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Showing posts with label Yitzchok Franfurter Ami. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yitzchok Franfurter Ami. Show all posts

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Ami: "Eretz Yisroel not important"

Yitzy (the clown) Franfurter, editor Ami Magazine 
The clown, Yitzy Frankfurter never ceases to amaze me. In an "editorial" in last week's Ami, (a magazine catering to women), titled "Consolation," Yitzy the "drei kup" makes up a reason for his lady audience why Moshe Rabbeinu  wasn't allowed to enter Eretz Yisroel:
"Hakadosh Baruch Hu sent a message that the Torah is at the center of Yiddishkeit and not Eretz Yisrael."

Chazal and practically all Rishonim are climbing walls to find an answer why Hashem prohibited Moshe to enter the Holy land. Moshe Rabbeinu himself postulates that  it's because of Klall Yisroel stating in Parshas Ve'eschanan: "Vyisaber Hashem bee Le'Manchem" "Hashem refused me entry in the Holy land because of YOU!",...
and the Orach Chayim in this week's parsha writes that at the end of the day ...."we really don't know" ...
So nobody knows why .....
but Yitzy the Clown,  knows ...
He reasons that " Torah is far more central to Jewish life than than any geographical location"
So now Eretz Yisroel according to his warped logic is only a "geographical location"
The Arabs don't think it's just "any geographical location" and the Christians don't think it's just "any geographical location" and our Holy Torah doesn't think that Eretz Yisrael is just a  "geographical location".....but the Frank, with his scraggly beard ... thinks so...

Now don't get me wrong, I think that Torah is of paramount importance; without Torah we are like all other nations. 
But why can't Torah and Eretz Yisroel be on par? .....

The Gemarrah says that anyone walking 4 amos in Eretz Yisroel gets all "his sins forgiven." The Gemarrah doesn't say that about learning Torah, you can learn Torah and be a rasha me'rusha." You can learn Torah and still go to hell!

Yitzy, a Satmar tuchisleker, constantly tries to throw in the bizarre Satmar ideology whenever he can...
He even quotes the Rambam's Moreh Nevuchim,(a sefer that according to Chareidim should not even be read) to bolster his idiotic twisted undermining of the Mitzvah of Yishuv Eretz Yisrael.
and writes " yishuv Eretz Yisrael is just one of the Torah's commandments and is not the focal point of Judaism."

The fact that we see open miracles; the fulfillment of every single prophecy, the "in-gathering of the exiles" and we are seeing that the majority of Jews  now live in Israel ...those facts are totally ignored by this stand up comic. The Baalei Mussar write "Letzana achas doiche meh toichacois" One Joke can destroy 100 lectures of Mussar ... Yitzy just did that with his "editorial" 

Let's see how the Chazal viewed "Yishuv Eretz Yisroel"
Bava Kamma 80b

We learned in friday's Daf (Bava Kamma 80b) that one may instruct  a gentile to sign a contract on Shabbos, on the Jew's behalf  to buy property in Israel. 
Normally when we deal with  any other "melacha" on shabbos we cannot instruct a non-Jew to do the "melacha" because of the prohibition of "amira le'akum." 
But when it comes to buying property in Israel from a non-Jew, Chazal did away with "shvus"  meaning doing away with all Shabbos related Rabbinic decrees because of the great importance of "Yishuv Eretz Yisrael." 

Kesubois daf 110b
The Gemmarah in tractate Kesubois (Daf 110b) goes a step further and says that one living in Eretz Yisrael is as if he was "living with a G-D" and one who lives in Chutz Le'aaretz, is as if he was worshipping idols and is living "without a G-D" ..!

Now see for yourself what the Ramban states in his Sefer Ha'Mitzvos:

Sefer Hamitzvos ... Ramban in Mitzvah 4 ... besides settling the Land we are
commanded for conquest & redeem the Land in all generations even under the jurisdiction of other nations i.e. exile ...

"That we are commanded to take possession of the Land which the Almighty, Blessed Be He, gave to our forefathers, to Avraham, to Yitzhak, and to Yaacov; and not to abandon it to other nations, or to leave it desolate, as He said to them, You shall dispossess the inhabitants of the Land and dwell in it, for I have given the Land to you to posses it, (Numbers, 33:53) and he said, further, To Inherit the Land which I swore to your forefathers, (to give them,) behold, we are commanded with the conquest of the land in every generation." 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Eida Chareidie guy Supports Chareidim "integrating in Israeli Work Force" Contradicting Ami Magazine!

Hey! Mr. Frankfurter of Ami, Eat This!
Why don't you interview R' Shmuel Pappenheim? Hmmmm?

Doesn't fit into the "Chareidie Philosophy" that you wrote about last week? 


Shmuel Pappenheim of the Eda Haredit ultra-Orthodox community, appeared in a campaign ad for none other than Yesh Atid, a party frequently denounced by Charedi hard-liners as iniquitous.

Pappenheim, who previously served as a spokesman for the anti-Zionist Eda Haredit communal organization, has in recent years advocated for moderation within the Charedi (ultra-Orthodox) community and for members of the Charedi public to integrate into the workforce and play a greater role in Israeli society.

This stance led to criticism against him, and he was disowned by the Eda Haredit.

Speaking in the Yesh Atid ad, Pappenheim highlighted the lack of basic education in the Charedi sector and advocated greater participation in the workforce.

“I think haredi Jews need to bring in an income, need to take care of their children,” he said in the ad. “You can find adults, 45 years old, they don’t even have a basic understanding of the ABC, it gets you stuck.”

Pappenheim continued by saying that the Charedi community has things to contribute to Israeli society and vice versa, adding that “all we need is the places to connect the two together a little bit.”

He did not explicitly endorse Yesh Atid and could not be reached for comment.

Yesh Atid MK Rabbi Dov Lipman, who comes from the US Charedi community, worked during the outgoing Knesset to increase employment opportunities for Charedi men.

He said the Knesset lobby for the integration of Charedim into the workforce, which he chaired, received 500 résumés every month from Charedi men looking to leave yeshiva and find work.

“In every single place where we've been campaigning, at least one Charedi man has come over to me and said that they’re fed up with the representatives from the Charedi parties, and that they will support Yesh Atid at the ballot box,” Lipman said.