“I don’t speak because I have the power to speak; I speak because I don’t have the power to remain silent.” Rav Kook z"l
Saturday, May 27, 2023
Ami's Frankfurter Wonders Why Israel Won't Build More Graveyards On the Uninhabited Hills
Sunday, May 23, 2021
More on Ami Magazine & Gittel Davidson
Click on the link, and you will see what I'm talking about.
This week I got hold of the actual article and I found some great "gems" that really highlight the craziness of this story.
Gittel Davidson, the daughter in-law of Madeleine Lucette Farraille, aka Ruth Ben-David,the French lady that converted to Judaism with her son Uriel, and kidnapped Yossele Schumacher, makes the most bizarre statement about her mother-in law.
Gittel relates that Ruth had a connection with Yasser Arafat's mother-in-law, going back to her old French days, and since Arafat's mother-in-law "knew that Ruth Blau was an anti-Zionist, she tried to persuade her to help Fatah against the Israelis."
Are you guys digesting this? Unreal....
Gittel doesn't describe how this connection came about, since it probably wouldn't put Ruth in a very positive light, but we the readers are all dying of curiosity, we are sitting at the edge of our seats ... but Ami's Chaya Silber hears this directly from the mouth of Ruth's daughter-in-law, Gittel, and doesn't ask her..something that is on the tip of the tongue of anyone reading this article
"What? Did I hear this correctly? How did they know each other? Did they keep in touch all these years? What did Arafat's mother-in-law know about Ruth that would even make her think that Ruth could turn on her own people?. Were they close? " What was the connection?"
Chaya Silber who writes fiction for a living doesn't flinch and isn't curious how this came about ...
Gittel goes on to say:
"My saintly mother-in-law proudly replied, 'Madame, although I am an anti-Zionist, I would never do anything that would harm the Jewish people!"
I was in suspense on how Ruth would respond; we are all relieved now that her "saintly mother-in-law" decided to do the right thing and not stab the Jewish nation which she embraced. She went "Lifnim Meshuras Ha'din"
A "saint" indeed!
Now for the clincher:
Sit back and relax but this is not the time to be holding a hot coffee or slurping hot chicken soup.
Way back in 1951, a Jewish child of 3, Moshe Shimon, from a Satmar family living in Petach Tikvah, walked out of his home on Rosh Hashana and disappeared, and was never seen again. The family suspected that their Christian neighbour kidnapped him and raised him in a convent in Jordan...
Anyone reading this who doesn't see the irony is not playing with a full deck..
But both Chaya Silber, the Ami Interviewer, and the protagonist Gittel Davidson did not pick up on this ....
The Satmar family approached Ruth in 1980, 30 years after the child's disappearance asking for help to locate Moshe Shimon...
After visiting abbeys and monasteries in the Old City of Jerusalem and Shechem, with no success, Ruth decided to visit Yasser Arafat and ask him for help...
Her link to Arafat? His mother-in-law........
Ruth, of course wasn't successful but I want to steer you to Ruth's impression of Yasser Arafat as related to Chaya Silber by Gittel Davidson..
"After she had met Arafat, whom she disliked immediately, my mother in-law told my husband (Uriel) that Arafat was a liar and a very bad person, and would never do anything." meaning to help her in her search
Wow.... who knew?
"Arafat was a liar and a very bad person"
Ruth actually thought that Arafat who had a business of murdering innocent Jewish children would help her locate a missing Jew!
I'm glad that Ami is setting us straight about Yasser Arafat!
How perceptive of Ruth to see thru Arafat and find him a liar and a bad person.... so now Gittel wants us, thinking that we are as stupid and gullible as she, to admire Ruth because she also found "Arafat to be a bad person" even-though Ruth was an anti-Zionist!
This story took place in 1980 or 1981
It seems that Ruth wasn't aware that in 1972, merely 8 years before she met Arafat, the leader of the Fatah Terrorists, ordered the execution of 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympic Games.....
