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Showing posts with label Satmar Rebbe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Satmar Rebbe. Show all posts

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Satmar Zaloinim issue Fatwa against Rav Shteinman Shlitah and his Seforim

This is a result of the SHIT'ah of the "Failed Messiah" the holy "Rabbeinu Ha'Kodosh",  R' Yoel Teitelbaum! 

Who can ever forget the famous words of Malcom-X:
"The chickens have now come home to roost"
When you instill hate of other Jews in your ideology,  then these fruits are the ones that will ripen!

The above Fatwa signed by Rabbonim from the Zaloinie faction of Satmar rule that Rav Shteinman Shlitah is a "meises u'medeach" and should be put in Cheirum and it prohibits the Satmar animals from even glancing at his seforim and they instruct their crazies to burn the holy seforim of Rav Shteinman Shlitah, so that "there shouldn't remain any remembrance of his Apikorses"

The "rabbis" that signed the Fatwa,  call this "Daas Torah" .....and refer themselves as students of "Rabbeinu Hakodosh R' Yoel Teitelbaum" who is the founder of this hateful anti-Jewish sect!

And of course, as of this writing they are trying to backtrack and deny it .... because of the backlash of the "Oilim Ha'Torah" that are outraged by of the denigrating of one of our Gedoilie Hador!

But this is exactly how these peasants work, first they put out a Fatwa and then they deny it ....
meanwhile it's out ! 

זעזוע בעולם התורה: מכתב 'דעת תורה' תחת הכותרת "לא תאבה לו ולא תשמע אליו" מתפרסם בניו יורק נגד מרן הגראי"ל שטיינמן. 

מדובר בקבוצה של כארבעים רבנים, בהם הגאון רבי ישראל חיים מנשה פרידמן ראב"ד סאטמר, החתומים על מכתב נאצה חריף ובו הם קוראים לגראי"ל בין השאר מסית ומדיח, ומודיעים כי יש לשרוף את ספריו, עפ"ל. ראוי לציין כי המכתב לא פורסם בכלי התקשורת הרשמיים המקושרים לחסידות סאטמר, אלא בעלוני בתי כנסת וכדומה, מה שמטיל ספק באמינותו. 

במכתב העוסק בחוק הגיוס, שעבר על ידי המפלגות החרדיות - אגודת ישראל, דגל התורה וש"ס - ש"העבירו גזירת שמד נורא על כלל ישראל בחוקקם חוק לחייב את בחורי ואברכי שומרי תורה ומצוות לשרת בצבא הציוני, המבוססת על כפירה בגזירת הגלות". 

באופן מחוצף הם כותבים כי ה"שורש פורה ראש ולענה של החוק הזה והעומד בראשה הוא מנהיג מפלגת דגל התורה ה"ה אהרן יודע לייב שטיינמאן, שזה כחמש עשרה שנה שייסדו את הנחל החרדי על פיו ובעידודו למשוך בפיתויים ולהפקיר בחורי ישראל לכור ההיתוך של צבא הטמא שלהם, ובמשך זה הזמן עשו שמות בקרב ישראל ומספר גדול של בחורי ישראל יצאו לתרבות רעה רח"ל". 

בסיום כותבים כי בזה "אנו מכריזים קבל עולם ומלואה כי אהרן יודא לייב שטיינמאן הוא מסית ומדיח אלפי בני ישראל מה' ומתורתו הק' וראוי לנדותו ולהחרימו, והרי הוא מופרש ומובדל מעדת ישראל, ואסור להסתכל בספריו וצריך לבערם מן העולם כדי שלא ישאר שם וזר למין, ולמען הצלת שארית הפלטה". 

אחד מבאי ביתו של הגראי"ל אומר ל'בחדרי חרדים': "הרוצה לשקר ירחיק עדותו... אין לדיין אלא מה שעיניו רואות... ממתי רבנים חותמים בשמם על פשקוויל סיקריקי נחות?! או שזה מכתב שקרי - או שזה שייך למחלקה לבריאות הנפש!" 

התלמיד ממשיך ותוקף: "האם הם טיפלו בכל הירידה הרוחנית המצויה בקהלם - אינטרנט ועבודה עם גויות רח"ל! של נעליך מעל רגליך. טלו קורה כקורת בית הבד מבין עיניכם. וכי באמת עולם התורה בראש מעייניכם?! אולי תספרו כמה באחוזים מתלמידיכם ממשיכים לעמול בתורה אחר החתונה וכמה רבבות מתלמידי מרן ראש הישיבה הנושא בענווה מתוך חיי צניעות וקדושה נשגבת את רבבות האברכים המקדישים חיים לתורה בטהרה?" 

