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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query nadler. Sort by date Show all posts

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Ezra Friedlander Supports Nadler's Stabbing the Jewish People in the Heart

The Traitors and Roidfim

This Ezra Friedlander would sell his mother for a a bag of mixed chulent beans!

Fat Nadler stabs Holocaust survivors in the heart by voting for the Iran Deal, and gets  Ezra to write an Op-Ed in theyeshivaworld.com asking his naive neighbors to understand Nadler before judging him. Even though Nadler supports the destruction of the State of Israel” and sides with Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Sick mesheeganer!

Here is his Op-Ed .... My Comments in Red

Ezra: As a grandchild of Holocaust survivors, I am keenly aware of the existential threat a nuclear Iran poses to Israel and the world.

DIN: Apparently not.... your'e only aware of how much $$$$$ fat Nadler will funnel through your consulting firm!
People like you in concentration camps, were called Kapos!

Did I mention the fact that Ezra Friedlander, is a paid consultant for Nadler? 

 Ezra: I am not a scientist nor am I an expert on the intricacies of the Iran deal.
DIN: Then shut the hell up!

Ezra: Therefore, I cannot add my professional perspective or personal endorsement of the Iran Deal.

DIN: Who the hell are you? Do you think that people are waiting for your "professional perspective?"
What an arrogant piece of vermin!
Hey Ezra ....And You don't have an opinion about a country that is about to get nuclear weapons pointed at your brothers and sisters? 
Have you no heart? Ezra?

Ezra: My only below is to point out the soul-searching and difficult decision made by Congressman Nadler to support the Iran DeaI. 

DIN: Nadler did no soul searching. And it was actually an easy decision by Nadler because Nadler is a sworn supporter of the Hussain Obama regime! He does not care one bit about the 6 million Jews living in jeopardy in the State of Israel because of this Iran deal, and you Kapo Friedlander don't care either.

Ezra: I urge everyone, both critics and supporters of the deal, to read Mr. Nadler’s well-researched and thoughtful statement.
DIN: Are you insane? You want people who survived the worst calamity in Jewish history to read fat Nadler's "thoughtful" statement?
Do you think that your Grandparents that perished in the ovens of Auschwitz, want you to "read Mr. Nadler's well-researched and thoughtful statement?"
Ezra ... Who do you think your murdered grandparents would want you to support? 
Nadler or Schumer?

Ezra: Jerry Nadler’s sobering assessment 
DIN: "Sobering assessment?" 
Are you drunk? You naive foolish Kapo!

Ezra: should be read in its ENTIRETY -it fully recognizes that “no one can pretend that we are choosing between a set of flawless options. These decisions are hard, involving close calls and uncertain future predictions”.
I’d also like to remind everyone that it was Jerry Nadler who said prior to the Iraq War, that “ Iran — not Iraq — was the real threat, and if we removed Iraq as a buffer to Iranian influence and expansionism, Israel and the United States would be left to suffer from the consequences”.
DIN: What are you blabbering about? 
"These decisions" are NOT "hard. The decision is actually a very easy one. Just vote against  giving a nuclear option to a country that swears to wipe Israel off the map, a country where over 6 million Jews live. 
And isn't that a contradiction? If Iran "is the real threat," why are you trusting the Iranians with a nuclear deal? 

Ezra: It should also be noted that Congressman Nadler asked for and received unprecedented official Presidential assurances that should Iran “seek to dash toward a nuclear weapon” the United States will take whatever means necessary…including military means” to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon.
DIN: Oh! Fat Nadler got "assurances" ..... why don't you tell that to the Iraqis ... and the Saudis...and for that matter the Egyptians!
And according to the deal, Mr. kapo, the Iranians get a nuclear weapon in 15 years.... yup that's in the deal!

Ezra: Additionally, Congressman Nadler received notification that the United States is prepared to increase funding for Iron dome, Arrow-3 and David Sling Missile Defense Systems.
DIN: Oh my! That's assuring ... alot of good is the Iron Dome and Arrow-3 and David Sling Missile Defense, against a nuclear bomb!
Notice that all the above is Israel's Technology!