In 1974 Palestinian terrorists massacred 21 Jewish school children in Maalot
All that and more didn't make Arafat a "bad person" what made Arafat a "bad person' was that he wouldn't help her find a 30 year old lost now grown man living a life of a Christian in Jordan.
So Gittel Davidson sits on her couch and praises her "saintly" mother-in-law, for being a "saint" and an insightful person; she was able to detect that "Arafat was a very bad person."
By the way, members of her father-in-law's Neturei Karta, such as Moshe Hirsch, actually thought that Arafat was a great guy and met him on multiple occasions.
Palestinians went on to bomb the Sbarro Pizza Shop in Yerushalyim blowing up 15 people including 7 children and a pregnant woman, 130 were wounded!
A drink please..... I need drink ......anyone home?...
Did you just bring me water? Noooooooooooo! I need a stiff drink!
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Ami Magazine & Chaya Silber Spew Venom & Hate on the Jewish State
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Mrs Gittel Fuchs Ruben Davidson |
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R' Amrom Blau and is second wife Ruth Madeleine Lucette Blau |
Mrs Davidson was born in Denmark, 10 months after WW2 to a Gerer family, and in this story she relates how she wound up getting to know Ruth and her subsequent marriage to Uriel.
This is where it gets interesting and crazy....
Saturday, February 23, 2019
MK Eichler Curses Israel As He Is Being Interviewed by Ami's Frankfurter!
Sunday, February 19, 2017
Ami Magazine Promotes Fake News with Insulting Cover Questioning Trump's Sanity on Front Cover
Nobody wraps their peyus around their ears anymore, either curl them or put them under your childish embroidered kippah ...
Sunday, August 21, 2016
Ami: "Eretz Yisroel not important"
Yitzy (the clown) Franfurter, editor Ami Magazine |
"Hakadosh Baruch Hu sent a message that the Torah is at the center of Yiddishkeit and not Eretz Yisrael."
Chazal and practically all Rishonim are climbing walls to find an answer why Hashem prohibited Moshe to enter the Holy land. Moshe Rabbeinu himself postulates that it's because of Klall Yisroel stating in Parshas Ve'eschanan: "Vyisaber Hashem bee Le'Manchem" "Hashem refused me entry in the Holy land because of YOU!",...
and the Orach Chayim in this week's parsha writes that at the end of the day ...."we really don't know" ...
So nobody knows why .....
but Yitzy the Clown, knows ...
He reasons that " Torah is far more central to Jewish life than than any geographical location"
So now Eretz Yisroel according to his warped logic is only a "geographical location"
The Arabs don't think it's just "any geographical location" and the Christians don't think it's just "any geographical location" and our Holy Torah doesn't think that Eretz Yisrael is just a "geographical location".....but the Frank, with his scraggly beard ... thinks so...
Now don't get me wrong, I think that Torah is of paramount importance; without Torah we are like all other nations.
But why can't Torah and Eretz Yisroel be on par? .....
The Gemarrah says that anyone walking 4 amos in Eretz Yisroel gets all "his sins forgiven." The Gemarrah doesn't say that about learning Torah, you can learn Torah and be a rasha me'rusha." You can learn Torah and still go to hell!
Yitzy, a Satmar tuchisleker, constantly tries to throw in the bizarre Satmar ideology whenever he can...
He even quotes the Rambam's Moreh Nevuchim,(a sefer that according to Chareidim should not even be read) to bolster his idiotic twisted undermining of the Mitzvah of Yishuv Eretz Yisrael.
and writes " yishuv Eretz Yisrael is just one of the Torah's commandments and is not the focal point of Judaism."
The fact that we see open miracles; the fulfillment of every single prophecy, the "in-gathering of the exiles" and we are seeing that the majority of Jews now live in Israel ...those facts are totally ignored by this stand up comic. The Baalei Mussar write "Letzana achas doiche meh toichacois" One Joke can destroy 100 lectures of Mussar ... Yitzy just did that with his "editorial"
Let's see how the Chazal viewed "Yishuv Eretz Yisroel"
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Bava Kamma 80b |
We learned in friday's Daf (Bava Kamma 80b) that one may instruct a gentile to sign a contract on Shabbos, on the Jew's behalf to buy property in Israel.