לסיום הוא מציין, "וכי כך לימד אותכם הרה"ק הויואל משה זי"ע?! וכי אתם תלמידיו?! כך לזלזל ולהתריס נגד כל שלש מועצות גדולי וחכמי התורה שהאחריות על כתפיהם?

Aron Teitelbaum Monroe Satmar Rebbe Mocks his Brother Zalman Leib

Guys get your tickets for this fight!

R'  Aron Teitelbaum, Satmar Rebbe of Monroe is going to the State of Israel in 2 weeks, and mocked his brother's trip to Israel  .... stating:

"I don’t need a kabbolas ponim, no lights on the street, no notices in the street, big and small, no special vehicles and all these forms of nonsense,
I’m working to ensure that the bochurim won’t be busy with silly things like this. In the past,"he continued, “I traveled to Eretz Yisroel without noise, without propaganda"
So for those guys emailing that I shouldn't make 'Choizek" of Zalman Leib ......talk to his brother first... ok?

Satmar Rebbe, R' Zalman Leib arrives in London on a private Jet

The Rebbe arrived in the State of Israel with 5 million Dollars. He was going to distribute the monies to the Moisdes that refuse to take any funds from the Zionist Government, but it turns out that there was a lot of "shrayim" left over because he was able to take a private plane to London!

Chassidim are furious that the "rebbe" thinks that he is now a king, pointing out that he had a 15 car motorcade to take him to JFK airport, and now takes a private plane ...
This "Anti-Zionist thing" is making him a lot of money and the Rebbe is adding millions to his already billion dollar real estate holdings!
Its interesting to note that Iran also benefited from their anti-Israel stance with the USA granting these thugs billions!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Zionist Customs Officers Question Satmar Rebbe at airport about the 5 million Dollars in his suitcase!

R' Zalman Leib Teitelbaum, Satmar Rebbe, leader of the anti-Jewish "Zalonim" was questioned at Ben Gurion Airport at customs for a half hour. 

The unusual questioning of a known leader was prompted by his massive amount of cash he brought in to the country!
R' Zalman Leib came to the State of Israel because of the bris of his grandson and brought 5 million dollars to distribute to all Torah Mosdos that refuse to take money from the government.

The issue is, that  part of that money will be distributed to people that promise not to vote in the Zionist Elections... and that may be a crime.
In the USA it is certainly a crime to impede any way in free elections .... 
If you want to tell people not to vote is one thing, but to pay someone not to vote is a crime in every country in the entire world!

So the shrewd Zali must  have  told the "Zionist fools" that the money is only for the Mosdos ...
I think the next time he pulls these shenanigans, the Zionist will smarten up and put cuffs on him! 

Question #1: Who laundered all that money?

Question #2: Didn't the Satmar Rebbe, R' Yoel say in 1956 that there wouldn't be any more Mosdos Ha'Torah in Israel in 20 years?
So if there isn't any Mosdos, to whom is he bringing all that money?

Question#3: Did the "Big Talmud Chuchim," the Satmar Rebbe get a chance on the plane to read the third Rashi of this week's Parsha that says that anyone that takes another Jew to secular court is basically  worshiping Idols?
Did have a chance to glance at the Rambam (Laws of Sanhedrin 26,7) that states unequivocally in reference to secular court,  "And it is as though he cursed and blasphemed [G-D] and lifted his hand against the laws of Moses?" 
I guess he didn't have the time he was busy nibbling the nuts....

Question # 4: Why did this guy get a motorcade to the airport?
Can someone explain? 
What is this business acting like a "king" in Chutz Le'aretz?

השפלה בנתב"ג: רז"ל מסאטמר עוכב במכס ותושאל על כספים

האדמו"ר רז"ל מסאטמר נחת בישראל לביקור בזק שיימשך קצת יותר מיממה - ועוכב במכס לכחצי שעה • מחר בערב יחלק את תמיכת 'שקל הטהור' למוסדות החינוך והישיבות שאינם לוקחים תקציבים מהשלטון הציוני
יוסף גרינבוים

