendrik...!!!
the Derby.... Cheers one more time...
You're toieving again... Nobody's thinking about it but you.... Sure, a phoney rebbetzin pants worrier WILL look for toieveh... Look at the good, Putz.... The Torah, the mitzvohs, the tzeddakah, the tfillah, the daily sacrifices of Israelis, frum & atheists... You'r not G-D... !!!!!!!
You're a golus loving cockroach... Sorry Meraglim.. I plagiarized your self-description....
Stop giving musser from here, a golus that are Chazal declared Tumah.... Do something to help, educate, teach and be dann lkaff zchus... Of course, your LEADERSHIP never taught you that....
the Derby.... Did I mention you're NOT G-D..??!!!!
I did now..!!!
Rebbetzin pants. huh ????????
You're toieving again... Nobody's thinking about it but you.... Sure, a phoney rebbetzin pants worrier WILL look for toieveh... Look at the good, Putz.... The Torah, the mitzvohs, the tzeddakah, the tfillah, the daily sacrifices of Israelis, frum & atheists... You'r not G-D... !!!!!!!
You're a golus loving cockroach... Sorry Meraglim.. I plagiarized your self-description....
Stop giving musser from here, a golus that are Chazal declared Tumah.... Do something to help, educate, teach and be dann lkaff zchus... Of course, your LEADERSHIP never taught you that....
the Derby.... Did I mention you're NOT G-D..??!!!!
I did now..!!!
Rebbetzin pants. huh ????????
Another thing, frummie Malaga slurper...
EY is nikneh b'yisurim.. Hopefully, we had enough korbonis... But it was never easy... Moshiahc will also have to fight a major war and who knows what'll happen before Hashem calms everthing down.. You DON'T know anything... Except the farkahke sineh Shit'ta which is treif and tumah....
Again... It's obvious that you're full of kineh sineh, spitting the cursed cobra venom with your bloodshot eyes...
Tzaddikel, IT"S HERE... !!!!
Now TUFF S********... !!!!!!!
Rabbanit, Manhegget Tammy Kol Toov... .. Throw the bums out already.... Out with them...
"What did the meraglim look like, L'chol Happochis ?"
"Derby, it was like this:
One was wearing a shtreimel, one a spudik, one a Borsalino Yeshivish size 12 hat, another a brimmed down fancy Shabbos hat, another just a kippa, the other one a brimmed-up Litvish rav hat, the other guy with a grey hat but with fat wide gartel, the next one was wearing Rabbeinu Tam's tfillin all the time, one of'em even with a baseball cap and tzitzis hanging out..., but ALL Talmidei Chachamim...."
" You don't say, Happochis'l , you don't say..."
" Now Derb, remember this... Moshe Rabbeinu himself picked them, imagine that..."
Wow.... Wow.... I can't get over it...
By the way, why are you called L'chol Hapoochis..?"
" Well, that's for another day.... Suffice it to say that my nervous father after a bitter argument with my mom on how to name me, read out from his little paper scrap, 'Levi Mechel Pinchas', and the Bal krias hashem, my great uncle , who was deaf in one ear, positively heard "L'chol Hapoochis... There's a yesh omrim in the family that he really had selective hearing, but because my father wasn't mechabid him with Sandikous, he deliberately fudged my name to fix my pop once and for all... But that's for another day... "
Shabbat Shalom
Havent looked At this phony apikorsus blog fir quite awhile (didnt miss anything at all, at all.....), I see that you're attacking Harav Tauber (of course we understand, being that he has a tremendous following and is a fervent anti zionist, and has to his credit hundreds, possibly thousands, that came to see the truth of emunah, and also the tuma of zionism, through his shiurim, and that really hurts you....), as usual you have nothing relevant to add to a discussion, being a one track off the derech apikorus, leaving you only one option, to be Motzi SHEM Raa on a decent pure Marbitz Tora, hoping that maybe maybe ONE person would be fooled, sorry those few that visit this stupid excuse of a blog, see through you and your cohort derby, both of you are apukorsum whith capital letters, and Rav Tauber is a TZADDIK, your shekarim don't register, all you did was Misif Cheit Al Pesha.
".....that he has a tremendous following and is a fervent anti zionist, and has to his credit hundreds, possibly thousands, that came to see the truth of emunah, and also the tuma of zionism, ....."
Yes, yes, the 'following' will follow him out of Plymouth Harbor en masse....
The anti-Delusional Poll sponsored by the BBC showed that anti-Semites don't give a farthing and tuppence for differences between a Zionist & anti-Zionist Hebe....
" Heddeh'ow, heddeh'ow ???????consulate ??
A'oh Yes, how can we quickly process ah're pahsspohts, Pllleaze.. yes, yes, We need them raahhther faahst, if ye knouuww whutt I meeen.
Y'know... Oh,, awwll, rahht, awwl rahht.... CLICK !!
Paul Revere in Tel Aviv: ..... The British Are Coming, the British Are Coming...
I honestly didn't read your whole doodle, but stopped at the word NISAYON..
The Nisayon, my dear fellow, is all for you... You choose not to believe in nissim... It's your & your ilk's Nisayon... You own the Nisayon... It's yours, not ours..
Like H"BH is gonna make a nisayon after the biggest Jewish calamity in 2,000 years, have world countries recognize it, make miracles from its founding till the present, and play with people's minds yet... This is shameless kefirah and rebellion against the Almighty...You failed the Nisayon..!!!!!!! You're a full blown deluxe mummer...
You're busy saying that he is a anti-zionist, interesting that most of his seminars are in Israel, and most of them in Hebrew, and his books are written in Hebrew, So how and where is he a anti-zionist, yes what he does he compares the zionists to the communists and all other movements that took away jews from derech hatorah, and this is a fact, even the biggest frum zionist would agree that they aren't here to support judaism at all.
The fact that most of his "seminars are in Israel" and that most "of them is in Hebrew" means absolutely nothing! There are are Arabs that give most of their "seminars in Israel" and they give them "in Hebrew"... so do Christians by the way..
I have attended his seminars, and besides being a "ladies man" he is a fanatical anti-Zionist ...
Early Chassidism also took away "Jews from the derech hatorah" witness the cheirim that the Gra put out against Chassidim ...
your crazy stupid comment that "the biggest frum zionist would agree that they aren't here to support Judaism at all."
is bizarre and asinine .... because in your own words you say "frum zionists"
Respond to anonymous who probebley learned in the uta jungle where unfortunately i learned too child abuse that was the routine in the ultra orthodox communities until rabbi nuchem rosenberg courageously fought against it be in reality wake up
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