Normally when we deal with any other "melacha" on shabbos we cannot instruct a non-Jew to do the "melacha" because of the prohibition of "amira le'akum."
But when it comes to buying property in Israel from a non-Jew, Chazal did away with "shvus" meaning doing away with all Shabbos related Rabbinic decrees because of the great importance of "Yishuv Eretz Yisrael."
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Kesubois daf 110b |
Now see for yourself what the Ramban states in his Sefer Ha'Mitzvos:
Sefer Hamitzvos ... Ramban in Mitzvah 4 ... besides settling the Land we are
commanded for conquest & redeem the Land in all generations even under the jurisdiction of other nations i.e. exile ...
"That we are commanded to take possession of the Land which the Almighty, Blessed Be He, gave to our forefathers, to Avraham, to Yitzhak, and to Yaacov; and not to abandon it to other nations, or to leave it desolate, as He said to them, You shall dispossess the inhabitants of the Land and dwell in it, for I have given the Land to you to posses it, (Numbers, 33:53) and he said, further, To Inherit the Land which I swore to your forefathers, (to give them,) behold, we are commanded with the conquest of the land in every generation."
Sunday, December 6, 2015
AMI Rewrites Satmar Rebbe History saying he was an Ohaiv Yisroel
In this week's issue he has an editorial "Many Rivers Couldn't Quench His Ahavas Yisroel" desperately trying to convince his naive readers that the Satmar Rebbe was an Ohaiv Yisroel.
It's interesting to note, that no other Chassidis needs an editorial in Ami to convince anyone that their Rebbe was an Ohaiv Yisroel.
So Frankfurter tried to find at least one statement or quote from R' Yoel Teitelbaum, stating that he loved every single Jew, even the Zionists!
But after searching all of R' Yoilish's Shalash Seudah Toirelech and his books, the clown came up with nothing! ..... Nada!
He couldn't find a single source that R' Yoilish was an Ohaiv Yisoel from R' Yoilish's own writing or sayings!
So how did the Frank prove his preposterous theory that R' Yoilish loved every single Jew, even if they were Zionist supporters?
According to the "Clown," ..... the proof is, that when the Satmar Rebbe ranted and raved against the Gedoilie Yisroel that supported the State of Israel , he DID NOT quote a particular Rambam!
Guys, help me!
Is this insane, or what?
So because the Rebbe didn't quote the Rambam, when he ranted, raved and cursed the Zionists, that makes him an Ohaiv Yisroel!
It's not that we found proof somewhere that R' Yoilish said that he loved every single Jew, ...... No!
According to the Frank, we see that R' Yoilish was an Ohaiv Yisroel, from what he didn't say!??????
He wants us to judge the Rebbe, not by what he wrote or actually said, but what the Rebbe didn't write or say?????
How crazy can a guy get? What drug is he taking?
The Rambam In Hilchos Rotzei'ach 13:14 states that there is in fact no mitzvah of Ahavas Yisroel for a sinner!
Now, ..... this is not the forum to debate the ruling and the thinking of the Rambam ..
Suffice it to say that the Lubavitcher Rebbe z"l knew this Rambam very well, probably, I would venture to say, better then R' Yoilish, and he established the biggest Kiruv movement and "Tefillin Campaign" since Hashem gave the Torah at Har Sinai!
So let's pause and think about "the Frank's" demented statement..... .... that the Rambam held that there is "no mitzvah of Ahavas Yisroel for a sinner"
According to his twisted logic, where does that leave the Rambam,?????????????????????????????????????
According to the Frank, the Rambam must have been a "Sonei Yisroel," a hater of Jews, making the Satmar Rebbe an Ohaiv Yisroel since the Rebbe didn't quote this Rambam on purpose, thinking that the Rambam was too extreme???????????????????????????
Get it?
Now let's see some examples from the Rebbe's own lips regarding the Gedoilim that supported the Zionists, and then let's see if he loved any of them!
