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Showing posts sorted by date for query Weberman. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Satmar Rebbe Zalman Leib Ignores the pain of Sexual Victims and Visits Nechemya Weberman their Convicted Rapist in Prison


We reported this nauseating story back in 2012 when the Sex fiend was first tried in court


The Satmar “Grand Rebbe” Zalman Teitelbaum paid a visit to convicted sexual abuser Nechemya Weberman in prison last month, according to a Yiddish-language newspaper serving the Satmar Hasidic community that has published a series of favorable articles about the former fake therapist accused of sexually abusing an adolescent girl starting from when the victim was 12 years old.

The visit, and the weekly series of articles in Kiryas Joel Vochenshrift, have riled advocates for sexual abuse victims in the Hasidic community. They say the community’s leadership has a pattern of downplaying abuse charges and in this case convictions, further traumatizing the victims. 

A sexual abuse survivor who lives in Kiryas Joel, the Orange County, New York seat of Zalman Teitelbaum’s Satmar faction, told the New York Jewish Week that abuse victims like her feel they are “being stabbed” when they see support for accused abusers in the Hasidic media and among their leaders. 

“It’s retraumatizing victims,” said the survivor, who asked not to be named for reasons of privacy and safety. “It’s being stabbed every week, again and again, and knowing that if you’re ever going to open your mouth you’re going to be kicked out.” 

The woman said that other survivors within the community told her “that they are not going to come forward so quick again because they see this every week.”

“It’s the most horrific thing,” the source said. “I am reliving all the hell that I’ve gone through. They are taking a molester, who did the worst thing, and they are promoting him, and calling him holy.”    

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Rabbi Pichas Weberman of Miami Passes at 93


  One of Miami’s most famous, and well-respected Rabbi has passed away.

Rabbi Pinchas Weberman, died Wednesday at the age of 93.

A pioneer for the Miami Jewish community, and his vast knowledge of Torah, Weberman founded in 1960 the Ohev Shalom congregation of Miami Beach, and was the synagogue’s head rabbi for over 54 years. In addition he also taught at the Yeshiva Gedola of Miami, Toras Chaim of Miami, and the Bais Yaakov of Miami,

In 2015 his Shul made national headlines, after a Muslim convert was arrested after walking into his Synagogue and threatened the congregants.

Weberman established in Florida Mikvas, and was a fixture in the Jewish community as a spiritual advisor for many.

Weberman was well respected by many Government officials and received dozens of awards over the years.

The Rabbi was a chaplain for Miami Beach Police for decades and was also the founder and visionary of the Miami Beach Eruv Council.

Rabbi Weberman is the author of “The Rabbi’s Message,” containing over 200 original sermons, lessons and homilies themed to the Jewish calendar as well as lessons for daily life.

Weberman’s wife Glady’s Lea (Green) died last year, he leaves behind more then 15 children.

Weberman’s body was escorted this morning, by Police to the Airport for funeral in NY, and burial in Israel.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Ami Again Features A Rabbi Who has an "awful" Reputation. Read this "Crazed" Interview With Ukraine "Chief Rabbi" Bleich


The publisher of Ami Magazine, Yitzy Frankfurter, has a penchant for featuring the worst characters that the Chareidie world has to offer. He praised and lauded Nechamia Weberman, a convicted rapist who is sitting in jail, sentenced to 103 years,  he featured Shlomo Helbrans who headed the Lev Tahor Cult, gave him a 5 page spread trying to convince his readers that he was just another Chassidishe Rebbe. Just three weeks ago he featured Rabbi Zamir Cohen who claimed that the Zionists closed his "kiruv" Yeshiva because they were afraid that he was making chilonie children, frum. Turned out that that his co-ed school was patterned after the goyishe Finnish System and they were not teaching Torah in that school at all, and R' Cohen couldn't explain why the same Zionists had no issues with Chinuch Atamai Schools, Ohr Samaich, Aish Ha'Torah or the Kiruv Schools of Rav Yitzchok David Grossman. In fact the Zionists fund all the schools I just mentioned!

