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Showing posts with label molester in Monsey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label molester in Monsey. Show all posts

Friday, May 9, 2014

Monsey Molester Alert! UPDATE

The Guy in the picture allegedly molested a young lady in the "Monsey Market Place" shopping strip on Route 59 and 306.
He was first pacing up and down the strip and noticed a modern young lady exiting one of the restaurants.
He then followed her to her car, and when she clicked her door open, he quickly opened the passenger door and slid inside the car. He then asked her which direction she was going, when she responded "306 northbound," he said he was going that way too.

She then decided reluctantly, since he looked like a Rabbi with שווארצע זאקין  "Shvartzeh Zokin", the traditional  "Rebbishe Black socks," that she would give him the ride.

As she put her car in reverse, she turned her head around, he then attacked her, molesting her. She started screaming "GET OUT" so he put his face next to her and his arm around her and said, "then just give me a hug."
She started screaming "Get the F--- out of my car" he then panicked and jumped out!

If you recognize this pig please email: dusiznies@aol.com or Ramapo Police!

the video, from a security camera, and they said the description of this guy fits the description of many complaints to the Police. He goes after children as well!
He hitch hikes alot  so please be careful!