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Friday, May 9, 2014

Coffee can save your sight

A daily cup of coffee can save your eyesight, scientists claim.
A chemical found in the drink prevents deteriorating eyesight and possible blindness from retinal degeneration due to glaucoma, ageing and diabetes.
Researchers at Cornell Univesity in New York were looking at coffee's antioxidant effects when they made the discovery.
Coffee contains 1 per cent caffeine but between 7 and 9 per cent chlorogenic acid which is a strong antioxidant.
The study, published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, found that in mice this acid prevented retinal degeneration.

Chang Y. Lee, a professor of food science and the study's senior author said: ‘The retina is a thin tissue layer on the inside, back wall of the eye with millions of light-sensitive cells and other nerve cells that receive and organise visual information.
‘It is also one of the most metabolically active tissues, demanding high levels of oxygen and making it prone to oxidative stress.

The lack of oxygen and production of free radicals leads to tissue damage and loss of sight.’
He added: ‘The study is important in understanding functional foods, that is, natural foods that provide beneficial health effects.
‘Coffee is the most popular drink in the world, and we are understanding what benefit we can get from that.’
Previous studies have shown that coffee also cuts the risk of such chronic diseases as Parkinson's, prostate cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's and age-related cognitive declines.


Monsey Molester Alert! UPDATE

The Guy in the picture allegedly molested a young lady in the "Monsey Market Place" shopping strip on Route 59 and 306.
He was first pacing up and down the strip and noticed a modern young lady exiting one of the restaurants.
He then followed her to her car, and when she clicked her door open, he quickly opened the passenger door and slid inside the car. He then asked her which direction she was going, when she responded "306 northbound," he said he was going that way too.

She then decided reluctantly, since he looked like a Rabbi with שווארצע זאקין  "Shvartzeh Zokin", the traditional  "Rebbishe Black socks," that she would give him the ride.

As she put her car in reverse, she turned her head around, he then attacked her, molesting her. She started screaming "GET OUT" so he put his face next to her and his arm around her and said, "then just give me a hug."
She started screaming "Get the F--- out of my car" he then panicked and jumped out!

If you recognize this pig please email: dusiznies@aol.com or Ramapo Police!

the video, from a security camera, and they said the description of this guy fits the description of many complaints to the Police. He goes after children as well!
He hitch hikes alot  so please be careful! 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Chana Barnett 21, dies in car crash

A Chasidishe young lady  is dead after being run over by a vehicle, rescue workers in Israel said.

21-year-old Chana Sheina Barnett married Simcha Bunim Barnett of Arad, in January.

Last week, while crossing a street, she was run over by the vehicle. The woman’s father was identified as Meir Yosef Hershkowitz.

The serious car accident occurred on Tuesday in Arad.

The 21-year-old woman of the local Hasidic community was crossing Choruv Street, when the taxi driver hit her. Paramedics who arrived at the scene, gave her primary medical care, and she was transported by helicopter to a hospital.

The woman had suffered bruises to her head and all over her body.

 Barnett succumbed to her injuries on Tuesday.

Iran Bans WhatsApp, Didn't Satmar ban it too?

This is too funny for words! You can't make this stuff up!

Iran bans WhatsApp because the one who runs this app is the American Zionist" Zuckerberg!
Satmar banned WhatsApp a couple of weeks ago too...

Yes, of course, Satmar banned it because they say that it breaks the family up! 
But there are many Apps that have the ability of group-texting, but Satmar singled out WhatsApp...

The bottom line is that both the Iranian Mullas and the Satmar Mullas have a lot in common....
Both hate Zionists and both want the State of Israel to disappear! And now, they both don't want their communities to use WhatsApp ....
I suspect that the Iranian Mullas read "Der Yid," how else would they know that Zuckerberg is a Zionist? 

An Iranian censor has banned the uber-popular messaging app WhatsApp and apparently it's Mark Zuckerberg's fault... because he's Jewish.