Ezra: Congressman’s Nadler’s statement that he is “outraged that some on the Left are making anti-Semitic accusations of dual loyalty or treason when someone, particularly a Jewish member of Congress, decides to oppose the agreement” is also reflective that he understands our rage when opponents of the deal have their patriotism questioned”
DIN: WHAT?????? So that makes us feel better, because Fat Nadler "understands our rage?" If he understood "our rage" he would oppose the Iran nuclear deal....
Hey Ezra Kapo..... where is your "rage??"

Ezra: Furthermore Jerry Nadler’s fully appreciates Israel’s role and disagrees with those who suggest that Israel’s government or people must not interfere in seeking to shape American decisions on these issues’…emphasizing such statements as a means of silencing an important part of the discussion’.
DIN: You know what Nadler? Stick your "appreciation of Israel's role" where the sun don't shine and vote  against the deal! How about that?

Ezra: Mr. Nadler further states: “Israel and Israelis have an absolutely legitimate right to be concerned, given the existential threat they face, and to articulate that concern openly within the American political debate. If Iran were allowed to develop a nuclear weapon, that would represent a fundamental threat to the existence of Israel. A single nuclear bomb on Tel Aviv could destroy the homeland of the Jewish people, causing a catastrophic and irrevocable loss of Israeli lives and threatening the existence of our most important ally in the Middle East. Without Israel raising the alarm, the world might not have prioritized this threat and we would be in a weaker position than we are in today to respond to this terrifying question”.
DIN: Am I missing something? Having said all that, Fat Nadler votes for the Iran deal? I don't get it...
And the Kapo, Ezra, repeats this nonsense!

Ezra: All of the aforementioned underscores Jerry Nadler’s thorough and keen understanding of the implications of the Iran Deal and I urge everyone to take the time to read the Congressman’s full statement to fully appreciate how he arrived at his decision.
DIN:Hey Kapo Ezra.... don't you think that Senator Schumer read the same report as Fat Nadler?
Looks like Schumer will vote for the Jewish People and Fat Nadler and Kapo Ezra will vote to give an enemy of Israel a nuclear bomb ...
Thanks alot Ezra! 
Hey Ezra, how much $$$$$$$$$$$ will it take for you to turn and throw Nadler under the bus ... you miserable traitor to the Jewish people!
Ezra, It's far better to remain silent and be judged a fool then to speak up and remove all doubt!

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Who Knew? Nadler Says that he impeached Bush twice!


Longshot challenger Suraj Patel came out swinging in the Democratic primary debate for the race to represent Manhattan’s Upper West and Upper East sides, saying it’s time to retire septuagenarian Reps. Jerrold Nadler and Carolyn Maloney.

The call for new blood from the 38-year-old came right after Nadler stumbled badly through his own opening statement.

“It’s 2022. It’s time to turn the page on 1992,” Patel, 38, said in a swipe at Nadler, 75, and Maloney, 76, during his introductory statement in the debate co-sponsored by NY1 and WNYC.

Nadler’s delivery was halting during his initial presentation, and he misspoke and often seemed unable to come up with the right words.

And then Nadler, the House Judiciary Committee chairman, uttered a real whopper, proclaiming, “I’ve impeached Bush twice.”

He was referring to his oversight of the politically divisive impeachments of former President Donald Trump, who he confused with either the 41st or 43rd presidents.

Nadler’s bumbling seemed to prove Patel’s point.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Jerry Nadler has become a serial napper in Congress


When the country’s House Democratic committee chairs gathered for a regular Zoom check-in earlier this year — one of the leaders was asleep at the wheel.

As the nation’s most powerful elected officials planned, strategized and informed their colleagues about what they were up to, Rep. Jerry Nadler — chairman of the House Judiciary Committee — napped.

“He was Rock-A-Bye Baby. The meetings are usually half an hour and he was out for about 15 minutes,” a Democratic Hill staffer who was on the call told The Post.

The aide said nobody bothered to wake the sleeping giant, and things hummed along without him.

“It’s just a known thing,” the aide said of Nadler’s serial snoozing.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Ad Campaign against Fat Nadler Intensifying !

If you read a Jewish newspaper this weekend you are likely to see an ad slamming Congressman Jerry "Fatso" Nadler for his support of the Iran deal. 

The ad plainly states: “Jerry Nadler represents more Jews than any other Congressman. He claims to be Pro-Israel. So why is he backing Obama and Iran?” 

The ad calls on voters to call Congressman Nadler at (800) 733 5417 and “tell him to stand with Israel – NOT Iran.”