כ"ב שבט התשע"ו / 01.02.2016 18:36
סאטמר, רז"ל
הציונים השפילו את האויב מסאטמר:  הערב (שני) נחת בנמל התעופה על שם דוד בן גוריון האדמו"ר רז"ל מסאטמר – לביקור בזק שיימשך קצת יותר מיממה.
על פי דיווחים מנמל התעופה, האדמו"ר ופמלייתו עוכבו במשך כחצי שעה במכס והאדמו"ר תושאל על כספים.
על פי הדיווח, לאחר התשאול האדמו"ר שוחרר לדרכו. "שאלו אותו שאלות כמו ששואלים אנשים רבים אחרים שעוברים במכס", אומר גורם בפמליית האדמו"ר.
האדמו"ר, שהגיע לישראל לרגל ברית המילה של נכדו, שיתקיים מחר בבוקר בירושלים, יערוך מחר בערב מעמד מיוחד של חלוקת תמיכת 'שקל הטהור' למוסדות החינוך והישיבות שאינם לוקחים תקציבים מהשלטון הציוני ולא מצביעים בבחירות לכנסת.
הערב צפוי הרבי להשתתף בשמחת הוואכטנאכט לנכדו, לקראת ברית המילה שתתקיים מחר.
אתמול פרסם העיתונאי אסף גולן מאמר באתר nrg, בו קרא להכריז על האדמו"ר כעל אישיות בלתי רצויה בישראל – ולגרשו מהארץ.
"האנטי-ישראליות הקיצונית הזו של גורם חשוב כל כך בציבור היהודי בארצות הברית, אינה משהו שמדינת ישראל יכולה לעבור עליו לסדר היום. לא יכול להיות – מבחינת ההסברה בעולם – שבנמל התעופה בן-גוריון, שער הכניסה למדינת ישראל, ינחת אחד מאויביה הגדולים של ישראל".
אסף המשיך: "לא ייתכן שהרשויות בארץ יאפשרו לו להמשיך בביקורו ללא חקירה, ללא מעצר וללא גירוש מהארץ אחרי הכרזה עליו כאישיות בלתי רצויה.
"את פרופ' נעם חומסקי, יהודי שהוא אחד ממבקריה הגדולים ביותר של ישראל ואף תומך באויבינו, מדינת ישראל אינה מוכנה לקבל. וחומסקי הוא אדם פרטי, שלא מוביל עדת חסידים ענקית ומגלגל סכומי כסף אדירים.
"אז נכון, יהודים הם רחמנים בני רחמנים. ברור שאם חסידות סאטמר תיקלע פעם לצרה מדינת ישראל כולה תתגייס לעזרתה. אלא שיש הבדל בין לעזור לאח בצרה ובין לאפשר את כניסת מי שמנהל מסע מתמיד כנגד ישראל".
אסף מונה את העוונות של חסידות סאטמר: "האדמו"ר שילם בשעתו 100 אלף שקלים לכל ישיבה שתלמידיה לא יצביעו בבחירות; הוא מנע מהקהילה היהודית בתימן לעלות לארץ והעדיף שתישאר שם, בסכנה, או שתבוא לארצות הברית. 110 מבני הקהילה היהודית בתימן השתכנעו ועקרו לארה"ב במקום לארץ.
"לאור זאת ראוי גם ראוי לגרש את האיש לארצות הברית. ראוי גם שכל מי שההיסטוריה והעתיד של העם היהודי חשוב לו, בין מימין ובין משמאל, יצא נגד הביקור ויפגין נגד האויב הגדול הזה של מדינת ישראל, שמגיע לארץ ומשתמש נגדנו בחסידיו שיושבים כאן".

Sunday, December 6, 2015

AMI Rewrites Satmar Rebbe History saying he was an Ohaiv Yisroel

The "clown" Yitzchok Frankfurter is  an obsessed Satmar re-writer of history!

 In this week's issue he has an editorial  "Many Rivers Couldn't Quench His Ahavas Yisroel" desperately trying to convince his naive readers that the Satmar Rebbe was an Ohaiv Yisroel. 

It's interesting to note, that no other Chassidis  needs an editorial in Ami  to convince anyone that their Rebbe was an Ohaiv Yisroel.  

So Frankfurter  tried to find at least one statement or quote from   R' Yoel Teitelbaum, stating that he loved every single Jew, even the Zionists!

But after searching all of R' Yoilish's Shalash Seudah Toirelech and his books, the clown came up with nothing! ..... Nada! 
He couldn't find a single source that R' Yoilish was an Ohaiv Yisoel from R' Yoilish's own writing or sayings!

So how did the Frank  prove his preposterous theory that R' Yoilish loved every single Jew, even if they were Zionist supporters? 

According to the "Clown," ..... the proof is, that when the Satmar Rebbe ranted and raved against the Gedoilie Yisroel that supported the State of Israel , he DID NOT quote a particular  Rambam!