According to Israeli newspaper Haaretz, certain Iranian officials have pushed for the WhatsApp ban since the company was bought Facebook in February. Those officials oppose Facebook -- and now WhatsApp -- because they're run by the "American Zionist" Zuckerberg.
"The reason for this is the adoption of WhatsApp by the Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, who is an American Zionist," secretary of the Committee for Determining Criminal Web Content Abdolsamad Khorramabadi said, according to Haaretz. 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Arab Burqa Lady Terrorizes Passaic Jews On Shabbos

Illustration of Arab Lady Terrorists

This past Shabbos afternoon, an Arab Woman in black burqa and head scarf went ballistic when some Jewish children were playing near the street in Passaic.
 She was in a gold minivan and the license plate starts with a "J". 

She honked and yelled out the window "go back to your country .״ 

When one of the parents of the children yelled back " you go back to your country !" She stopped her car, backed up, got out of her car , walked up to the biggest guy and got in his face and said 
"I should slit all your throats!"

One of the gentleman asked her nicely to get back into the car and she finally left. 
Passaic is close to Patterson which has the largest Palestinian population in the US.

Police are investigating and asking anyone who either saw the incident or encountered her to contact them ; they are filing it as a bias incident! 


by guest writer Han Mazziq

As a young Israeli who had just completed five years of service in the IDF, I looked forward to my new job educating people in the Pacific Northwest about Israel. I was shocked, however, by the anti-Israel bigotry and hostility I encountered, especially in the greater Seattle area, Oregon, and Berkeley. I had been very liberal, a member of the leftist Zionist party, Meretz, but the anti-Semitism and hatred for Israel that I have seen in the U.S. has changed my outlook personally and politically