Well this week they hit a new low. Yitzy the Frank, decided to interview the "Chief Rabbi" of Ukraine, Rabbi Yaakov Bleich, who was disbarred from the Conference of European Rabbis (CER) at the request of Dayan Chanoch Ehrentreu. This Bleich character has allegations against him that are very similar to the ones of that of the Monster Walder. Harav Eliyashiv z"l had already said years ago that Bleich wasn't fit to be the Chief Rabbi of Ukraine. He was in fact asked to step down by the Rabbi that originally sent him to Kiev. 

When you read that a guy is the Chief Rabbi of Ukraine, where do you think he lives? If you are a person with an average IQ, you would naturally assume that he lives in Ukraine, right? Well not so fast!

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Der Yid's Moral Values


This is the latest edition of the Satmar Yiddish Weekly called "Der Yid"

On the byline on the bottom on the extreme right, they report on the  protests organized by the Eida Hachreidis against stores that sell phones in Yerushalayim without the "hashgacha" of the extremists.

 What's interesting is that the store they target on a daily basis in Geula does not carry any "smart phones". I know that store very well and I shop there from my phone accessories.  I understand that the Eida Hachreidis extorts money from storekeepers to force them to get  "The Hashgacha." And this particular storekeeper told me that he will not cave in, despite them destroying his property countless times. He says he has high rent and cannot afford the exorbitant Hashgacha fees, and abides by the Gedoilim's decree that "Smartphones" are prohibited, but refuses to pay them "mafia fees"

But I'm getting away from what I really want to talk about and that's the hypocrisy of the editors of Der Yid!

Side by side on the left side of this report, on the bottom of the page,  Der Yid reports on the latest story that the Biden's Justice department will allow most Federal inmates that committed white collar crimes to go free.
The byline of this report has the caption: הודו לה' "Thanks to Hashem"

The editors don't see the irony of these stories that they placed side by side.
The readers of this rag get the impression that to defraud people, banks and the US government  the "Medina shel Chesed" is fine but to own a smartphone is going against the Torah! 

Don't get me wrong I'm all for frum Jews who are rotting in Federal Correctional facilities to get a break and I support the efforts of the askanim who lobbied for this, but reading Der Yid's front page headlines seeing which stories they lend importance to, makes me cringe! 

They had no story about a frum man who infiltrated Chareidie society to contaminate and abuse innocent Chareidie women and children. One of the tzaddikim who eulogized Chaim Walder the monster, said that he  owned no "smart phone"!
Chareidim  backed  Nechemya Weberman a fake therapist who tortured  and burned his victims with cigarettes, and they backed Yisrael Weingarten who was convicted of sleeping with his own daughters .
 Weberman and Weingarten did not own  a "smartphone"

I find the placement of these two stories very sick.... 

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Satmar Askanim flying to Israel To Investigate If Yeshivas Chachmas Lev Took Money From The Zionists

R' Yitchok Weiss 
I find this story funny and tragic at the same time.  Tears of laughter are streaming down my face as I am typing. 

On July 4, I posted a story that said in effect, that there was an Eida Chareidie Girls school, that supposedly refused, to G-D forbid, take Zionist Government funding, and quietly took the Zionist funds anyway.
An uproar ensued, and now a bunch of Satmar Askanim wasted no time to fly to the "tumidika medina" to investigate!

When Weberman, the "therapist" raped Satmar girls that were studying in the Satmar Mosdos in Willaimsburg, no one ran anywhere, on the contrary they made a gigantic fund raiser to enable the sex fiend to defend himself... and that turned out to be an exercise in futility!

So let's understand these "investigators".... they are upset that the Israeli Moised, double dipped and cheated them out of a couple dollars, so they are wasting no time to find out what happened ....
but if you rape their daughters, they will not only look away, and cover up the story but will make a fund raiser for the rapist! 
Satmar logic!

The insane part of this story is that Mosdos in Israel cannot survive without government money period.... R' Zalman Leib, the Satmar Rebbe, Williamsburg, brought a measly 5 million dollars to Israel a couple of months ago, money that cannot go too far...and money that he took from according to the latest census the poorest constituents in the entire US, since the majority are on food stamps and section 8!

Just to give you an idea how much money is needed .... the Zionist "tumedika" Medina funds Chareidie Institutions to the tune of 1 billion shekels which is 250 million dollars a year!!!!!!

So I'm waiting with bated breath to see what the "investigators" will find...