Guys, help me! 
Is this insane, or what? 
So because the Rebbe didn't quote the Rambam, when he ranted, raved and cursed  the Zionists, that makes him an Ohaiv Yisroel!

It's not that we found proof somewhere that R' Yoilish said that he loved every single Jew, ...... No! 
According to the Frank, we see that R' Yoilish was an Ohaiv Yisroel, from what he didn't say!??????

He wants us to judge the Rebbe, not by what he wrote or actually said, but what the Rebbe didn't write or say?????
How crazy can a guy get? What drug is he taking?

The Rambam In Hilchos Rotzei'ach 13:14 states that there is in fact no mitzvah of Ahavas Yisroel for a sinner!
Now, ..... this is not the forum to debate the ruling and the thinking of the Rambam ..
Suffice it to say that the Lubavitcher Rebbe z"l knew this Rambam very well, probably, I would venture to say, better then R' Yoilish, and he established the biggest Kiruv movement and "Tefillin Campaign" since Hashem gave the Torah at Har Sinai!

So let's pause and think about  "the Frank's" demented statement..... .... that the Rambam held that there is "no mitzvah of Ahavas Yisroel for a sinner"

According to his twisted logic, where does that leave  the Rambam,????????????????????????????????????? 

According to the Frank, the Rambam must have been  a "Sonei Yisroel," a hater of Jews,  making the Satmar Rebbe an Ohaiv Yisroel since  the Rebbe didn't quote this Rambam on purpose, thinking that the Rambam was too extreme???????????????????????????

Get it?

Now let's see some examples from  the Rebbe's own lips  regarding  the Gedoilim that supported the Zionists, and then let's see if  he loved any of them!

1)  Parshas Shelach June 1967, in his Shaolosh Seuda Toireleh rant, that is recorded on an mp disc and transcribed in a book called "Sheemee D'var Hashem" (what a chutzpah to call this trash, "Words of Hashem") page 31, Chapter 23, the Rebbe calls the Zionists
"zera Ameliek" children of Amelik!

2) In the same book, page 37, Chapter 24, the Rebbe calls those Gedoilie Yisroel that support the Zionists 

3) In the same book page 28 chapter 15, the Rebbe mocks those (Chabad) that are mekareiv and put tefillin on the secular Zionists and IDF soldiers ....

the Rebbe says "Shabsai Tzvi  ym"s..... also did kiruv work" 

then he continues the  rant:
"the military (IDF) that mix with girls, .....I'm not going to mention that they are immersed in TV watching and attend theaters, and are steeped in Tumeh , is there any doubt that their entire way of thinking is full of carnal desires and are prohibited from putting tefillin on ..... and that they (Chabad) chose specifically this particular mitzvah; ......isn't  the act of putting on tefillin  on person  like them (IDF) itself a sin?!"   

In the above rant (#3) he mocks the Lubavitcher Rebbe z"l  who apparently was very aware of the halachos of  tefillin and nevertheless, since he truly loved every single Jew, saw fit to institute a "Tefillin Campaign" so that every single male Jew have the merit of putting on tefillin at least once in his lifetime!

In reading the above examples, was the Satmar Rebbe the hallmark of an Ohaiv Yisroel? 

Would someone who loves every single Jew, call a Jew ...."Zera Ameliek?" 

Would someone who loves every single Jew call a Jewish leader that supports the State of Israel an "apikores?"

Would someone who loves every single Jew deny him an opportunity to put Tefillin on at least once in his lifetime?

The bottom line is that R' Yoel Teitelbaum the founder of the Satmar dynasty did  not love every Jew since he cursed the Zionists ...and not only that, he made sure that his followers also hated them ...
as to why R' Yoilish did not quote the Rambam if it bolstered his postion .....
Who knows and who cares!

To say that "Many Rivers couldn't quench his Ahavas Yisroel"  is laughable .... and a blatant lie, I may add...
You lie..... Frankfurter .... you lie!
Yitzi Frankfurter in his Shabbisdike Levush

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Satmar Rebbe at a loss of words because laughing black teens beat up Chusid in Williamsburg

Satmar Rebbe, Reb Zalman Leib and his mouthpiece "Der Goy" and Satmar Rebbe, Reb Aron and his mouthpiece "Der Bluteh" are always screaming that Jews shouldn't live in the "shtuchim" the "territories" in Israel, because it's a "sakanah" so now that shvartzas beat the hell out of one of their chassidim, right here in "Chitz Le'urettz" they are suddenly quiet!
By the way, it's the 4th incident in less than a week!