As part of my work as an educator at StandWithUs, between January and May of this year, I  traveled to college campuses, high schools and churches, sharing the history of modern Israel.  I also shared personal stories about growing up in the Jewish state, and about my family. I always spoke about my military service as an officer in an IDF COGAT unit that attends to the needs of Palestinian civilians who are not involved in the conflict and promotes Palestinian civil society. Each time I would speak and take questions for an hour or more. I have shared my personal story with over 16,000 people at many, many college campuses and high schools, including UC Berkeley, Stanford, the University of Washington, Seattle University and many others. Many of those to whom I spoke were supportive, friendly, and open to hearing about my Israel. But, sadly, far too many were not.
When I served as a soldier in the West Bank, I got used to having ugly things said to me, but nothing prepared me for the misinformation, demonization of Israel, and the gut-wrenching, anti-Israel, anti-Semitic hostility expressed by many students, professors, church members, and even some high school students right here in the Pacific Northwest.
I was further shocked by how unaware the organized Jewish community is and how little they are actually doing to counter this rising anti-Semitism, which motivated me to write this article.
This new form of bigotry against Israel has been called the “new anti-Semitism,” with “Israel” replacing “Jew” in traditional anti-Semitic imagery and canards, singling out and discriminating against the Jewish state, and denying the Jewish people alone the right to self-determination. The new anti-Semitism is packaged in the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign (BDS), which claims to champion Palestinian rights though its real goal is to erode American support for Israel, discredit Jews who support Israel, and pave the way for eliminating the Jewish state. One of BDS’ central demands is the “complete right of return” for all the descendants of the original Palestinian refugees, subtle language that means the end of Israel as the Jewish homeland because it would turn Israel into a Palestinian-Arab majority state.
It is surprising that an extremist group like BDS is ever taken seriously, but BDS advocates have found receptive audiences in some circles. Their campaigns are well organized and in many cases, well financed. They have lobbied universities, corporations, food co-ops, churches, performing artists, labor unions, and other organizations to boycott Israel and companies that do business with Israel. But even if these groups don’t agree to treat Israel as a pariah state, the BDS activists manage to spread their anti-Israel misinformation, lies and prejudice simply by forcing a debate based on their false claims about Israel.
To give you a taste of the viciousness of the BDS attacks, let me cite just a few of the many shocking experiences I have had. At a BDS event in Portland, a professor from a Seattle university told the assembled crowd that the Jews of Israel have no national rights and should be forced out of the country. When I asked, “Where do you want them to go?” she calmly answered, “I don’t care. I don’t care if they don’t have any place else to go. They should not be there.” When I responded that she was calling for ethnic cleansing, both she and her supporters denied it. And during a presentation in Seattle, I spoke about my longing for peace between Israel and the Palestinians. When I was done, a woman in her 60’s stood up and yelled at me, “You are worse than the Nazis. You are just like the Nazi youth!” A number of times I was repeatedly accused of being a killer, though I have never hurt anyone in my life. On other occasions, anti-Israel activists called me a rapist. The claims go beyond being absurd – in one case, a professor asked me if I knew how many Palestinians have been raped by IDF forces. I answered that as far as I knew, none. She triumphantly responded that I was right, because, she said, “You IDF soldiers don’t rape Palestinians because Israelis are so racist and disgusted by them that you won’t touch them.”
Such irrational accusations are symptomatic of dangerous anti-Semitism. Yet, alarmingly, most mainstream American Jews are completely oblivious to this ugly movement and the threat it poses. They seem to be asleep, unaware that this anti-Jewish bigotry is peddled on campuses, by speakers in high schools, churches, and communities, and is often deceptively camouflaged in the rhetoric of human rights.
The American Jewish community and its leaders are not providing a united front to combat this latest threat. Unfortunately, this repeats a pattern of Jewish communal groups failing to unite in a timely way to counter threats against us individually and as a community.
Shockingly, a small but very vocal number of Jews actively support BDS. They often belong to organizations that prominently include “Jewish” in their names, like Jewish Voice for Peace, to give cover to BDS and the anti-Semitism that animates it. A question that we, as a Jewish community must ask ourselves, is whether it is ever appropriate to include and accept Jews who support BDS and directly or indirectly advocate the ultimate elimination of the Jewish State of Israel.
I think it is not.
My experiences in America have changed me. I never expected to encounter such hatred and lies. I never believed that such anti-Semitism still existed, especially in the U.S. I never knew that the battlefield was not just Gaza, the West Bank, and hostile Middle Eastern countries wanting to destroy Israel and kill our citizens and soldiers. It is also here in America, where a battle must be waged against prejudice and lies.
I implore American Jews: do more.
Israel cannot fight this big battle alone. If you are affiliated with a Jewish organization, let it know you want it to actively, openly and unequivocally oppose the BDS campaign and those who support it. Inform yourself, your friends and families, by visiting websites of organizations like StandWithUs, Jewish Virtual Library, AIPAC, AJC and others that will update you and provide information about BDS and anti-Semitism.
I urge the organized Jewish community and its members to wake up and stand up for the Jewish state of Israel, and for all it represents, and for all it works to achieve.


This Shadchan wasn’t your typical matchmaker, but thanks to his persistence and some divine providence brought a couple together. Meet Terry, your friendly neighborhood UPS delivery guy.
Anyone working or living on Eastern Parkway or Union Street in Crown Heights, and received a package from UPS, knows Terry. His extra friendly and kind demeanor is hard to miss, and when dropping by homes and businesses in the neighborhood he is always known to try and make ‘shidduchim’.
And after dozens of different suggestions, this time it actually worked out!
After years of making deliveries on Eastern Parkway where the Goldin family lives, which is just one block over from where Mrs. Regina SimonChana’s mother works, Terry had began suggesting that they ‘go out’.
“At first everyone just dismissed it, thinking it was cute that he was suggesting names” the Chosson Zevi Goldin told CrownHeights.info, adding that later an uncle of the Kallah had gone through the motions and set them up “But it was Terry who is the Shadchan” he said.
Last week the Goldin and Simon families celebrated the Lechaim of the new couple, and Terry’s presence was hard to miss.

