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Showing posts with label nadler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nadler. Show all posts

Sunday, November 21, 2021

"Crossed State Lines" Crossed State Lines ..... Fatso "the liar Nadler Says "Crossed State Lines"


Fatso Nadler took time between donuts to tweet that  the Rittenhouse verdict was "heartbreaking" and called for a federal review by the DOJ, He also repeated the lie that Rittenhouse crossed State Lines while armed, which was disproved at trial.


Thursday, December 3, 2020

Ezra Friedlander "The Dem Tuchis Lekker" Calls for Unity


This naive little back stabbing whore, who campaigned for the murderous Iran Deal and is on Nadler's payroll just wrote what he called an "op-ed" but is actually a paid  ad for his firm, asking the Chareidie communities to come together and support the "not-president" Biden!

Friedlander is an opportunist who would sell his mother from Boca Raton for a couple of shekels. 
Just last year he went shopping around  congress to get them to give Anwar Sadat the murderer of over 2,000 Jewish children a "Congressional Medal of Honor." It was all about the Benjamins!
Ezra with "Lady Gaga and anti-Israel NY Senator 

In his naive and incoherent rant he chastises frum Trump supporters thinking that we are all stupid:

"what I and many of us witnessed this past year was cult-like behavior. The cult-like behavior expressed itself in messianic terms, framing the candidate in idolatrous proportions, clouding our judgment in evaluating the candidate and his policies and inhibiting his followers from practically assessing the opponent.

This behavior is an amateur manifestation of how to engage in the political process, it doesn't bring support to your candidate, it actually diminishes the importance of the election and why you should support that candidate in the first place. More compelling to us, it exudes unwanted attention to our community.

Yes, unwanted attention is a negative byproduct of such idolatry-politics."

Hey "capo" we didn't "worship" Trump... we aren't following a "cult" you sick dope.... we loved him because of his policies ...
We did "evaluate" his opponent ... and he is an old senile fool!

Then this admitted uneducated fool admonishes:

"This persisted to the point where the image of our community being led by and consisting of active proponents of such idolatry became widespread. This portrayal is diametrically opposed to our values and how our community actually behaves."

Ezra is accusing frum people who are supporting Trump of "idolatry" ... 
he is part of a community that "idolizes" their Chassidishe Rebbes sharing the Rebbes left over chicken soup and fish and he is accusing us of "idolatry"?

This menuval has the audacity to lecture us stating brazenly: 

"as Jews have a moral obligation, to pray for his success as we did for our outgoing President, Donald Trump. This is the Jewish way."

Keep your "morality" to yourself....you lying hypocrite...not too long ago you asked all frum Jews to register as Democrats .....
Democrats .. whose very party advocate "immorality" ... we won't soon forget that Ezra endorsed gay candidates like Christine Quinn For Mayor... when he campaigned with Cuomo shlepping him around to all chassidishe cult rabbis .....always endorsing candidates that stand polar opposite of Jewish "morality."

The "Jewish way?"
I'll tell you what is the "Jewish Way"  
The "Jewish Way" is not to be part of J Street that encourages the USA to go back to the Iran deal  and then try to sell that idea to Holocaust survivors ... The "Jewish Way" is not to be on a payroll of a Nadler that was actively trying to unseat a sitting president .... where were you ... did you speak to that "poop in the pants" Nadler and tell him about the "Jewish Way?"



Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Ezra Friedlander's Relationship With Nadler Exposed!! Works Quietly To Undermine the USA..... Video!

We now know what this "Liskar" fraudster is up to.......
In this past week's Ami magazine, The Clown Yitzy Frankfurter had a 2 page writeup on this dangerous "capo" dope, praising him as if he were the Messiah for getting Congress to award the Congressional Gold Medal to Jew Murderer, Anwar Sadat, Yemach Shmo

For money Ezra  is prepared to bury the US and Israel, in his attempt to bring dangerous murderous despots to the US to do business! 

When will we learn??? 
When will someone explain to this un-educated moron that he is putting the entire Jewish community in mortal danger!! 

From a reader:

For more detail, to get an idea of the depth and breadth of the Ezra Friedlander- Jerold Nadler relationship, one can just go to 


(for other time periods, select other dates in the category "TRANSACTION TIME PERIOD" on the left side of the page.

What emerges from examination of the data is that Friedlander has been employed by Nadler for over FIFTEEN years. Most of the time at a rate of 1K/month for "Community Consulting", although at times he was paid as much as 5k (e.g. in 2009 - perhaps connected with a tribute breakfast Friedlander made for Nadler then - see http://www.thefriedlandergroup.com/tribute-breakfast-honoring-congressman-nadler.3-39-1013.sub.html).

Now Friedlander can work for anyone. However, he should reveal that he is paid by Nadler. When he wrote an op-ed defending Nadler, he should have revealed that he is a paid employee.
The problem with Friedlander is that there is potential for serious conflict of interest between his PR and lobbying business and the interests of the Jewish community.