Helloooooooow ..... where are you? Rebbelich? 
I'm waiting for your Shalosh Seada Toirelehich!

So you think you are safe in Willy, New York? 
Well, once in a while, the "sitra achra" comes to "gulis" too!

The NYPD is investigating another possible hate crime in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
There have been four attacks against the Orthodox Jewish community in a week — the most recent came late Monday night.
As CBS2’s Ilana Gold reported, a 65-year-old man was attacked around 11 p.m. across the street from his home near Wilson Street and Wythe Avenue.
A teenage boy and girl ran up to him from behind and started punching him in the face and laughing about it, investigators said.
On Tuesday afternoon, CBS2 saw the victim as he limped out of his apartment with cuts and bruises under his eye. He did not want to comment, but his neighbor spoke with CBS2 anonymously.
The neighbor said his son heard the victim screaming for help and then the son ran outside and helped stop the beating. The two young perpetrators fled, the neighbor said.
The neighbor said the victim was “all shocked, confused, as expected.”
The incident follows another attack at 1 a.m. Monday, when a 25-year-old Orthodox Jewish man was struck in the head with a glass bottle on Driggs Avenue.
When asked how the attacks are affecting the community, Rabbi David Niederman of the United Jewish Organization of Williamsburg told Gold: “Basically people start thinking, ‘Can I allow my child to be out even during the day?’ And even adults, at night it’s scary.”
Police have posted flyers across the neighborhood showing a picture of the lone suspect in the bottle attack and warning everyone to be on high alert.
“It’s also a sign in reminding people that unfortunately you are not safe,” Niederman said.
In another supposed hate crime in Williamsburg, surveillance cameras captured men flinching when someone shot off paintballs right above them at a Jewish grocery store. Five minutes later, a 62-year-old was hit with a yellow paintball a few blocks away.
People in the community say they’ll be on edge until police catch whoever is responsible.
Police say Monday night’s crime and the glass bottle attack are not linked. The paintball attacks are being investigated as separate incidents as well.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Satmar Newspaper, "Der Blatt" calls Netanyahu a "Murderer"

Der Blatt, the Aronie Yiddish Newspaper, wrote an op-ed article in this week's edition, in reference to the funeral of  Avraham Walles, the radical Asra Kadisha member murdered by an Arab with a tractor.
Walles being arrested previously while protesting at a construction site

After blaming the murder of Avraham Walles on the Zionists, the article calls the Prime Minister of Israel, Bibi Netanyahu a "murderer!" 

This article is no difference then the propaganda by Hamas!

I only cut out one paragraph of the lengthy diatribe that this author spewed against his fellow Jews!

I will loosely translate the clip:

"we know very well that it doesn't hurt, the murderer and crazy Netanyahu, that a young man of the Toldos Aaron was killed. 
He has no mercy on the (Wallas') orphans, it doesn't bother him at all that an extremist of Asra Kedisha was murdered.
The only reason he sent a condolance letter to the family is because he wants to have them in his "group" 
He wants to include Walles' death with the other martyrs that were murdered on the Zionist alter."

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Letter to Satmar Rebbi, R' Zalman Leib Teitelbaum

The following "Letter to the Editor: appeared  in this week's  Mishpacha Magazine..I applaud the editors for allowing this letter to appear!
Satmar Rebbi spewing hate against the host country, Israel
Let's Get Real
(Satmar's Inner Sanctum/Issue 443)
Kol hakovod to the Satmar Rav, Reb Zalman Leib,  for adhering to the philosophy of his holy ancestors. However, in reality, the Satmar Rav has recognized the State of Israel, de facto, merely by visiting it.
 If it weren't for the Zionists, the Rav wouldn't have an airport in which to land. If it weren't for the IDF, he wouldn't feel safe being in the medinah. If it weren't for the Israeli police (plaincloths, no doubt), he wouldn't have the security force needed. If it weren't for the Zionist infrastructure, he wouldn't have roads to drive on, or gas for his rented car, for that matter. Nor would he have plumbing, electricity, or any of the other infrastructure necessary for this chasunah.
 If it weren't for the medina, I doubt if the chasunah would be taking place there at all. (What would Palestine look like if it weren't for the medinah, chas v'shalom?).

The time has come to recognize facts on the ground. While the medinah was not formed by the biggest yerei Shamayim, and while there are those in the medinah who seek to undermine the very basis of the holy Torah, the fact is that the medinah exists and all Jews benefit from it, whether they want to admit it or not.
A. Schwartz
Brooklyn, NY.