Friday, May 2, 2014

A Tale of 2 Magazines Mishpacha and Ami. How to deal with the Secular Israelis

For the last two weeks, Mishpacha, after taking a poll from Israeli Chilonimsuddenly discovered that 90% of Chilonim don't hate Chareidim and that 70% don't mind living with them. 

Mishpacha found out that the Chareidie "mental self-image as a persecuted minority, besieged on all sides by a hostile, secular majority, is simply untrue."
"Yes, the poll found out that there is hatred and revulsion toward Chareidim but chiefly among journalists, politicians, college professors etc."

As a result  Mishpacha has decided to adjust their thinking and their future  reporting.

In this weeks issue, Rabbi Moshe Grylak, says, "It's time to stop seeing every secular Jew as a רשע.
If we must label him, let's call him a Tinok Shenishbah, in accordance with the ruling of the Chazon Ish ז''ל, ....that this person thinks and acts the way he does because he never had the benefit of a traditional Jewish education." 
"Yes, we may argue with him. Yes, we may fiercely oppose his way of life. But hatred has no place here."

Rabbi Grylak continues:
"Who knows how much friction might have been resolved peacefully had we not barricaded ourselves behind walls of error all these years?"

He concludes:
"And if the average secular Israeli were to feel us treating him with respect and dignity, it would be easy for him to reject the hostile influences that constantly try to infiltrate his heart."

Yonoson Rosenblum, who we have criticized in the past, also did a 360 degree reversal, he writes in the same issue in reference to the Mishpacha poll: 
"The secular public, it turns out, doesn't hate us, but neither do they know us. They are, however, open to greater contact, even eager for it."
To summarize what he wrote?  The Chareidim have to be mekareiv them and to reach out to them!
Not to throw stones and yell and scream!

Contrast the Mishpacha approach with the filthy rag Ami!
In this weeks issue he interviews Rav Reuven Elbaz, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Or Hachaim.

Rav Elbaz is a gentle soul, wouldn't hurt a fly and dedicated his life to Kiruv! 
He had a meeting recently with the heads of Israel Security and Intelligence community. 

The clown, Yitzy Frankfurter interviews him, and desperately  tries to coax him into castigating the Chilonim,
he even puts words in Rav Elbaz's mouth!

Here is a sample of his hateful questions and excerpts of Rav Elbaz's answer:

Clown YF:  You didn't discuss the draft law with them? (notice, how he zeros in on Machlokas, just like Korach)

R' Elbaz: We did, but it wasn't central to the conversation. They are primarily afraid civil war. I told them: Look, we've been living together almost 70 years. Haven't we always had extreme differences of opinion and ways of life? We are the ones who have to choose which path we want to take.
If we live with this philosophy then there is nothing to worry about. Peace and brotherhood are the key; jealously and competion are poison.
(Did you notice R' Elbaz's approach?)

They talk a little about the Atzeres, and then the Clown persists 

Clown YF: Did the Rav try to put pressure on them to repeal the draft law? (He wants to hear Rav Elbaz curse the Chilonim, but Rav Elbaz will have none of that)
R' Elbaz: I believe we have the upper hand, but we must trust in Hashem even in the darkest times, so we don't have to worry.

So there you have it, which way, do you think, will actually work?

 I read last week's edition of the Satmar Yiddish Newspaper, DER YID, and after an hour of reading the hateful diatribes of the writers, (no different than reading Der Sturmer) I really felt that there was no hope, but after reading Mishpacha's reversal in reporting Israeli News, I got hopeful, knowing  that we are finally turning a corner!
And I sincerely believe that the blogs and comments had something to do with this decision. 
I have been tough on Satmar, but it's not because I hate them, it's because they continue to disparage a majority of Klall Yisroel.
I know that they do Chesed etc, but writing hateful articles week after week, loading their hearts and souls with profanity will not cover for anything good they do.
When I bought DER YID, I noticed a young Satmar guy with DER YID, DER ZEITUNG and DER BLATT under his arm. So I jokingly remarked in Yiddish, " די האסט געניג זנית פאר א גאנצ יאהר!
"You have enough pornography to last you the entire year! 
He laughed and told me that he doesn't read the opinions, it would turn him into an anti-Semite!
No truer words have ever been uttered by a Satmar Chasid!

