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Showing posts with label yitzchok franfurter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yitzchok franfurter. Show all posts

Saturday, February 23, 2019

MK Eichler Curses Israel As He Is Being Interviewed by Ami's Frankfurter!

In this week's edition, dated Feb 20, 2019 of Ami Magazine, Yitzy "the clown" Frankfurter interviews Mk Yisroel Eichler.

To give you some background:
 Yisroel Eichler is a Member of the Knesset and represents the Aguda. He sat in the Zionist Knesset from 2003-2005, and then because of an agreed rotation, stepped aside, but then got re-elected in 2011 and has served since.

No one forces him to be in the Knesset, this is his choice! 
Satmar, however, because he is a "chaver ha'knesset" considers him a Zionist and a "heretic."

 In an interview with Ami Magazine, Eichler knowing full well that the "clown" Frankfurter, is a Satmar "tuchis lekker" and an Israel hater, wanted to sound like he is an anti-Zionist to pacify the imbecile, Frankfurter.

So Eichler...while praising the State of Israel for her gracious huge grants to "Talmud Torahs, yeshivos, shuls and mikva'os, " .....referred to the State of Israel as .....  "Zionist Reshaim!"

Right now the Religious parties have absolutely zero "achdos"amongst themselves ...
Degel, the Yeshivishe Party will not have anything to do with Eichler's Agudah Party, which is Belz & Ger, and of course, the Sfardim and the Mizrachists will have nothing to do with either of them, and with each other.

Which basically means, that the Religious Parties will not have any significant say in any new government, and will no longer have the ability to hold any coalition hostage with demands since they are basically fragmented into 4 parties. 
This is really a shame and could actually be very dangerous to Chareidim because of Shabbos & Army issues that they really need and want....

But the "gedoilei Yisrael" of these parties have so far instructed their candidates not to make peace or unite ...
So my guess is that "Gius" and "Chillul Shabbos" is really not a priority by the Gedoilim ... who outwardly to the masses, scream that Gius is "Yehereg Ve'Al Yaavor" 
but in reality they would rather have separate parties than get together to fight what they call "Gezirois Ha'Gius."

In light of this, Frankfurter  the quintessential  "Satmar stooge" sat down with Eichler to ask him what he thinks the future of the Agudah Party will be ...

So get this, here we have a guy, Mk Eichler a married father of 14 children whose sole parnassah is sitting in a Zionist entity, who mooches and sucks Zionist money all his life and then turns around and curses the very hand that feeds him ...calls them the "malchus harishah" .... the "evil government" ....

Frankfurter, hater of Israel, fails to ask him, the obvious question:
"Why if it is a "Malchus Harisha" are you a part of it?"

He fails to  ask him: 
"Why are you blaming the "Malchus Harisha" for Army Issues, vis a vis drafting Yeshiva Bochrim, when you or your party cannot get any "gedoilim" to run under one banner and ticket to fight this?"

Eichler does admit to Frankfurter that any Yeshiva Boy that wants to learn isn't required to serve in the IDF.

Frankfurter: "I told two people who are involved in fighting the gius that Rav Eichler told me that a bachur who doesn't want to go to the army doesn't have to do so. Is that still correct?

Eichler: It's 100% true. If anyone tells you that a bachur who wants to sit and learn and has a certificate that states that he's sitting and learning was forced to go to the army .... he's lying! Those who appear before the board receive a deferment as has always been the case !

Rechy Frankfurter, the editor of Ami Living, is just as anti-Israel as her  husband the "clown!"

In the Feb 6, edition of Ami Living, the lady part of Ami, Rechy interviews a lady whose daughter had a terrible skin disease and found a "miracle drug."
The lady was running all over the world including Switzerland and the UK trying to find a cure and relief for her daughter's pain and agony.

The lady is an Israeli and after finally finding the cure in England, decided to return to Israel ...
Look at Rechy's question ....

She asks her:
"Why did you want to go back?"
Which frum "Bas Yisroel" would ever ask another Jew, why she wants to go back to Israel?

Which Jewish person who is from "Zera Yisroel," Jewish seed, would think to ask another Jew
"Why do you want to go back?"

Only a Boro-Parker Yente from Schmootz Le'aaretz whose head is filled with gashmius and Hungarian Satmar propaganda .... would even think of asking another Jew "Why do you want to go back?"
A question straight out of the mouths of the Eirav Rav.....
 בשבתנו על סיר הבשר באכלנו לחם לשבע,"
 כי הוצאתם אתנו אל המדבר הזה מי יתן מותנו ביד ה' בארץ מצרים

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Frankfurter Blasts Jewish Blogs in Ami


Most Jews have thrown out the candies they got for Shloach Manos, and are converting their houses to be ready for Pesach!  They are moving on!

But not the Frank!
He is stuck in his own manure .... that he himself has manufactured!

