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Showing posts with label mishpacha magazine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mishpacha magazine. Show all posts

Friday, May 2, 2014

A Tale of 2 Magazines Mishpacha and Ami. How to deal with the Secular Israelis

For the last two weeks, Mishpacha, after taking a poll from Israeli Chilonimsuddenly discovered that 90% of Chilonim don't hate Chareidim and that 70% don't mind living with them. 

Mishpacha found out that the Chareidie "mental self-image as a persecuted minority, besieged on all sides by a hostile, secular majority, is simply untrue."
"Yes, the poll found out that there is hatred and revulsion toward Chareidim but chiefly among journalists, politicians, college professors etc."

As a result  Mishpacha has decided to adjust their thinking and their future  reporting.

In this weeks issue, Rabbi Moshe Grylak, says, "It's time to stop seeing every secular Jew as a רשע.
If we must label him, let's call him a Tinok Shenishbah, in accordance with the ruling of the Chazon Ish ז''ל, ....that this person thinks and acts the way he does because he never had the benefit of a traditional Jewish education." 
"Yes, we may argue with him. Yes, we may fiercely oppose his way of life. But hatred has no place here."

Rabbi Grylak continues:
"Who knows how much friction might have been resolved peacefully had we not barricaded ourselves behind walls of error all these years?"

He concludes:
"And if the average secular Israeli were to feel us treating him with respect and dignity, it would be easy for him to reject the hostile influences that constantly try to infiltrate his heart."

Yonoson Rosenblum, who we have criticized in the past, also did a 360 degree reversal, he writes in the same issue in reference to the Mishpacha poll: 
"The secular public, it turns out, doesn't hate us, but neither do they know us. They are, however, open to greater contact, even eager for it."
To summarize what he wrote?  The Chareidim have to be mekareiv them and to reach out to them!
Not to throw stones and yell and scream!

Contrast the Mishpacha approach with the filthy rag Ami!
In this weeks issue he interviews Rav Reuven Elbaz, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Or Hachaim.

Rav Elbaz is a gentle soul, wouldn't hurt a fly and dedicated his life to Kiruv! 
He had a meeting recently with the heads of Israel Security and Intelligence community. 

The clown, Yitzy Frankfurter interviews him, and desperately  tries to coax him into castigating the Chilonim,
he even puts words in Rav Elbaz's mouth!

Here is a sample of his hateful questions and excerpts of Rav Elbaz's answer:

Clown YF:  You didn't discuss the draft law with them? (notice, how he zeros in on Machlokas, just like Korach)

R' Elbaz: We did, but it wasn't central to the conversation. They are primarily afraid civil war. I told them: Look, we've been living together almost 70 years. Haven't we always had extreme differences of opinion and ways of life? We are the ones who have to choose which path we want to take.
If we live with this philosophy then there is nothing to worry about. Peace and brotherhood are the key; jealously and competion are poison.
(Did you notice R' Elbaz's approach?)

They talk a little about the Atzeres, and then the Clown persists 

Clown YF: Did the Rav try to put pressure on them to repeal the draft law? (He wants to hear Rav Elbaz curse the Chilonim, but Rav Elbaz will have none of that)
R' Elbaz: I believe we have the upper hand, but we must trust in Hashem even in the darkest times, so we don't have to worry.

So there you have it, which way, do you think, will actually work?

 I read last week's edition of the Satmar Yiddish Newspaper, DER YID, and after an hour of reading the hateful diatribes of the writers, (no different than reading Der Sturmer) I really felt that there was no hope, but after reading Mishpacha's reversal in reporting Israeli News, I got hopeful, knowing  that we are finally turning a corner!
And I sincerely believe that the blogs and comments had something to do with this decision. 
I have been tough on Satmar, but it's not because I hate them, it's because they continue to disparage a majority of Klall Yisroel.
I know that they do Chesed etc, but writing hateful articles week after week, loading their hearts and souls with profanity will not cover for anything good they do.
When I bought DER YID, I noticed a young Satmar guy with DER YID, DER ZEITUNG and DER BLATT under his arm. So I jokingly remarked in Yiddish, " די האסט געניג זנית פאר א גאנצ יאהר!
"You have enough pornography to last you the entire year! 
He laughed and told me that he doesn't read the opinions, it would turn him into an anti-Semite!
No truer words have ever been uttered by a Satmar Chasid!