Thursday, May 1, 2014


To those naive readers that think yeshiva boys are peaceful, here is a story that is now becoming a daily occurrence!

The firemen were running in the chareidi city and as they passed a number of yeshiva students they were pelted with large rocks. B’chasdei Hashem no one was injured.
The firemen returned to their station and reported the incident, alerting police of the attack.


Charedi World in Israel in Finacial Collapse!

So says the Mishpacha newspaper this week. Tens of Kollels have shut their doors leaving thousands of Avreichim nowhere to go. 

The heads of the Kollels claim that donations from abroad (mostly the US) have dropped due to the incitement against the Torah world in Israel. 

What they mean by this is that many American Charedim don't understand why everyone should sit and learn and no one should work. They don't understand why secular studies are prohibited in high schools when all of the Charedi high schools teach secular studies. 

They don't understand on the insistence that no one should be drafted. The fact is that American Charedim are a different breed then Israeli Charedim and given the financial problems in the US are no longer willing to provide unlimited funds to bankroll a system that they don't really believe in.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Arrests near in Stark Murder, 3 suspects in Custody UPDATED !

New York city police have taken into custody several suspects for questioning related to the murder of Mencahm Stark, according to a law enforcement source.
Stark, a wealthy businessman, was kidnapped after he left his Rutledge Street office in Williamsburg on Jan. 2, surveillance video showed. Two men forced Stark into a minivan.
A police source with knowledge of the investigation, said, that it seems the intend was a simply robbery, not as originally speculation a contractor who stark owned money might be involved.
No arrest, or charges have been made, and no official information from the NYPD has been released.


Cops arrested a Crown Heights man on murder charges Wednesday night in the January death of Brooklyn slumlord Menachem Stark, police said.
Kendel Felix, 26, told investigators that he and an unidentified accomplice had only wanted to scare the businessman when they accidently killed him during a Jan. 2 abduction outside his Williamsburg office.
“He owes me money!” the accomplice said moments before the kidnapping, according to ­Felix’s alleged confession.
Felix was charged with second-degree murder Wednesday night and was being held at the 77th Precinct station house on Utica Avenue.evening and was expected to be charged with murder.
Two other men were also taken into custody Wednesday but
They made no statements to police and asked for lawyers, who could not be reached for comment.
Police were still searching for his alleged accomplice  and two others.
Using a borrowed Dodge Caravan, Felix and his cohort drove up to Stark on Rutledge Street amid a snowstorm and forced him inside kicking and screaming, sources said.
Felix said he drove off while the accomplice sat on Stark’s chest trying to get him under control.
But Stark stopped breathing, and the hapless kidnappers panicked when they realized he was dead, Felix allegedly said.
They picked up the accomplice’s brother and another man for help, according to the sources — but the fourth man jumped out as soon as he realized there was a body inside.
Then the accomplice— who Felix said had planted a cellphone with a tracking device on Stark’s Lexus SUV, and even changed the battery once — left, leaving Felix and the other man to deal with the body. They drove to a gas station in Great Neck, LI, where one or both men filled a large soda bottle with gasoline and poured it on Stark’s body before setting it ablaze in a Dumpster there.
Cops later recovered the minivan, which had traces of Stark’s blood inside.
Detectives seized computers and cellphones from the suspect, and took a pair of work boots from an apartment in a bid to match them to distinctive shoes seen on surveillance video.
Cops believe the kidnapping was an attempt to get money from Stark, who allegedly stiffed one of the men on a bill for some construction work.
Sources had said the debt was around $20,000, but that could not be confirmed on Wednesday.
Two other men were brought in by cops Wednesday along with Felix, but one was let go and the other was charged in an unrelated matter.
Cops went to Stark’s Rutledge Street home on Wednesday to tell his wife, Bashie, about the suspects. The family refused to speak with reporters.
NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton said cops hope to have the case wrapped up quickly.
Rabbi David Niederman, who heads the United Jewish Organizations of Williamsburg, said the community was relieved.
“We are extremely happy and hope that those who committed this crime will be charged and formally arrested,” he said.