A number of rabbonim, askanim and philanthropists from the Satmar community arrived in Israel on Tuesday 6 Tammuz to address the allegation that Yeshivas Chachmas Lev has accepted state funding for years.

After the news surfaced that the yeshiva has received funds from the ‘treif Zionist state’ for years, the school principal was summoned to meet with Gavaad Eida Chareidis HaGaon HaRav Yitzchok Tuvia Weiss Shlita as well as will Rav Zelig Reuven Katzenelbogen of Torah V’Yirah.

A probe into the matter has revealed that an outside person was responsible for distributing salaries. This person and not the principal is the one who took state funding, which he did without the principal’s knowledge.

The Eida Beis Din was set to convene on Wednesday 7 Tammuz to discuss the matter, aware the principal insists he had no knowledge of state funds being used to pay salaries. He claims that askanim who are calling for his dismissal are simply interested in taking over the building, which is worth a handsome sum.

On the other hand, the beis din views the principal responsible for what occurs in his school, including the source of funding and he must therefore accept responsibility and step down.
The delegation that arrived on Tuesday are in Israel to lend their support for the principal and their voices will be heard in beis din.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Noveminsker bashes bloggers as "lizanei hador"

With all due respect to the holy Noveminsker, I think, that after you finish watching the video, you will come to the conclusion that he may have made the biggest "litzanis!"

This was a Torah Umesorah convention, and the Noveminsker was addressing the issue ... of guess what? ....
Nope ..guess again.................................... give up? 
Sexual Abuse of children! 
And who does he blame? Guess?
The Abusers? 
You would think!
Nope ....think again!
The Bloggers! Yep ...crazy but true ....
Did he yell at Weingarten that raped his daughter? Did you hear a peep out of him, then? 
Who exposed that living bastard? This Blogger! Yup! way back in 2011! It's now 2016, have you heard the Noveminsker say one word to the victims?
How about the two "Kolko Rapists" did you hear one word out his holy mouth?
When Weberman raped and sexually abused countless girls...did you hear one word?
So who are the Lizanei hador? The bloggers that are exposing this? or is it perhaps the Gadol Hador ...the Noveminsker? HMMMMM?
And now for the kicker ...this Noveminsker is fighting against legislation to make this crime with no statue of limitation! 
Yes! He is fighting this ! so who is the comedian?

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Ami defends its Editorial Condemning those who protest the Gay Marriage Law of The Supreme Court

Letter courtesy of the Nuchem Rosenberg blog
Franfurter's answer to an email asking why Ami condemns those who oppose  and protest the Supreme Court Decision vis vis Gay Marriage!
Ami Email"The Supreme Court's ruling is not appealable and is the law of the land"

DIN:That's true and it's not true..... legislators can introduce new laws to circumvent the Gay Marriage laws once these Justices die off ... and  get normal thinking justices who have values and morals  ....

Ami E mail: " Protests are futile, and to try to ferment a revolution even if one was to do so is not only a crime but is one of the harshest of sins and something which G-d has forsworn us from doing when we went off to exile.

DIN: So why do you support the anti-Israel protests that the Satmar Hooligans do in lower Manhattan? Didn't "G-d  forsworn us from doing when we went off to exile?"
Why is it ok for Satmar to annex land in Golus and to protest when they hell they want, but it's not ok for a Jew to stand up for Torah even if it is a futile attempt...
aren't Jews supposed to spread Torah Values in the World?
 Didn't the Ari Hakodash quoting the Zohar say that, that is precisely why we are in Golus to spread light among the goyim?
Why does Ami have a double standard?
Why when Satmar protests, is Ami in the forefront of supporting them !
This Frankfurter keeps licking the lower orifices of the Satmar Gypsies even though Satmar keeps throwing his anti-Israel rag under the bus? Just last week in a letter to the Editor to Der Blatt a reader blasted Ami for some stupid idiotic reason!
But the Frank the Dunce, still slobbers over the uncivilized gypsies!

Ami E mail: "Harshest  of sins?" 

DIN:  Is telling the world that "gay marriage" is not ok with the Torah, a worse sin than raping innocent teenage girls?

It seems so,because the CLOWN FRANKFURTER supported the teenage rapist, Weberman! He, in fact, dedicated a whole issue to that effect.
I guess its a bigger "sin" for a lone rabbi to protest the Supreme Court than for Weberman to destroy countless lives!