Congressman "Fatso" Nadler set of a fire-storm last week when he became the first Congressman from New York to announce his support for President Obama’s deal with Iran. Fat Nadler’s decision to support the Iran deal was especially surprising considering Senator Chuck Schumer’s strong public opposition to the Iran deal just a few days earlier. 

Fat Nadler was roundly condemned by Jewish leaders including those that represent his Brooklyn district: Assemblyman Dov Hikind, Councilman David Greenfield and Senator Simcha Felder. Hikind promised that the community would run a candidate against Fat Nadler and spend millions to defeat him. Greenfield criticized Nadler for lying to the community when he told community leaders days before his announcement that he was undecided. Felder is headlining a rally against Nadler with holocaust survivors later today in front of Nadler’s office.

The decision by Fat Nadler to support the Iran deal has opened a rift between Nadler and Brooklyn’s Jewish community which generally feels ignored by Nadler’s Upper West Side politics. 

However, the community traditionally supported Nadler based on his pro-Israel record. Nadler’s support for the Iran deal was an especially big blow for opponents of the deal because it provides political cover for non-Jews to vote in favor of the Iran deal. These critical ads are likely to be the first of a long campaign of disenfranchisement with Fat Congressman Nadler!

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

"Iran Lover" Nadler Wins Victory 12th Congressional District

 Rep. Jerry Nadler cruised to victory in Tuesday’s contentious Democratic primary to represent New York’s 12th Congressional District, ousting longtime incumbent Rep. Carolyn Maloney after three decades in office to the dismay of her longtime supporters.

As a celebratory Nadler addressed boosters on the Upper West Side Tuesday night, the mood at the Maloney party in Chelsea turned mutinous, as her supporters booed and jeered the House Judiciary Committee chair’s televised speech, with some yelling “Traitor!”

With more than 95% of the district’s vote scanners reporting, Nadler had 55.4% of the vote compared to just 24.4% for Maloney. Attorney Suraj Patel, who was challenging Maloney for a third consecutive cycle, had 17.8%.

Nadler said both Rep. Carolyn Maloney and Suraj Patel called him tonight to concede defeat.

He praised Patel as an “exceptionally bright and committed young leader” and thanked Maloney for her “decades of service to our city,” adding that they spent much of their “adult lives working together.”

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Gloves Are Off as Maloney accuses Nadler of using Jewish faith to appeal to voters


Pass the popcorn watching DemonRats eat each other alive!

Rep. Carolyn Maloney accused her longtime-colleague-turned-opponent Rep. Jerry Nadler of using his religious faith as a “divisive tactic” in the heated primary race.

Maloney said Nadler, who is Jewish, was playing identity politics as a method of appealing to voters when the race should be focused on the issues that affect voters.

“It’s a strange way to run, it’s sort of like, ‘Vote for me, I’m the only woman, or I’m the only white person, I’m the only Black person,’” Maloney told the New York Times. “Why don’t you put forward your statement, your issues, what you’ve done and the merit you bring to the race?”

The Times article focused on the decline in New York City’s Jewish representation in Congress over the year — with the city at risk of losing its last remaining Jewish congress member, Nadler, should Maloney win.

Allies of three decades, Nadler and Maloney, found themselves facing off head-to-head in the primary race for the 12th Congressional District when a court-appointed special master redrew the district to include portions of Nadler’s current 10th district.

Maloney’s accusation of Nadler using identity politics as a divisive tactic was at least the second time she fired an attack at her former ally this month. In early June, she accused Nadler of sexism for allegedly asking her to step aside and let him run for their newly-combined district.

She told the Post that she believed Nadler would not have asked a male rival to do the same.

The pair each started their Congressional careers in the ’90s with Nadler representing a district running down the Upper West Side in the 10th District and Maloney holding down the Upper East Side in the 12th District.

In May, the special master combined the neighborhoods into one district, the new 12th District. Despite the new district being 60% Maloney’s, Nadler jumped into the race, rather than potentially face alien territory in his newly redrawn 10th district — which has now become a fiercely competitive open seat.

The political careers of the two Democrats, who are each longstanding powerhouses and committee chairs in Congress, desperately hinge on who wins the Aug. 32 primary.

The new 12th district they are both hoping to win is believed to be the most Jewish in the country, according to the Times.

