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Showing posts with label Jeff NAdler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jeff NAdler. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Ezra Friedlander's Relationship With Nadler Exposed!! Works Quietly To Undermine the USA..... Video!

We now know what this "Liskar" fraudster is up to.......
In this past week's Ami magazine, The Clown Yitzy Frankfurter had a 2 page writeup on this dangerous "capo" dope, praising him as if he were the Messiah for getting Congress to award the Congressional Gold Medal to Jew Murderer, Anwar Sadat, Yemach Shmo

For money Ezra  is prepared to bury the US and Israel, in his attempt to bring dangerous murderous despots to the US to do business! 

When will we learn??? 
When will someone explain to this un-educated moron that he is putting the entire Jewish community in mortal danger!! 

From a reader:

For more detail, to get an idea of the depth and breadth of the Ezra Friedlander- Jerold Nadler relationship, one can just go to 


(for other time periods, select other dates in the category "TRANSACTION TIME PERIOD" on the left side of the page.

What emerges from examination of the data is that Friedlander has been employed by Nadler for over FIFTEEN years. Most of the time at a rate of 1K/month for "Community Consulting", although at times he was paid as much as 5k (e.g. in 2009 - perhaps connected with a tribute breakfast Friedlander made for Nadler then - see http://www.thefriedlandergroup.com/tribute-breakfast-honoring-congressman-nadler.3-39-1013.sub.html).

Now Friedlander can work for anyone. However, he should reveal that he is paid by Nadler. When he wrote an op-ed defending Nadler, he should have revealed that he is a paid employee.
The problem with Friedlander is that there is potential for serious conflict of interest between his PR and lobbying business and the interests of the Jewish community.

It is inappropriate, misleading, and outrageous for him to be seen by some as representing the Jewish community in general, the Haredi community, or even Hasidic community, and for him to give people that impression, thereby making use of the community's influence and good name to advance his personal business interests.

Let's look at some of his lobbying, specifically focusing on the Congressional Gold Medal. He first worked and succeeded to get it for Raoul Wallenbeger, a hero of the Holocaust era, a non-political, humanitarian cause. Then however, he went on to try to utilize the expertise gained in that effort for further medals for others, whose qualifications for it were more debatable.

He even filed at one point for an effort to get the Congressional Gold Medal for Yogi Berra!


Now what connection does that have with the Haredi or Hasidic community? Evidently Friedlander saw that he had learned of a way, a niche to advance himself and his lobbying and PR business and wanted to make use of it.

The Congressional Gold Medal is for the United States people, not for the personal business of a lobbyist, to use to promote himself.
Details can be seen in filing here -