How about supporting and protesting the Iran Deal, which is a direct threat to 6 1/2 million Jews in Israel .... is that a sin at all?
or is the sin of a lone rabbi protesting the Supreme Court a larger sin than standing in Times Square and SUPPORTING the Iran deal, like the cursed Neturei Karta did, holding Iranian flags ... 
By the way,  Neturei Karta is a group that is  supported by Satmar funds?

How about the march of 400 Rabbis on October 6,1943 in support of American and Allied action to stop the destruction of European Jewry, in Washington D.C. .... why didn't they just sit home and be ready to "suffer all the consequences?" 

Ami E mail: "We must suffer the consequences of the law of the land and be ready to suffer all the consequences including our well-being not to transgress even a single halacha"

DIN: ok ..... how about the law "of the land"that one is supposed to learn English, writing, reading, and math? Do you think we can suffer the "consequences" on that?

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Bus Ad Campaign "Short Clothing Shortens Life"

Egged Bus Ad
I'm all for Tznius.... but where in the entire Torah does it say 
"Short Clothing Shortens Life?" 
And how many people are going to dress more Tzniusdik because of a Bus Ad?
How many people are they going to be Mekariev with this ad and how many people are they going to be me'racheik?
 How many people are going to ask, "What about all the people that die young and wear tznisdikeh clothing? Hmmm?

I'll tell you what "shortens life" ....
When  guys like Weingarten rape their own daughters and when guys like Weberman rape and molest countless innocent girls, and the community not only degrade and ostracize the victims, but go out and  raise funds and support these animals, that, my friends, "shortens lives"

A new Egged campaign has been launched in Jerusalem which involves signs that say “shorter clothing = shortens life”, and “in memory of the Kedoshim in Har Nof”. Needless to say the new tznius campaign has elicited the ire of anti-religious elements.
Critics of the new ad campaign are urging people to phone the Canaan Ad Company to complain. The social media network is being used to get the word out to oppose the ad campaign.
MK (Meretz) Michal Rosen has turned to Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz to pull the posters. She feels the ad is offensive to women, who have the right to dress as they wish.
Both Egged and Canaan explain that the ad campaign represents a viewpoint that is legitimate as are objections to the ad campaign but one has the right to pay to advertise one’s view. Egged’s Dan Ratner added that ad campaigns represent the diversity of Israeli life and as such, there are many viewpoints being expressed.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Nachman Caller Slams Dov Hikind: Which Daas Torah Allowed You To Send A Jew To Jail?!?

Nachman Caller is upset that Dov Hikind advocated that the convicted Child Rapist Nechamia Weberman be put in Jail! Get it?
Well, I'll tell you, Mr. Caller. "Which Daas Torah".... how about the Torah that was given at Har Sinai that says that a Rodef has to be stopped!

Read from THEYESHIVAWORLD my comments in red!

In the final 24 hours of the campaign, R’ Nachman Caller has come out with a scathing attack on Assemblyman Dov Hikind questioning whether the Assemblyman has Daas Torah (rabbinical guidance). Specifically, Caller points to Hikind’s decision to go after Nechemya Weberman and celebrate via press release his imprisonment. The ad states “for political reasons Hikind helped throw a Jew in jail for 103 years. Which Daas Torah allowed Hikind to go so extreme?”
First of all, Hikind didn't sentence the Rapist Weberman to 103 years, the Judge sentenced him. Second of all, Tell me which Daas Torah says that Weberman was allowed to have Yichud with many girls, which Weberman the Child Rapist, actually admitted. 

Further enraging the Daas Torah crowd, Hikind was an early supporter of Ezras Nashim – the all women competitor to Hatzolah and boasts of helping them get state certification for their volunteer ambulance service. 
Didn't the local Rabbonim give an Haskama for this Ambulance Service?