While Nadler was raised Jewish and worships at B’nai Jeshurun, a historic synagogue in the Upper West Side, Maloney, who is Presbyterian, has attempted to appeal to Jewish voters throughout her campaign.

For instance, her campaign highlighted her bill promoting Holocaust education in schools as well as her vote against former President Barack Obama’s Iran nuclear deal — which Nadler supported.

Sunday, June 26, 2016


Image result for nadler

Rep. Jerrold Nadler undermined global security by supporting President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran, shouldn't be reelected

For almost a quarter century, Democrat Jerrold Nadler has represented New York City in Congress — and rarely did he cast a more consequential vote than in the term now coming to an end.
In August 2015, Nadler undermined global security, regional stability in the Middle East and the security of Israel by supporting President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran. Nadler’s aye was critical because his credentials as both a staunch defender of Israel and Jewish powerfully delivered the message that the pact merited approval.
With Sen. Chuck Schumer and every other Jewish member of the New York delegation turning thumbs down, the President met with Nadler in the White House for the first time in Obama’s then-six years in office as part of a concerted drive to bind Democratic loyalties.
Asserting that the President’s plea for party unity played no role in his decision, Nadler has said he believed the deal’s pluses outweighed its minuses. Whatever his motivations, when the stakes were extraordinarily high, he exercised profoundly bad judgment.
On Tuesday, for the first time in two decades, Nadler faces a challenger in a Democratic reelection primary. DIN urges voters cast their ballots against Nadler in rebuke for helping lead the world in a disastrous direction.
Obama reached the deal as the radical Islamist regime verged on having the capability to produce and deliver a nuclear weapon. In exchange for the end of crippling economic sanctions, the mullahs agreed to dismantle facilities and shed atomic fuel — while remaining on the threshold of weapons capacity, an existential threat to Israel, when terms of the pact expire in 10 to 15 years.
Now, Secretary of State John Jerry is pressuring reluctant U.S. companies to restart business with Iran as a way to satisfy Iranian demands for greater economic benefits. And the international anti-terror-funding watchdog, including American membership, has suspended money-laundering measures against Iran for a year, despite well grounded fear that the country's banks finance terror.
Having won the backing of many in his party, including Nadler, Obama is steadily and insistently strengthening an apocalyptic regime that is bent on regional hegemony and the destruction of Israel — and that backs its muscle with the ability to produce and deliver the atomic bomb within a year if it so chooses.
Nadler represents the 10th District, stretching from the Upper West Side of Manhattan all the way to Borough Park, Brooklyn. He is challenged by first-time candidate Oliver Rosenberg, a 30-year-old, graduate of Yeshiva University and former investment banker.
Every vote for Rosenberg will make a principled statement against an entrenched incumbent who regrettably lost touch with both his constituents and the national interest.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Ezra Friedlandler in Big Trouble With Nadler ..... Nadler Won ... But Boro-Park Voted For His Opponent..


Cathy Bernstein 

I can just hear the "poops in his pants" Nadler ..screaming at his aides...."Why the hell do I need that "lisker ganif" on my payroll?" "He didn't deliver" ..."$1,000.00 a month? "For what?" "he promised me, that no way are chassidim going to vote for a lady, no way" "that "langeh rekkel liar."

Brooklyn voters made their voices heard in veteran Rep. Jerry Nadler’s reelection this week, with his more conservative constituents in the borough’s southern neighborhoods casting ballots for President Trump and the liberal Democrat’s GOP opponent Cathy Bernstein.

Bernstein won the 48th Assembly District that includes Borough Park with 16,841 votes to 4,147 for Nadler. President Trump carried the same AD over Joe Biden by nearly 20,000 votes — 23,448 to 4,877.

Bernstein, 58, a financial consultant who resides on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, railed against stricter state oversight of yeshivas — a potent issue that resonates in the district’s heavily orthodox Jewish communities — and also slammed Nadler for supporting “defunding” police.

The GOP candidate also made an issue of the city placing homeless people into neighborhood hotels amid the pandemic.

Manhattan comprises 70 percent of the district, and Brooklyn the other 30 percent.

The machine count showed Nadler ahead 68 percent to 30 percent, or 120,273 to 52,842 votes. But Bernstein’s tally was 22,000 votes more than Nadler’s GOP challenger received in 2016.

The machine count showed Bernstein actually carried the Brooklyn side of the district convincingly — with 33,124 votes to 24,607 for Nadler.