1) Parshas Shelach June 1967, in his Shaolosh Seuda Toireleh rant, that is recorded on an mp disc and transcribed in a book called "Sheemee D'var Hashem" (what a chutzpah to call this trash, "Words of Hashem") page 31, Chapter 23, the Rebbe calls the Zionists
"zera Ameliek" children of Amelik!
2) In the same book, page 37, Chapter 24, the Rebbe calls those Gedoilie Yisroel that support the Zionists
3) In the same book page 28 chapter 15, the Rebbe mocks those (Chabad) that are mekareiv and put tefillin on the secular Zionists and IDF soldiers ....
the Rebbe says "Shabsai Tzvi ym"s..... also did kiruv work"
then he continues the rant:
"the military (IDF) that mix with girls, .....I'm not going to mention that they are immersed in TV watching and attend theaters, and are steeped in Tumeh , is there any doubt that their entire way of thinking is full of carnal desires and are prohibited from putting tefillin on ..... and that they (Chabad) chose specifically this particular mitzvah; ......isn't the act of putting on tefillin on person like them (IDF) itself a sin?!"
In the above rant (#3) he mocks the Lubavitcher Rebbe z"l who apparently was very aware of the halachos of tefillin and nevertheless, since he truly loved every single Jew, saw fit to institute a "Tefillin Campaign" so that every single male Jew have the merit of putting on tefillin at least once in his lifetime!
In reading the above examples, was the Satmar Rebbe the hallmark of an Ohaiv Yisroel?
Would someone who loves every single Jew, call a Jew ...."Zera Ameliek?"
Would someone who loves every single Jew call a Jewish leader that supports the State of Israel an "apikores?"
Would someone who loves every single Jew deny him an opportunity to put Tefillin on at least once in his lifetime?
The bottom line is that R' Yoel Teitelbaum the founder of the Satmar dynasty did not love every Jew since he cursed the Zionists ...and not only that, he made sure that his followers also hated them ...
as to why R' Yoilish did not quote the Rambam if it bolstered his postion .....
Who knows and who cares!
To say that "Many Rivers couldn't quench his Ahavas Yisroel" is laughable .... and a blatant lie, I may add...
You lie..... Frankfurter .... you lie!
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Yitzi Frankfurter in his Shabbisdike Levush |
Friday, October 30, 2015
Rabi Yair Hoffman throws Yitzchok Frankfurter of Ami Under the Bus!
It seems that Yitzy Frankfurter said, that Rabbi Elazar, an Amorah of the first generation of Amoraim, was a depressed guy!
Well, Hoffman would have nothing of that ... and attacked him mercilessly !
By Rabbi Yair Hoffman,
Generally speaking, we should be open and tolerant of views and interpretations of others that may differ from ours.
Sometimes, however, when we perceive a breach in the Mesorah of the interpretation of a passage in the Talmud and it is presented as fact, it is incumbent upon others to vocalize their dissent. This is particularly true when the misinterpretation has no substantive linguistic indication to that effect within the text.
The essay in question stated that Rabbi Elazar, of the first generation of Amoraim, was suffering from mental illness. The essay was penned by Rabbi Yitzchok Frankfurter, the editor of Ami Magazine, whom I generally consider a Talmid Chochom. Nonetheless, the particular essay (issue 237 entitled “A Look Inside Psych Wards”) struck this author as troubling.
Rabbi Frankfurter based this assertion on a passage in Brachos 5b which states as follows:
Rabbi Elazar once became sick. Rabbi Yochanan came to visit him and saw that he was sleeping in a dark room. Whereupon Rabbi Yochanan uncovered his own arm and immediately the room grew light. Rabbi Yochanan then noticed that Rabbi Elazar was weeping. Rabbi Yochanan asked, “Why are you weeping? Is it because you have not learned Torah sufficiently? Behold we are taught, ‘No matter whether one offers much or little – only the intentions of one’s heart counts for the sake of Heaven.’ Is it because you are in need and poor? Not everyone receives a table in the world to come and a table here. Is it because of trouble from your children? Here is a bone from my tenth son. “I weep,” responded Rabbi Elazar for that beauty which will ultimately decay in the earth.” Rabbi Yochanan responded, “For that you really ought to weep.” Both wept together. Rabbi Yochanan then asked of him, “Do you love afflictions?” Rabbi Elazar answered, “Neither them nor their rewards.” “Then give me your hand.” Rabbi Elazar did so and was made well.