Finally, Caller points to numerous stories in mass media including most recently in the New Yorker and New York Times where Hikind proudly criticizes the community for have a serious problem with child molestation, “Did you vote for Hikind so he would embarrass us in the secular press?”
Stop feeling up and raping our children, then we will stop "embarrassing" you in the secular press!

 the second ad reads Hikind is battling challenger Caller in a race for New York State Assembly. While insiders expect Hikind to win, they will be watching very closely to see the if the anti-Hikind votes exceeds 30% indicating a weakening in support for Hikind in the Jewish community.
No matter who you decide to vote for – make sure and vote today. Polls close at 9PM!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Yoel Deutsch who called himself "Joey Diangello" Commits Suicide

Yoel Deutsch aka Joey Diangello
Nuchem Rosenberg tweeted reports that Yoel Deutsch committed suicide during Yom Tov.
Burial today at 1:00 PM at Monsey cemetery on Brick Church Road.

Yoel Deutsch was raped when he was just 7 years old in a mikvah. He also claimed that Nechamia Weberman now sitting in jail also sexually abused him. I guess Weberman swings both ways.
Yoel was an advocate against child abuse!

Frum Follies reports that he may have overdosed accidentally! 
Yoel confronts Weberman in court

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Blogger "The Partial View" attacks other Bloggers?

There is a blogger that calls himself "The Partial View"

In a July 14 post, he attacks other bloggers, who voice their opinion on Jewish matters. He only wants his opinon heard.
So I decided to copy and paste his article; my response is in red!

The interlopers- Churban of the internet part II
(DIN: "Churban of the Internet?" Aren't you on the Internet?)
A blogger from Chicago, a Rabbi out in the west coast, a open orthodoxy activist, would have never stuck their nose in matters and issues that are not local to them.
(DIN: Excuse me, haven't you ever heard of "Letters to the editor?" Jews always, from when Newspapers were invented wrote letters to the editor, with their own opinions, way before the Internet. They also wrote articles in The Jewish Press, The Jewish Observer, The Yated, the Hamodia etc etc
With your logic, why is it ok for R' Chaim Kanievsky and R' Shteinman to meddle in issues that "are not local to them?")
The Internet has deleted the word "local" out of the dictionary. Prior to the web, it was not found that an outsider would give his deah or say opinion on a matter or a minhag that does not pertain to him.
(DIN: What about the Ramah, who wrote the "Hagah" on the mechaber of the Shulchan Aruch.... didn't he give his opinion on a "minhag that didn't pertain to him?")
If one had a sichsuch with someone or if there was a community split over an issue, the parties involved were familiar with each other. You always knew who you were dealing with.
(DIN: I guess you never read Shaaleh U'Tshuvois" they were always dealing with "parties" that they were not involved with.)
That has changed with the interloping bloggers and clueless activists patrolling the world wide web for any issue they hashkaficaly oppose. Its long reached a point where you do not have to read their posts to know what type of silliness they are going to write they are so predictable.
(DIN: What exactly is "silly?"
That they wrote about a sexual molester who molested countless children in Lakewood, and then the Roshei Yeshivas of BMG threw out the father of the victim
Or, that Bloggers commented on the Satmar Rebbe's cruel words about the parents of the murdered teens?
Maybe, they shouldn't have commented about Yisrael Weingaten who raped his own daughter, maybe they shouldn't have commented on Weberman who raped countless girls?
Or are you opposed to the "clueless activists" that are writing about the ungratefulness of the Yeshivas to their benefactors, the State of Israel?
Is reporting that Yeshivah boys are beating up frum soldiers an issue that you oppose "hashkafically"?)

  Churban o the Internet part I
The tzaros caused by these outsiders meddling on issues they know nothing about is beyond comprehension. 
(DIN: What are the "tzaros" that these "outsiders" are causing?
 Exposing the truth?) 
A recent example, a Chovevei Torah activist penned a essay about the current situation with East Ramapo school district. His piece was riddled with factual errors and misrepresentations, he has been proven to know absolutely nothing about the goings on. He was ripped apart on the air by the current school Board members of the district. Yet the damage was done. All it did was fan the flames and make more tzaros for those looking to fix a broken system.