Rabbi Wein's solution to remedy Chareidie & Chilonie discords!

In an an interview that appeared today in The Times of Israel, author and prominent historian lecturer, Rabbi Berel Wein offers his thoughts on how to break down the barriers between Israel’s secular and Chareidi communities.
Noting that Israel’s population has expanded one thousand-fold since 1900, Rabbi Wein observed that the 66 year old state is still in its early stages of development and that today’s hot button issues are to be expected as Israeli society continues to absorb an incredibly diverse population from so many varied backgrounds.
Rabbi Wein places a large share of the blame for today’s polarization on the shoulders of the Chareidi community’s adamant refusal to accept the state of Israel.
Rabbi Wein observed that while the Sephardi factions of the Orthodox community have accepted the state’s core curriculum in its own schools, the Ashkenazic community has not, given that at its inception, Israel was created as a socialist, anti-religious country, creating a sense of paranoia in the Chareidi community that still exists today. Further exacerbating the situation is the under-representation of Ashkenazic Chareidi community in the Knesset, leading to a lack of understanding of that groups’ needs as well as a lack of acceptance in Israeli society.
Rabbi Wein offers a three pronged solution that he hopes can bring about a greater sense of harmony.
Firstly, the educational system in all schools, both Chareidi and secular, needs to be revamped.  In addition to improving the curriculum at Chareidi schools, secular students must be taught Jewish history, tradition and faith, which would provide a greater understanding of their ultra-Orthodox peers. 
Secondly, noting that the rigors of Talmud study have many benefits, providing students with language, analytical, psychological and spiritual skills, Rabbi Wein suggests providing yeshiva students with academic degrees that would be accepted by universities, giving them the ability to pursue a higher education in non-Talmudic fields should they choose to do so.
According to Rabbi Wein, once more Chareidim join the workforce and begin functioning in mainstream society, many of the schisms that exists today will disappear as people appreciate their similarities more than their differences.
Finally, taking on the thorny issue of the Israeli draft, Rabbi Wein suggested switching over to a volunteer army, saying that in most of the world, military service is not obligatory.
Countering the notion that it is impossible to maintain standards of religious observance in the army, Rabbi Wein pointed to various military personnel throughout Jewish history, including the Maccabees and King David, who served the nation without compromising on their religious beliefs.
Yet Rabbi Wein also acceded that despite the surprising success of the Nahal Hareidi, Chareidim should be exempted from the army as it is impossible for the IDF to accommodate their religious needs.
Rabbi Berel Wein is the founder and director of the Destiny Foundation. For over 20 years, he has been identified with the popularization of Jewish history through lectures, more than 1000 audiotapes, books, seminars, educational tours and, most recently documentary films.

Monsey Child Abduction Attempt

There was a brazen attempted abduction of a child in Monsey this afternoon as he was disembarking from his school bus by an individual who then followed the child to his door and only left when the child yelled at him and slammed the door!

The suspect is described as a white male, 30 -40 years old with a goatee. 
He was driving a red, 4- door car. 
Police ask Monsey residents to be vigilant and to give your children a refresher talk about child safety.

If anyone has any more info, please call the 
Ramapo Police

Monday, April 28, 2014

Satmar Chassid turned Muslim gets 2 years Jail for threatening to blow up Chabad

Not far fetched, both, Satmar and Islam, believe that the State of Israel should not exist, and they both hate Zionists, so its not surprising that one of them would convert to being a Muslim!
It's also not surprising to hear that he wanted to blow up 770, since that is the propaganda he heard in Satmar.