Bernstein said she made five different campaign posters and the one about defending yeshivas was so popular among shopkeepers in Borough Park that she had to do a reprint. She stood up for privately-run religious schools after the state Education proposed to increase oversight while Nadler defended stricter regulation.

“These are constituents who feel strongly about education,” Bernstein said.

“Nadler is not well received in the Brooklyn side of the district,” said former Assemblyman Dov Hikind who previously represented the 48th AD, adding, “The Democratic Party in New York has moved so far to the left people here are upset with the Democratic Party.”

Hikind also credited Trump’s strong showing in south Brooklyn with lifting up Bernstein in Brooklyn along with voter disgust with a spike in crime and the law that eliminated cash bail for many criminal defendants.

About 70,000 voters mailed in absentee ballots. But the overwhelming majority of the mail-ins were submitted by Manhattan voters. That means Bernstein is likely to win the Brooklyn side of the district outright when all the ballots are counted.


Thursday, September 12, 2024

Fat Nadler Mocked & Criticized For "Chapping a Shluff" While Witness Describes How Her 12-Year-old Daughter Was Raped & Murdered by Illegal

 He was resting his case.

Longtime Manhattan Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) was mocked and criticized after he appeared to shut his eyes and rested his head during an emotional House Judiciary Committee hearing on the border crisis Tuesday.

Lawmakers were hearing from family members of victims who had suffered at the hands of violent illegal immigrants, including the mother of murdered Texas 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray.

Two Republicans on the Judiciary Committee quickly blasted Nadler — the panel’s top Democrat — claiming he wasn’t taking the testimony seriously.

“From frustrated families in the audience⁦ @JudiciaryGOP hearing listening to witnesses who lost loved ones to violent illegal aliens. Hardly any Dems present – those who are…….,” Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) wrote on X alongside an image of the sleepy-looking Nadler.

“In Judiciary Committee, we’re hearing from moms of girls and women beaten, raped, strangled, discarded and a boy poisoned to death by fentanyl. Democrats:” Rep Dan Bishop (R-NC) also swiped alongside a photo of Nadler.

During his opening remarks, Nadler expressed sympathy to those who lost loved ones, but also accused Republicans of excessive partisanship.

“I would like to take a moment and express my sincerest condolences to all of our witnesses who have lost loved ones, and to all of their families.  I cannot imagine how difficult this loss has been for you, and I appreciate your being here to share their stories. May their memories be a blessing,” Nadler said.

“Instead of working in a bipartisan fashion to find meaningful solutions to our broken immigration system, we are sitting in yet one more partisan hearing designed to divide us and to score political points before an election,” he added.

The panel heard testimony from eight witnesses during the hearing.

Among them was Alexis Nungaray, who retold how her 12-year-old daughter was allegedly stripped naked and strangled to death by two illegal immigrants from Venezuela.

Sitting next to Nungaray was Patty Morin, whose daughter Rachel was allegedly raped and murdered by an illegal immigrant after going for a run not far from her home.

“One of the ladies that came with me, she took a picture of the Democrats on the other side as we were speaking and telling our stories, us, the mothers, mothers crying, telling our stories – and one of them is sleeping, and the other one’s on his phone,” Morin told Fox News.

“It was so disheartening.”

That friend who took the photo, Cathie Groenewold, lambasted the New York congressman.

“I was astounded at the careless attitude of Jerry Nadler,” she told the outlet. “They are pouring out their hearts, these women, who have lost their children to fentanyl and the most gruesome murders you could imagine, and they don’t have the common decency to sit up and give them their undivided attention.”

The Post contacted Nadler’s office for comment.

Nadler been caught nodding off during official business before, including during a 2021 hearing featuring Attorney General Merrick Garland.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Nadler Makes A Complete Fool of Himself Questioning Barr

First Nadler tried to deny AG Barr a bathroom break ....I am not kidding ...
What was really funny that Nadler kept telling Barr (they didn't let him answer any questions) that calling Troops on Peaceful protestors was illegal.... but that bombed because Jim Jordan showed the video below which showed non-stop riot scenes around the country...
Barr at one point said:
"This is a hearing. I thought I was supposed to be heard."