Rabbi Frankfurter writes, “It is clear that Rabbi Elazar was suffering on a psychological level from a pall of darkness enveloping his mind, rather than from physical disease.” He bases his interpretation on the fact that Rabbi Yochanan did not ask Rabbi Elazar if the reason he was crying was on account of poor health or physical pain. Rabbi Frankfurter then suggests that Rabbi Yochanan is engaging in “existential psychotherapy” in his discussion with Rabbi Elazar.
There is an unfortunate tendency for people to, at times, get caught up in their mada studies, in their Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, and Rank philosophies, and then retro-inject them into various Gemorahs and Midrashim that they come across with forced readings. Existentialist psychotherapy is strictly an early 20th century phenomenon. Injecting this type of therapy into the interpretation of a Gemorah with no Meforshim backing it up is anachronistic.
The results are not just incorrect readings of Torah texts, but there are two other repercussions as well: There are grave methodological missteps where, for example, an early Amorah is labelled as someone who is mentally ill; and the traditions of the classical commentators on our texts are entirely ignored.
This Gemorah has been amply and adequately interpreted throughout the generations.
The Ran understands this passage to mean that “in a dark room” means that Rabbi Elazar, Rabbi Yochanan’s student was destitute. Rabbi Yochanan opened his hand in generosity.
The Or HaChaim HaKadosh, the Nesivos, and the Malbim all interpret “sleeping in a dark room” as headed toward his ultimate demise which is called “a dark room.” Rabbi Yochanan was thus attempting to inspire Rabbi Elazar not to give up his will to live despite the sufferings of his illness.
Rabbi Avrohom Kara, a contemporary of Rabbi Akiva Eiger and author of the Ayil HaMeluim explains “in a dark room” to mean that Rabbi Elazar looked at Rabbi Yochanan in a slightly negative light in that Rabbi Yochanan was quite wealthy and it was thought by some that he did not distribute charity in the appropriate amounts. Rabbi Yochanan revealed his light means that he showed Rabbi Elazar his hidden acts of charity.
The Gedolei HaAchronim have given numerous interpretations throughout the centuries to this passage. Not one of them, however, suggested that Rabbi Elazar was suffering from mental illness.
In response to a query from a reader named B. Mann (issue 239) about what his sources were for the interpretation, Rabbi Frankfurter responded, “The most important source for the interpretation that Rabbi Elazar’s illness was of a psychological nature is the Gemorah in Brachos (5b) which I cited.”
Rabbi Frankfurter then juxtaposes a Mishna in Shabbos (29b) that discusses extinguishing a light on Shabbos because of a ruach rah, which the Rambam interprets as mental illness. He correlates the need to extinguish a light with the fact that Rabbi Elazar was in a darkened room. It is significant to note that no commentator correlates the Mishna in Shabbos with the Gemorah in Brachos. Also, Rashi provides an entirely different understanding of Ruach Rah which would entirely rule out any basis for correlating the two passages.
Rabbi Frankfurter’s “sources” for his interpretation are technically not true sources in the classical sense, rather they are inferences that Rabbi Frankfurter perceives within the text; namely that Rabbi Elazar was in a darkened room and the dialogue between the two Rabbis expressly underscoring the psychological aspect of his suffering. As we have seen, however, there are different interpretations of this idea.
The mental illness interpretation suggested in the Ami article, however, is not novel. Reform Rabbi Ruth Adar, suggested just such an interpretation last year in her blog. The point is that such interpretations are foreign to traditional Judaism. This is not a gratuitous attack. If the only fellow travelers on a path are Reform Rabbis when the topic was dealt with by our classical meforshim for centuries, then something is clearly wrong.