A former Satmar Hasidic man who turned into a Muslim radical, was arrested, charged and convicted of making terroristic threats for threatening to blow up the Chabad Lubavitch headquarters in the Crown Height section of Brooklyn, New York, according to court proceedings in Virginia.
Now, the New Jersey man, who used a website to incite violence against those whose ideals are offensive to his religion, was sentenced to two and a half years in prison.
Yousef al-Khattab, 45, said before sentencing that he regretted his posts. He also called himself a clown and said that he did not intend to incite violence.
“Now I look back and I feel very bad,” al-Khattab said.
In a post, al-Khattab directed followers to attack the headquarters of the Chabad Jewish organization. Al-Khattab posted a picture with a link to a map, and pointed out that the main temple was always busy in the hours of prayer services.
Yousef al-Khattab grew up as a Satmar Hasid before converting to Islam. 

A Message to our Boys???

Yitzchok Frankfurter, editor of Ami, wrote an editorial in this week's issue, addressing Yeshivah Boys returning to the State of Israel. 

The editorial had the following headline:
"A Message to Our Boys"

Mr. Frankfurter, this message is not for our "Boys,"  

Frankfurter writes:
"As you know, Torah is under unprecedented attack in the Holy Land"

Excuse me.....
What attack on Torah is there in the "Holy Land?"

There are more Yeshivah boys learning Torah in the "Holy Land" since מתן תורה!

And didn't the IDF just issue 30,000 exemptions?

"Unprecedented ?"
This is what happens when you have stupid ignorant people 
running magazines!

Tell us Mr. Hamburger, did you learn in Cheder what Syrian-Greeks did to Torah during the first בית המקדש period?

 How about the gezieros against Torah by the  Romans during the Second בית המקדש?

Were you absent when your Rebbe explained why we celebrate חנוכה? 
Did you miss class when your Rebbi taught that the Jewish King ינאי המלך murdered all תנאים save one, his brother-in-law, שמעון בן שטח?
What are you blabbering about ?
"unprecedented attack on Torah?"

Then the clown writes:
"Moreover, in Hilchos Tesuvah, chapter  10, Halacha 6 , he (the רמב״ם) explains that this exclusive dedication to G-D is also the key to Ahavas Hashem:

"It is well known and clear matter that the love of G-D will not become attached within a person 's heart until he becomes obsessed with it at all times, leaving all things in the world except for this . This is implied by the command " Love G-d, your L-rd, with all your heart and with all your soul"

Frankfurter translates the word שישגה that the Rambam uses,  as "obsessed"
Turns out that the Raavid and the Migdal Oz struggled with this word and didn't understand what the Rambam was talking about.
 But The Hamburger is smarter then them and he  knows that  שישגה means obsessed!

The word  שישגה that the Rambam uses is not in the Loshan Ha'kodesh lexicon, hence the Raavid's issue with this statement of the Rambam. 
The Raavid is guessing that it comes from the word שגיון לדוד, meaning an instrument or song ..
So now we really don't have a clue what the Rambam is talking about!

He continues to quote from the Rambam:
"leaving all things in the world except for this"?
Who ever did that, except for the great Tana R' Shimon and his son Eliezer? And when that happened a Bas Kol said that this will not work.

Frankfurter forgot the words of the holy Tana, Shemaya, who said in a Mishna, 800 years before the Rambam was born:
אהב את המלאכה ושנא את הרבנות

Be that as it may, the Rambam himself did not abide by his own writing, since after his brother died, the Rambam had no other choice but to learn medicine and went to work as a doctor for the local Sultan! 
In addition, the Rambam writes in his preface to his Mishna Torah that it is a good thing, the fact, that we all do not think alike, otherwise we would all wind up doing the same thing, and the world would not be able to operate. 

This is not " A Message to ALL our boys" 
Some may actually have to go to work ...as the Rambam and his entire family actually did,,,,

So, a question to The Hamburger. 
Why don't you give up your lying Magazine, and dedicate yourself to G-d? .... 
Give up lunch, you look pretty well fed to me.
The truth is, that he does not believe a word that he writes, and, therefore, doesn't practice what he preaches.