Same with the frum bloggers who look for any news article about yidden which in their small mind they cant understand and they put in their two cents.
(DIN:I want to ask you a dumb question? So who are the people that have large minds, that understand and would make you  happy when they "put their two cents in?"
The Yated, The Hamodia, Ami magazine, Mishpacha? Der Yid, Der Blatt, Der Zeitung?
Aren't the people who write the articles, just people who write their own opinions? What makes their opinion more truthful than the bloggers?)
What gives a Modern orthodox blogger from Chicago or Rabbi with a small shul on the beach, the right to butt in on an issue that does not pertain to their own kehilla.
(DIN: Why not?
Didn't you learn in you Yeshivishe Yeshivah, "Kol Yisroel Areivim Zeh L'zeh"?
Every Jew is responsible for an other Jew even if he lives in Timbaktoo, certainly from Chicago!
And what's your problem with the "modern?" They wern't by Har Sinai? Only guys with 5" inch Brims, fancy eyeglass frames, sideburns and pleated pants stood there?
What do you mean "that does not pertain to their own kehilla?
 With that twisted logic, we dont need the Rambam, and the Shulchan Aruch that were written for the Sefardim!
What gives people a right to question the minhagim and derech of Satmar or Lakewood or any chasidus that only pertains to these kehillos who follow their leaders.
(DIN:  What gives Satmar the right to mussar the parents of the murdered teens, while they were sitting shiva? They were not from his "Kehillah!"
Every single Jew has a right to question, yes, the minhagim and the Derech of any one they wish.
I cannot question Satmar's derech of torturing the Kloizenberger Rebbe when the latter lived in williamsburg?
I cannot question the derech of Satmar beating up innocent Lubavitchers that came to Williamsburg to be samaich the souls of the Holocaust survivors, on Yom Tov?
I cannot question Lakewood, that started a false Chassidus that has  a flase derech of not working for a living?)
The churban of these interlopers and yentas has created a huge chilul hashem by feeding their stories to the national media who in turn take the opportunity to make light or make fun of Frum yidden make fun of the Torah. Its time for these ignorant interlopers to go back to their natural habitat.
(DIN:If that's the case, what are you doing on the internet?)

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Meisels removed from his Seminaries! UPDATED

by Harry Marylis
Rabbi Elimelech Meisels is a tremendous Talmid Chochom, a co-author of Hashkafic works, and stemming from a distinguished family. He is an incredible Mechanech. Thousands of girls can testify to that. He has the respect and admiration of many thousands of former students and their parents for being there for their daughters. He has helped girls get through many things and actually saved lives. Where would they be today if not for him? He is a special man who helped Klal Yisroel in countless ways.

This is the problem with a serial sex offender like Meisels. They are often very accomplished and successful individuals that inspire many followers with their charisma. And yet he is a sexual predator who preys on the vulnerable. He knows how to ‘groom’ his victims. Most of whom are in their late teens. How talented this individual is. And how sick. Yes, it is unfortunately possible to be a talented Mechanech who has saved many lives and at the same time be a callous sexual predator that can ruin many others lives – all for his own personal sexual gratification.

It is difficult to understand how it is possible for someone like this to have been preying on the vulnerable for so long. At the same time, it’s easy to see how he can get away with it. The accolades in the first paragraph are based on comments many of his former students made defending him on Yerachmiel Lopin’s blog. He is a beloved figure. For the many he helped –which is no doubt the majority, he is an icon. It is therefore impossible to believe someone like this could ever do anything so egregiously wrong. Not only is he a great Mechanech - he is also a happily married man. How could anyone dare say anything so negative about him?

It is this kind of thinking that a motivates the defenders of people like Nechemya Weberman… or Baruch Lanner. It is also the kind of thinking that causes rabbis of good will to say that abuse must be first reported to them before going to the police. The thinking is that people with such great reputations and so many accomplishments cannot possibly have done what they have been accused of doing. They must be given the benefit of the doubt. Allowing the police to get involved would instantly ruin the man’s reputation. So of course the rabbis must be consulted… God forbid that this man, his wife, and children suffer needlessly at the hands of a false accuser. That’s what good reputations will do for the predator. Which of course allows them to continue their clandestine behavior while continuing to behave in an exemplary manner in public.