Ami Magazine has always stood at the forefront of defending Torah-true Judaism. This is an important mission, and ny and large they have met this mission suscessfully. The interpretation of this passage in a manner that stands in contrast to the Rishonim and Achaonim is a violation of what Ami Magazine stands for. In this author’s opinion Rabbi Frankfurter should retract the essay.
Jerry Nadler who stabbed his Jewish Constituents in the back, is crawling back like the rat that he is!
Now that he realized that he is running for Congress again, he ran like a poisoned mouse to Ezra (the Kapo) Friedlander, who hooked him up with the clown Yitzy "the" Frankfurter.
This clown, is the "editor" of Ami Magazine, a magazine that panders to the Satmar Chassidim .
Ami dedicated 14 pages to this piece of vermin!
THE FRANK interviewed Nadler, a man with no convictions and no morals. Nadler had the Chutzpah of voting to hand over nuclear missiles to Iran, a country that vowed to eliminate the State of Israel and its inhabitants.
So now while Iran's satellite terrorists are stabbing Jews in the streets of Israel, stabbing men, women and children, and even while innocent Jewish blood is flowing in the streets of Yerushalyim...... Ezra, the Kapo, shlepps the fat Nadler to the "chuchim fin de Ma'Nishtana" Yitzy, to interview him so that the lying bastard can explain his treacherous vote on Iran...
Nadler apparently knows that the naive Jewish Chasidishe sheep will forgive him and put him back in office so that he can continue to lick the backside of Hillary Clinton who he thinks will be our next President!
Why would Ami stoop so low?
Is it because of how much money the fat bastard will funnel to our "holy" moisdois?
What is it with us Jews, that follow this money whore, Ezra Friedlander,?
Why do Jews listen to this admitted High School Dropout that cannot calculate a simple tip to a waiter in a restaurant, by his own admission?
Why do we re-elect political vermin, who laugh at us, and who turn their backs on the Jewish People?
This guy, Nadler, a lying politician knew that he can kiss up to Hussain Obama and the Jews will say "thank you" and vote for this snake again!
It's time to dump him..... better vote for an open anti-Semite than for a guy that says he is for the security of Israel and then votes to place nuclear weapons in the hands of tyrants that vow to destroy us...
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Ami's Yitzchok Frankfurter can't find kosher food in Tel Aviv!
The clown, Yitchok Frankfurter interviews MK Yisroel Eichler in this weeks Ami, and tells him that he cannot find kosher food in Tel Aviv....
This lying skunk, like the Meraglim, must push his anti-Zionist agenda, even if it has absolutely nothing to do with the interview, and even if its a ridiculous lie!
The following Kosher Food establishments in Tel Aviv do not even include Kosher super sols and other kosher supermarkets,Kosher Cafe's, Fast Food Restaurants, Pizza Stores, Falafel Stores:
Fancy, Mediterranean, Meat
Weitzman 4
Fancy, Steak, Meat
Azrieli Towers
Fancy, French, Meat
Kaufman 5
Fancy, Steak, Meat
Ahad Ha'am 28
Fancy, Turkish, Meat
Ha'Arba'a 8
Fancy, French, Meat
Nachalat Binyamin 30
Fancy, Mediterranean, Meat
Sheraton Hotel
Hayarkon 115
Fancy, French, Meat
Lilienblum 24
Fancy, Steak, Meat
Herbert Samuel 60
Fancy, Israeli, Meat
Fancy, Steak, Meat
Shenkar 16, Herzliya
Fancy, Steak, Meat
Galgalei Haplada 7, Herzliya
Fancy, Continental, Meat
HaBarzel 17
Fancy, Grill, Meat
Nachalat Binyamin 37
Fancy, Steak, Meat
Weitzmann 2
Fancy, French, Meat
Bat Ami 7
Mid, Israeli, Meat
Namal Tel Aviv
Mid, Eastern European, Meat
Herzl 146
Mid, Libian, Meat
Yerushalyim 6
Mid, Israeli, Meat
Rabbi Meir 26
Mid, Grill, Meat
Menachem Begin 37