See column by Michael Goodwin
He came, he saw, he ate their lunch. Bill Barr, denied a meal break, feasted instead on a gaggle of Democratic amateurs.
Another congressional hearing, another Dem disaster. They planned a public hanging of the attorney general and spent weeks constructing their scaffold. He is corrupt, a liar, a toady, they and their media handmaidens assured us, and the House Judiciary Committee will reveal all.
Two obstacles quickly became apparent. The first is that the Dems were led by Rep. Jerry Nadler, whose rabidness is exceeded only by his haplessness.


Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Lapid Meets Fat Nadler to Discuss Opposition to Israel's Judicial Reform Despite the Fatso's proposal FOR Judicial Reform in the USA


Breitbart News criticized opposition leader Yair Lapid after he flew to the US on Monday to meet with Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), who has proposed the most radical reforms in US history, despite Lapid’s own criticism of the judicial reforms proposed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government.

Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Joel B. Pollak pointed out in an article published on Monday that, almost exactly two years ago, Nadler, who was then the chair of the House Judiciary Committee, unveiled a legislative proposal to “pack” the US Supreme Court — and give it a left-wing majority — by adding four new justices, whose seats would be filled by President Joe Biden.

Nadler did that despite the fact that President Biden had appointed a commission to study the idea first and which later warned that court-packing had “uncertain” benefits, Pollak noted.

“Not only did Nadler propose expanding the Court from nine seats — which it has had for over 150 years — to 13 seats, but he also demanded the Senate abolish the filibuster, a key minority protection, to do it,” wrote Pollak, adding a quote from Nadler who said at the time, “The American people have had enough. To restore power to the people, we must expand the Supreme Court.”

“Earlier this year, without a hint of irony,” Pollak noted, “Nadler led Jewish Democrats in Congress in opposing judicial reform in Israel, warning that it ‘could undermine Israeli democracy and … civil rights and religious freedoms.’”

Nadler was one of more than a dozen Jewish House Democrats who recently called on the Israeli government to suspend its plans to pass the judicial reform, in an extraordinary expression of concern by US government officials over a foreign, domestic political matter.

Pollak also noted that “Lapid has used similar terminology, claiming that judicial reforms — which largely parallel existing US law — would destroy Israel’s democracy, even though they would make the courts more accountable to the legislature.”

Breitbart News speculated that Lapid’s trip could be an effort to use pressure from outside Israel to affect negotiations between the government and the opposition over the judicial reform, which Netanyahu has paused to allow for talks.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Fat Nadler Officially A Satmar Chusid and Quotes the SHIT'eh The only question now is will Nadler's Wife Shave Her Head?


So the obese fatso Nadler, who voted for the Iran Deal that vowed to wipe Israel off the map, has made it official that being "anti-Zionist is not being an antisemite, and to support this ludicrous assertion he says that the proof is Satmar! 

Well, first of all there isn't a goy out there who loves Jews and hates Zionists.  Every single goy who is an anti-Zionist is a bona-fide antisemite! No one would argue with that .,

Second of all who says that Samar anti-Zionists love Jews??

 Yes! they wait till some Jew is dying in the hospital to bring him some heimishe chicken soup, but that's where it starts and that's where it ends! They love Jews that are sick, but healthy Jews that support Israel, they hate, and in fact, curse them three times a day in the Shemona Esra when they say "veLamanshim" 

Satmar supports this fat vile "nevilah" even though he is in favor of every single legislation that goes against Torah Values, because Nadler brings in the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!

See this from Satmar 

Representatives Jerry Nadler, Daniel Goldman, and Jamie Raskin on Monday introduced a resolution in response to the alarming rise of antisemitism in the United States – but Nadler made some stunning remarks while speaking on the House floor about the resolution.

The resolution calls for bipartisan collaboration and a comprehensive, all-of-government response to combat antisemitism in the United States, including, for example, increasing funding for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program. Additionally, it calls on Congress to provide robust funding for the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights to help enforce Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and help protect Jewish students from antisemitism.

But Nadler, pants firmly around his shoulders, also went on a rambling rant on the House floor about how not all anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism, pointing to the Satmar chassidus to prove his point. Ironically, Nadler’s comments came on Kuf Alef Kislev, the day Satmar chasidim celebrate the Rebbe having been spared from the Nazis… via the Zionists.