It is inappropriate, misleading, and outrageous for him to be seen by some as representing the Jewish community in general, the Haredi community, or even Hasidic community, and for him to give people that impression, thereby making use of the community's influence and good name to advance his personal business interests.

Let's look at some of his lobbying, specifically focusing on the Congressional Gold Medal. He first worked and succeeded to get it for Raoul Wallenbeger, a hero of the Holocaust era, a non-political, humanitarian cause. Then however, he went on to try to utilize the expertise gained in that effort for further medals for others, whose qualifications for it were more debatable.

He even filed at one point for an effort to get the Congressional Gold Medal for Yogi Berra!


Now what connection does that have with the Haredi or Hasidic community? Evidently Friedlander saw that he had learned of a way, a niche to advance himself and his lobbying and PR business and wanted to make use of it.

The Congressional Gold Medal is for the United States people, not for the personal business of a lobbyist, to use to promote himself.
Details can be seen in filing here -



Thursday, August 27, 2015

Nadler goes crying to the ADL begging them to defend him

The ADL is defending the fat slob Nadler even though he took a sharp blade to stab his constituents in the back!
He got all impressed because after seven years, Obama finally invited him to the White House!
After getting attacked by Holocaust survivors, his constituents, he went running like a cry baby to his friends at the ADL begging them to defend them!
Where was the ADL when Obama attacked Netanyahu? Hmmm?
I urge my readers to keep attacking this piece of human waste on social media!

Meanwhile, 200 Retired US Generals Lobby Congress To Reject Iran Deal Nearly 200 retired US generals, admirals and former political officials have come out strongly against the Iran nuclear accord, and have called upon Congress to sink the on the grounds that it will “enable Iran to become far more dangerous.”

Among the signatories are top former career officers from every branch of the US military, as well as officials who have served in the White House, under both Democratic and Republican administrations, The Washington Post reported Wednesday.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) on Wednesday condemned “hateful rhetoric” directed against Rep. Jerrold Nadler and other Members of Congress who have announced support for the nuclear agreement with Iran, and sharpened its call to reject “vicious ad hominem attacks” as part of the debate about the deal.
According to reports, the comments section of Nadler’s Facebook page is replete with Nazi analogies, vulgarities and obscenities, including references to him as a “stinking kapo,” a coward and traitor to the U.S. and Israel, and one particularly appalling statement that read, “When you die there no place for you on Jewish cemetery.”
“We are disgusted by many of the obscene and offensive comments that are being directed against Congressman Nadler on Facebook by individuals who resent his support for the Iran agreement, including many individuals in the Jewish community. Unfortunately, comments on social media platforms are poisoning the atmosphere. They have clearly crossed the line and gone too far,” Jonathan Greenblatt, ADL National Director, and Evan Bernstein, ADL New York Regional Director, said in a joint statement. “Hateful rhetoric that invokes Nazism and demonizes an individual is unacceptable. It has absolutely no place in public discourse, particularly when referring to a widely respected public servant like Mr. Nadler.”
“No matter one’s politics or views on the Iran deal, vicious, ad hominem attacks are unacceptable in any circumstance. Political leaders, opinion leaders, and public figures across the spectrum should set an example by rejecting such rhetoric and forcefully speaking out against language that dehumanizes,” the ADL added.
The three prominent NY Jewish Democrats who came out against the Iran nuclear deal also issued a joint statement on Tuesday condemning the “unacceptable” and “inappropriate” rhetoric from both sides in the debate over the deal.
“We remain concerned that individuals on both sides of the debate have resorted to ad hominem attacks and threats against those who don’t share their opinions. This is unacceptable,” Representatives Eliot Engel, Nita Lowey, and Steve Israel said in a joint statement. “It is especially egregious to attribute malicious intent to decision makers who are thoughtfully debating the details and effects of the agreement.”
The Jewish lawmakers added, “No matter where you stand on the Iran deal, comparisons to the Holocaust, the darkest chapter in human history, questioning the credentials of long-standing advocates for Israel, and accusations of dual loyalty are inappropriate. We call upon those concerned about the consequences of the upcoming vote to refrain from attacks and focus on the substance of the agreement.”
Earlier on Wednesday, The National Jewish Democratic Council (NJDC) sent a letter of support to Nadler, highlighting his show of courage in voting his conscience on an issue that has already divided the American Jewish community.

Ad Campaign against Fat Nadler Intensifying !

If you read a Jewish newspaper this weekend you are likely to see an ad slamming Congressman Jerry "Fatso" Nadler for his support of the Iran deal. 

The ad plainly states: “Jerry Nadler represents more Jews than any other Congressman. He claims to be Pro-Israel. So why is he backing Obama and Iran?” 

The ad calls on voters to call Congressman Nadler at (800) 733 5417 and “tell him to stand with Israel – NOT Iran.”

Congressman "Fatso" Nadler set of a fire-storm last week when he became the first Congressman from New York to announce his support for President Obama’s deal with Iran. Fat Nadler’s decision to support the Iran deal was especially surprising considering Senator Chuck Schumer’s strong public opposition to the Iran deal just a few days earlier. 

