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Showing posts with label Gittel Davidson Ami. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gittel Davidson Ami. Show all posts

Sunday, May 23, 2021

More on Ami Magazine & Gittel Davidson


Last week,  I commented on Ami's fiction writer, Chaya Silber, who took a seemingly innocent story and infused it with hate and venom and heaped it on the State of Israel. 

Click on the link, and you will see what I'm talking about.

This week I got hold of the actual article and I found some great "gems" that really highlight the craziness of this story.

Gittel Davidson, the daughter in-law of Madeleine Lucette Farraille, aka Ruth Ben-David,the French lady that converted to Judaism with her son Uriel, and kidnapped Yossele Schumacher, makes the most bizarre statement about her mother-in law.

Gittel relates that Ruth had a connection with Yasser Arafat's mother-in-law, going back to her old French days, and since Arafat's mother-in-law "knew that Ruth Blau was an anti-Zionist, she tried to persuade her to help Fatah against the Israelis."

Are you guys digesting this? Unreal.... 

Gittel doesn't describe how this connection came about, since it probably wouldn't put Ruth in a very positive light, but we the readers are all dying of curiosity, we are sitting at the edge of our seats ... but Ami's Chaya Silber hears this directly from the mouth of Ruth's daughter-in-law, Gittel, and doesn't ask her..something that is on the tip of the tongue of anyone reading this article

"What? Did I hear this correctly? How did they know each other? Did they keep in touch all these years? What did Arafat's mother-in-law know about Ruth that would even make her think that Ruth could turn on her own people?. Were they close? " What was the connection?"

Chaya Silber who writes fiction for a living doesn't flinch and isn't curious how this came about ...

 Gittel goes on to say:

"My saintly mother-in-law proudly replied, 'Madame, although I am an anti-Zionist, I would never do anything that would harm the Jewish people!" 


I was in suspense on how Ruth would respond; we are all relieved now that her "saintly mother-in-law" decided to do the right thing and not stab the Jewish nation which she embraced. She went "Lifnim Meshuras Ha'din"

A "saint" indeed!

Now for the clincher: 

Sit back and relax but this is not the time to be holding a hot coffee or slurping hot chicken soup.

Way back in 1951, a Jewish child of 3, Moshe Shimon, from a Satmar family living in Petach Tikvah, walked out of his home on Rosh Hashana  and disappeared, and was never seen again. The family suspected that  their Christian neighbour kidnapped him and raised him in a convent in Jordan...

Anyone reading this who doesn't see the irony is not playing with a full deck..

But both Chaya Silber, the Ami Interviewer, and the protagonist Gittel Davidson did not pick up on this ....

The Satmar family approached Ruth in 1980, 30 years after the child's disappearance asking for help to locate Moshe Shimon...

After visiting abbeys and monasteries in the Old City of Jerusalem and Shechem, with no success, Ruth decided to visit Yasser Arafat and ask him for help...

Her link to Arafat? His mother-in-law........

Ruth, of course wasn't successful but I want to steer you to Ruth's impression of Yasser Arafat as related to Chaya Silber by Gittel Davidson..

"After she had met Arafat, whom she disliked immediately, my mother in-law told my husband (Uriel) that Arafat was a liar and a very bad person, and would never do anything." meaning to help her in her search 

Wow.... who knew? 

"Arafat was a liar and a very bad person" 

Ruth actually thought that Arafat who had a business of murdering innocent Jewish children would help her locate a missing Jew!

I'm glad that Ami is setting us straight about Yasser Arafat!

How perceptive of Ruth to see thru Arafat and find him a liar and a bad person.... so now Gittel wants us, thinking that we are as stupid and gullible as she, to admire Ruth because she also found "Arafat to be a bad person" even-though Ruth was an anti-Zionist!

This story took place in 1980 or 1981

It seems that Ruth wasn't aware that in 1972, merely 8 years before she met Arafat, the leader of the Fatah Terrorists, ordered the execution of  11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympic Games.....

In 1974 Palestinian terrorists massacred 21 Jewish school children in Maalot

All that and more didn't make Arafat a "bad person" what made Arafat a "bad person' was that he wouldn't help her find a 30 year old lost now grown man living a life of a Christian in Jordan.

So Gittel Davidson sits on her couch and praises her "saintly" mother-in-law, for being  a "saint" and an insightful person; she was able to detect that "Arafat was a very bad person."

By the way, members of her father-in-law's Neturei Karta, such as Moshe Hirsch,  actually thought that Arafat was a great guy and met him on multiple occasions.

Palestinians went on to bomb the Sbarro Pizza Shop in Yerushalyim blowing up 15 people including 7 children and a pregnant woman, 130 were wounded! 

A drink please..... I need drink ......anyone home?... 

Did you just bring me water? Noooooooooooo! I need a stiff drink!



Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Ami Magazine & Chaya Silber Spew Venom & Hate on the Jewish State


Mrs Gittel Fuchs Ruben Davidson 
The Shevois issue of Ami Magazine featured a story, written by Ami writer Chaya Silber,  a story about a Mrs. Gittel Davidson, the daughter-in-law of Madeleine Lucette Farraille, a catholic that converted to Judaism, and who subsequently married the leader of the Neturei Karta, the 71 year-old Amram Blau, who was 26 years her senior.

R' Amrom Blau and is second wife Ruth Madeleine Lucette Blau 

Mrs Davidson married "Ruth's" son, Claude, who was the only child of Ruth from a previous catholic marriage, and who also converted to Judaism and called himself "Uriel."(more on that later)

Mrs Davidson was born in Denmark, 10 months after WW2 to a Gerer family, and in this story she relates how she wound up getting to know Ruth and her subsequent marriage to Uriel.

This is where it gets interesting and crazy....