Watch the jaw-dropping video below.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Two "Rashaim" Friedlander & Nadler ... learning "Hilchos Krias Shma"

Ezra Friedlander, the Jew "Capo" with his buddy Rep Jerry Nadler
On the return trip from NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s re-innauguration on Ellis Island, Congressman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) explained the Talmudic reasoning behind the timing of Krias Shema Shel Shachris, to his Tuchis-Lekker back stabbing buddy Ezra "Ill Stab Any Jew In The Back" Friedlander!
Nadler is the incoming chair of the House Judiciary Committee, and has promised to investigate possible ties between the Trump administration and Russia.
Jerry Nadler was the only Jewish Democrat from New York that voted for the Iran deal.
At the time, Nadler released the following lying statement to his Holocaust Survivors constituents. Ezra then went to justify this criminal vote to the naive Boro-Parkers...
“I bring to my analysis the full weight of my responsibilities as a member of Congress, and my perspective as an American Jew who is both a Democrat and a strong supporter of Israel,” Nadler said in a statement. He said that the agreement “gives us the best chance of stopping Iran from developing a nuclear weapon.”
Now he is explaining Mesechta Brachos.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Nadler goes crying to the ADL begging them to defend him

The ADL is defending the fat slob Nadler even though he took a sharp blade to stab his constituents in the back!
He got all impressed because after seven years, Obama finally invited him to the White House!
After getting attacked by Holocaust survivors, his constituents, he went running like a cry baby to his friends at the ADL begging them to defend them!
Where was the ADL when Obama attacked Netanyahu? Hmmm?
I urge my readers to keep attacking this piece of human waste on social media!

Meanwhile, 200 Retired US Generals Lobby Congress To Reject Iran Deal Nearly 200 retired US generals, admirals and former political officials have come out strongly against the Iran nuclear accord, and have called upon Congress to sink the on the grounds that it will “enable Iran to become far more dangerous.”

Among the signatories are top former career officers from every branch of the US military, as well as officials who have served in the White House, under both Democratic and Republican administrations, The Washington Post reported Wednesday.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) on Wednesday condemned “hateful rhetoric” directed against Rep. Jerrold Nadler and other Members of Congress who have announced support for the nuclear agreement with Iran, and sharpened its call to reject “vicious ad hominem attacks” as part of the debate about the deal.
According to reports, the comments section of Nadler’s Facebook page is replete with Nazi analogies, vulgarities and obscenities, including references to him as a “stinking kapo,” a coward and traitor to the U.S. and Israel, and one particularly appalling statement that read, “When you die there no place for you on Jewish cemetery.”
“We are disgusted by many of the obscene and offensive comments that are being directed against Congressman Nadler on Facebook by individuals who resent his support for the Iran agreement, including many individuals in the Jewish community. Unfortunately, comments on social media platforms are poisoning the atmosphere. They have clearly crossed the line and gone too far,” Jonathan Greenblatt, ADL National Director, and Evan Bernstein, ADL New York Regional Director, said in a joint statement. “Hateful rhetoric that invokes Nazism and demonizes an individual is unacceptable. It has absolutely no place in public discourse, particularly when referring to a widely respected public servant like Mr. Nadler.”
“No matter one’s politics or views on the Iran deal, vicious, ad hominem attacks are unacceptable in any circumstance. Political leaders, opinion leaders, and public figures across the spectrum should set an example by rejecting such rhetoric and forcefully speaking out against language that dehumanizes,” the ADL added.
The three prominent NY Jewish Democrats who came out against the Iran nuclear deal also issued a joint statement on Tuesday condemning the “unacceptable” and “inappropriate” rhetoric from both sides in the debate over the deal.
“We remain concerned that individuals on both sides of the debate have resorted to ad hominem attacks and threats against those who don’t share their opinions. This is unacceptable,” Representatives Eliot Engel, Nita Lowey, and Steve Israel said in a joint statement. “It is especially egregious to attribute malicious intent to decision makers who are thoughtfully debating the details and effects of the agreement.”
The Jewish lawmakers added, “No matter where you stand on the Iran deal, comparisons to the Holocaust, the darkest chapter in human history, questioning the credentials of long-standing advocates for Israel, and accusations of dual loyalty are inappropriate. We call upon those concerned about the consequences of the upcoming vote to refrain from attacks and focus on the substance of the agreement.”
Earlier on Wednesday, The National Jewish Democratic Council (NJDC) sent a letter of support to Nadler, highlighting his show of courage in voting his conscience on an issue that has already divided the American Jewish community.