Mid, Israeli, Meat
Rothschild 47
Mid, Israeli, Meat
Gordon Beach
Fancy, Italian, Dairy
Weitzman 2
Mid, Italian, Dairy
Mikveh Yisrael 1
Mid, Mix, Dairy
Namal Tel Aviv
Chill, Italian, Dairy
Ben Yehuda 177
Chill, Hungarian, Dairy
Yirmiyahu 35
Fancy, Fish, Dairy
HaTasia 10
Fancy, Fish, Dairy
Carlton Hotel Roof
Eliezer Peri 10
Fancy, Sushi, Dairy
Azrieli Towers
Fancy, Fish/Pasta, Dairy
Yafo Namal
Fancy, Asian Fish, Meat
Crowne Plaza Hotel
HaYarkon 145
Fancy, Sushi, Dairy
Hilton Hotel
Mid,Fish, Dairy
Yigal Alon 96
Mid, Fish, Meat
Herbert Samuel 88
Mid, Sushi, Dairy
Bograshov 23
Mid, Sushi, Dairy
Bograshov 28
Mid, Sushi, Dairy
Namal Tel Aviv
Chill, Sushi, Dairy
Dizengoff 79
Ibn Givrol 72
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Ami Magazine calls Vocational Colleges that solicit Chareidim "Morally repulsive"
The "morally repulsive," Frankfurter, publisher of the "Pro-Satmar Anti-Israel" Magazine, Ami, continues to make a fool of himself!
In this week's edition, The Frank, writes an editorial about his visit to the Jerusalem College of Technology's Machon Lev Institute, Israel's leading school of engineering for Modern men and women.
The Institute was founded by the late Professor Zev Lev primarily for Hesder Talmidim.
Machon Lev combines academic studies with Jewish learning and enrolls many Chareidim in separate campuses for men and women.
The Frank, interviewed the assistant to the President of the Mechon, Stuart Herskowitz, as he put it, to "ascertain whether Mechon Lev's goal was to teach a trade to those members of the chareidie community seeking a vocation to support themselves (a highly laudable undertaking),
or to "meddle in the chareidi community's pedagogical philosophy and methods."
The Frank, added the words, ("an ethically repugnant activity") in parenthesis, for some reason ...
So, The Frank, traveled 5,000 miles from his home to Israel to "ascertain" if a school that helps Chareidim with parnassa and gives them a trade, that helps them support their families ....
is "meddling" with "Chareidie philosophy"!
And what, does The Frank, think is Chareidie philosophy?
But he won't, G-d Forbid, come out and say it......
he masquerades his "do nothing philosophy" with a lot of sophisticated "word salad" to fool his readers into thinking that he advocates people training to have a trade!
To bolster his lie that he is all for Chassidim having a trade, he writes:
"It would be hard to find another Jewish periodical that publishes as many articles on the subject of business. We endeavor each week to assist our readers in overcoming their financial challenges and help them prosper."
It's true that The Frank, features every week business entrepreneurs,...... but what the clown won't tell you is that not everyone can start a business, and those that do, are a minority of a minority....very very few of them around....
and how many are successful?
Ami doesn't feature those who started a business and failed.
Some need to go to school to learn a trade....Mr. Frankfurter!
He then rants and raves against learning a trade; but does his best to confuse his readers into thinking he is really for it, by quoting the halacha that requires learning a trade , which is a Mishna in Mesactas Shabbos and is the final psak according to all Rishonim including the Rambam!
"Rav Meir famously said, "One should make sure to teach his son a trade that is clean and easy."
And then, lest you think, that is The Frank's philosophy, he quickly switches, quoting the opposing view that is only designed for the very few, and makes it the hallmark of his "editorial," saying that this is Chareidie philosophy!
"By contrast, Rav Nehorai declared, "I forsake all professions in the world and teach my son only Torah"