Fat Nadler was roundly condemned by Jewish leaders including those that represent his Brooklyn district: Assemblyman Dov Hikind, Councilman David Greenfield and Senator Simcha Felder. Hikind promised that the community would run a candidate against Fat Nadler and spend millions to defeat him. Greenfield criticized Nadler for lying to the community when he told community leaders days before his announcement that he was undecided. Felder is headlining a rally against Nadler with holocaust survivors later today in front of Nadler’s office.

The decision by Fat Nadler to support the Iran deal has opened a rift between Nadler and Brooklyn’s Jewish community which generally feels ignored by Nadler’s Upper West Side politics. 

However, the community traditionally supported Nadler based on his pro-Israel record. Nadler’s support for the Iran deal was an especially big blow for opponents of the deal because it provides political cover for non-Jews to vote in favor of the Iran deal. These critical ads are likely to be the first of a long campaign of disenfranchisement with Fat Congressman Nadler!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Iranian Official: We “Reject the Existence of Any Israeli on This Earth”

Hussein Sheikholeslam
Hey Ezra: What do you say now? What does your fat congressman think about this?
Hey Satmar Goons: He is ready to kill Satmar Chassidim too! 
R" Sternbuch: Hey Rabbi? Are you going to shmooze about this to your sheep as well?
Hussein Sheikholeslam, a senior adviser to Iran’s Speaker of Parliament, told the Hamas-affiliated newspaper al-Resalah that Tehran “reject[s] the existence of any Israeli on this earth,” a position he says Iran relayed to the P5+1 powers during the nuclear negotiations, The Times of Israel reported Wednesday. According to Sheikholeslam, Iran “will do everything to renew” its support for Hamas, which Tehran lessened in retaliation to the Sunni group’s opposition to the regime of Bashar al-Assad after the outbreak of the Syrian civil war.
Sheikholeslam’s comments are the latest in a series of threats issued against Israel by Iran since the Islamic Republic signed a nuclear agreement with the P5+1 powers last month.
A video posted on a website linked to Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), titled “Preparation of the complete destruction of Israel by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Islamic Revolution in Iran,” called for Israel’s “erasure from the annals of history,” according to another report in The Times of Israel on Wednesday. The clip depicts an invasion of Jerusalem by an Islamic army that includes Hamas and Hezbollah among its ranks.
Earlier this week, Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said on his English-language Twitter account that Iran will “take all possible means to support anyone who fights Israel, is against the Zionist regime and supports resistance.”
Khamenei has often taken to Twitter to issue threats against Israel and the United States. Last month, the Supreme Leader tweeted a graphic depicting President Barack Obama with a gun to his head and deriding the “aggressive and criminal U.S.” This past November, also on Twitter, Khamenei called for arming Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, and shared his nine-point plan for the “elimination of Israel.”
In a speech delivered only four days after Iran signed the nuclear accord with the P5+1 powers and translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), Khamenei emphasized Iran’s ongoing hostility towards Israel and the United States, saying, “The slogans of the Iranian nation on Al-Qods Day show what its position is. The slogans ‘Death to Israel’ and ‘Death to America’ have resounded throughout the country, and are not limited to Tehran and the other large cities. The entire country is under the umbrella of this great movement.”
This past Sunday, Lt. Col. (ret.) Michael Segall, a senior analyst at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA), documented Iran’s ongoing agitation against the Jewish state and argued that it is an expression of one of the Islamic Republic’s founding principles:
Sixteen years after his death, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini’s founding vision — that the eradication of Zionism is an inevitable precondition for redeeming contemporary Islam — keeps guiding the current generation of Iran’s religious, political and military establishment. To him the destruction of Zionism was an axiom never to be questioned or strayed from and an objective to be perpetually and actively pursued. According to this vision, Israel should be fought as part of a protracted global struggle between Islam and the West, which “planted intentionally the Zionist Entity in the heart of Islamic World.” […]
The Iranian religious, political, intellectual and military elite support and repeat Khamenei’s messages. Members of the Iranian Army high command (as opposed to the Revolutionary Guards) have even declared their willingness and capability to destroy Israel, once the leader’s order is given. Practically speaking, the regime’s intelligence and international subversion agencies, mostly the Revolutionary Guards Quds Force, massively support anti-Israel terror groups and stage repeated conferences in Iran dedicated to denial of the Holocaust and to the deligitimization of Israel’s right to exist. […]
Accepting Iran as a nuclear threshold state capable of launching a military nuclear program, should it decide to, will allow it to intensify its direct anti-Israel aggression and its subversive activity against moderate Arab states, such as Egypt and the Gulf states, now under a nuclear umbrella.
After Assad’s regime launched a chemical attack that killed hundreds of civilians in a suburb of Damascus two years ago, Sheikholeslam threatened that Israel would be the “first victim” of any punitive strike on Syria. A year and a half ago he was reported to boast that Hezbollah has tens of thousands of missiles aimed at Israel.