Menachem Begin once said in reference to  Arafat, when Arafat talked peace ,,,,, "
 I will pay attention to what he actually does then to what he says"
 This idea applies to The Frankfurter, watch what he  does, instead of reading what he writes.

The חכם פין די מה נשתנה continues with his message:

" And in Hilchos Shemitah V'yoveil the Rambam again emphasizes the importance of setting aside the ways of the world and dedicating oneself exclusively to G-D and his Torah:
( Yitzy doesn't mention the gemmara, that says, that this notion of dedicating oneself to G-D and his Torah exclusively is not practical, because otherwise the world would collapse, see Tractate שבת, read the story of R' Shimon Ben Yochai with his son Eliezer!)

" why did the tribe of Levi not merit an inheritance in the Land of Israel and a share in the spoils of war together with his brothers? Because he was set aside to worship G-D, to teach His ways and righteous judgements to the public ...... Therefore, they were set apart from the ways of the world. They did not inherit the land...... Rather, they are the army of the L-rd ... "

"The tribe of Levi is not alone. Every single person who lives the world, whose spirit has gratefully welled up and who has determined in his or her mind to be separated and stand before G-D to serve Him, to worship Him and to know Him; who has walked in the straight path G-d has intended for him or her and has shed from his or her neck the yoke of the many accounting a that humans make, this person has become holy like the Holy of Holies, and G-d will be his or her portion and inheritance forever and ever. such a person will have sufficient in this world, as did the priests and Levites, as David, may he rest in peace said ' The L-rd is my portion of inheritance and my cup; You sustain my destiny' "

The above is verbatim what the clown said the Rambam wrote.
But a quick peek inside the Rambam, tells another story; you will notice that the Rambam didn't actually write what I highlighted, "in his or her", "him or her"  in the entire piece, 
this was added by The lying Frankfurter to appease his lady audience.

The  above Rambam actually bolsters my point of view. 
Hashem chose a specific tribe, isolated them to, yes, learn, teach and worship G-d the entire day, but as The Frankfurter will admit, this tribe did not get a part in Eretz Yisroel.

The "Boys" that Frankfurter is talking about, love to go to protests, throw stones and burn garbage cans. 
They also enjoy the 4" brim Barcelonas, fancy glasses and pleated pants ...and they enjoy renting cars  בין הזמנים, and yes, they may also learn.

Are these the " Boys"  that the Rambam is describing? 
Are these the "Boys" that are "obsessed" with Torah? 
Are these the "Boys" that are "dedicating themselves exclusively to G-D?
The answer is a resounding No!
These "Boys" unlike שבט לוי require all luxuries when they get married...

We are not talking about the exceptional boys who make their learning תורה אומנותו !
Who are satisfied with less, and would marry a poor girl .... Those boys are a minority of a minority. Ask the Shadchanim!

At the end of this vile piece he quotes out of context, from the Rambam's Moreh Nevuchim:
"If a person's thought is free from distraction in apprehending G-d ... in the right way and if there is joy in what one apprehends, then that individual can never be afflicted with evil of any kind. 
For then he is with G-d, and G-d is with him."

The Rambam wrote his Sefer Moreh Nevuchim to a dear student of his, and Hamburger took the above statement out of context. 

It is an extremely dangerous statement, standing on its own, because it doesn't explain why great צדיקים  that  were "free of distraction in apprehending G-D," were thrown into the ovens. 
It is also obvious that Hamburger never visited a cancer ward that have great righteous people who are "afflicted with evil"

I think that Yitzy Frankfurter is a big עם הארץ, and he shouldn't be quoting Rambams, in context or out of context, since he has no clue to what he is talking about.... 
He is causing a massive Chillul Hashem and by mis-quoting the Rambam, he is planting heresy in the impressionable young minds that read his rubbish!