He has the biggest Jewish Blog that exists, but in a magazine form! 
He has never lost an opportunity to attack Harav Hapoisek Yair Hoffman either directly or by innuendo! 
Yitzchok "The Frank" Frankfurter, the editor of Ami Magazine manages to sneak attacks on the State of Israel, sandwiching his criticism with articles that are blatantly false!
Those who have read my posts about this fool, know what I am talking about!
The Frank is also on a mission to re-write Satmar History, trying to portray a Chassidus that has been founded on a premise to hate Jews that love Eretz Yisroel, as something great and holy...
For example, on my side bar you can see an article by THE FRANK, trying convince his naive readers  that R' Yoel Teitelbaum was an Ohaiv Yisroel that loved every single Jew ......and gives an example that R' Yoel gave money to a poor Zionist Jew!

Doesn't every single Jew give money to any Jew in need and doesn't every single Jew ignore the  background of the recipient ? ... What got him excited was that R' Yoel once gave a Zionist a couple of pennies knowing that he was a Zionist! Wow!!!!
 The fact that the Rebbe called Frum Zionist leaders  "zera ameleik" that is perfectly ok with The Frank ... in his mind that makes the rebbe a ttzaddik hador" and  what qualifies the Rebbe as an Ohaiv Yisroel was that he threw a bunch of pennies to a poor destitute Zionist Jew!

In this weeks Ami's editorial, The Fool,denigrates the Jewish Blogs writing:
"There is, in fact, no greater public desecration of G-d's Name, as well the name of the Jewish people, than the Jewish blogs on which personal humiliations, disgraces and communal in-fighting, oftentimes ostensibly in the Name of G-d, take place in front of the entire world "

The thing that is getting him all worked up is that we are calling him out on his lies and fabrications and exposing him for the pathological liar that he is!

Only The Frank is allowed to "humiliate" Talmedei Chachamim like Harav Yair Hoffman.
Only The Frank is allowed to "disgrace" Jews that live in Israel ....
In his head only a blog has that "issur,"  ....a magazine can write all the loshon hara that it wants!
Doesn't his editorial qualify as "loshon Hara?" 

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Ami's Shenanigans

The war in Gaza is basically over, so the "Chief Clown" of Ami Magazine, Yitz Frankfurter,  is back to his old tricks.
In an editorial in this week's issue, titled "Piercing Indifference" he bashes the secular Israelis for not publicizing  the fact that the Lakewood student, Aaron Sofer z"l, was missing.

He quotes an article written by Allison Kaplan- Sommer, that was published in the self hating Israeli  far left leaning newspaper, Haaretz.

"But in Israel, the only outlets that have been covering Sofer's disappearance and the search for him are religious publications and English-language media. As a result, the major international news outlets based in Israel haven't focused on the story either. The key question is whether this is merely a media failing or a lack of attention that reflects and could result in, a less than vigorous effort on the part of Israeli authorities to uncover what has happened to him."

Then in a swipe at Mishpacha magazine (his former employer that gave him and his family Parnassah, for years),  that hyped a recent poll, that basically proved that the majority of secular Israelis don't dislike their Chareidi counterparts,
 he wrote mockingly:

"Last Pesach, some in the Orthodox community announced with great fanfare the results of a poll that showed that a majority of secular Israelis don't "hate" their chareidie counterparts ....
"The majority of secular Israelis, however, also seem to be apathetic toward our anguish. That not only hurts, but as I have previously pointed out, may prove the truism about indifference: that it is an even worse disposition towards another human being than loathing. And that stings."

First of all, Mr. Frankfurter, didn't Reb Chaim Kanievski say when Aaron Sofer was missing,  that he "is alive and well?"
So why should the secular press report a Yeshiva boy missing, when he was "alive and well?"

Second of all, are you saying that the "majority of secular Israelis are apathetic toward our anguish?" 
Did I read that right?
What a blatant bald face lie!
The Mishtara when notified 6 hours after Aaron went missing, starting searching immediately, this was on shabbos!

And how many "chilonim" searched in Chevron for the 3 kidnapped yeshiva boys?
Yes, the police didn't get onto it right away, because they thought it was a prank call, but not because they were yeshiva boys or because they were Dati.

And why shouldn't the Chilonim "loath" the Yeshivah Boys. 
Didn't the Yeshiva boys run from Ashdod and Ashkelon at the start of the Gaza War, even though they were told by their Roshei Yeshivah that Torah is "matzel,"  while the modern Hesder Zionist boys, stayed  in Ashdod to help the residents in Ashdod cope?

And now to the most important point!
The whole wide world now knows, how Aaron Sofer died.
In his black jacket dehydrated!
Don't you think that you should have focused your entire editorial on the sheer madness of going on a hike with no phone, hat and jacket and no water bottle?