But at least in this case, justice seems to have prevailed so far. Victims of this guy have come forward and the rabbis believed them. A letter was published by the special Beis Din in Chicago created for exactly this purpose. Here it is their statement in its entirety:
The Special Beis Din of Chicago has convened to address allegations of improper conduct, including unwanted physical contact of a sexual nature, between Elimelech Meisels and students of the following seminaries with which he is affiliated: Pnimim, Binas Beis Yaakov, Chedvas Beis Yaakov, and Keser Chaya.
Based on the testimony and documents received by the Beis Din, including testimony by the claimants and by Elimelech Meiels, the Beis Din believes that students in these seminaries are at risk of harm and it does not recommend that prospective students attend these seminaries at this time.
Because these seminaries and Mr. Meisels are located in Israel and not in the United States, a distinguished Israeli Beis Din consisting of Rabbis Menachem Mendel Shafran, Chaim Malinowitz, and Tzvi Gartner has assumed for this matter.
Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz
Rabbi Shmuel Fuerst
Rabbi Zev Cohen
There are many people who have suggested that this letter is fake and the signatures are a forgery. I personally spoke to Rabbi Fuerst, one of the signatories. He told me it is real and that he signed it as did the others.

For those who don’t know, Rabbi Shmuel Fuerst is the Dayan for Agudath Israel of Illinois. A Posek that was mentored by Rav Moshe Feinstein, he is the ‘go to’ Rav for many people in here in Chicago (and beyond) for just about any Shaila in Halacha one might have. He is also the Posek for NCSY Midwest.

Rabbi Gedalia Schwartz is the Av Bet Din (chief judge) of the Rabbinical Council of America (Bet Din of America) and Rosh Bet Din (Emeritus chief judge) of the Chicago Rabbinical Council Bet Din.

Rabbi Zev Cohen is the Rav of Congregation Adas Yeshurun, a Dayan, Rosh Kollel of the Choshen Mishpat Kollel and one of the most trusted rabbis in Chicago.

These three people do not usually cross paths. But they have come together here as one to warn the community about this guy. They do not even refer to him as rabbi, refusing to give him the title he earned (and now dishonored). Which is pretty amazing since Rabbi Fuerst’s mentor, Rav Moshe Feinstein used the title ‘rabbi’ in his Teshuvos when referring to Reform rabbis. Imagine how undeserving this fellow is of that title.

On his blog, Yerachmiel said that people close to that Beis Din told him that among his pickup lines were “my wife is boring….”. Imagine your daughter hearing things like that from her charismatic seminary head. I’m told that many seminary girls will develop a crush on their seminary heads. That makes it easy for a dirtbag like Meisels to take advantage of them.

Yerachmiel was also told that the abuse involved many young women and was severe.

While this situation may or may not involved abuse of minors, there is no question in my mind that it involves some form of molestation or worse. If the students he abused were minors (usually defined in this country as under 18 if I understand correctly), he could be prosecuted for statutory rape if he had sex with any of them. I have no clue what the laws of the State of Israel are with respect to that. But my hope is that the distinguished rabbis in Israel who have accepted the task pursue that avenue if it is available to them.

The bottom line here is the following. If you have a daughter that will be studying in a seminary in Israel, stay far away from this man and any seminary with which he is connected.

Elimelech Meisels has been removed as head of the above mentioned seminaries. For details, see
UPDATED Sunday July 20

Just to update readers, there have been several newer posts about the situation. to be absolutely clear, Meisels says he will not teach in the seminaries this coming year but he still owns them and other enabling staff have not been removed, or even, to the best of my knowledge reprimanded. That is why the Chicago Beis Din stands by its psak advising against sending students to those seminaries. Hebrew Theological College (HTC) and Touro College have suspended accreditation, pending a more substantial set of changes, thereby preventing students from getting US Government assistance with grants and loans.

All posts on Frum Follies about meisels can be found with the search URL: http://frumfollies.wordpress.com/?s=Elimelech+Meisels

Rabbi Yosef Blau, Mashgiach Ruchani of YU's RIETS wrote a comment to my most recent post worth passing along to students and alumni of the Meisels seminaries:

"This analysis correctly demonstrates that the Israeli Beis Din has no
interest in investigating Meisels and interviewing victims to find out
the role of others working for him in Pninim and the other seminaries.
However there is a great need for the graduates of these programs,
whether they were abused, or saw inappropriate behavior, or are
convinced that there was no abuse to speak with both therapists and
rabbinic figures who understand rabbinic abuse. Many of them are
traumatized and are profoundly shaken by these reports about a major
influence on their lives. In earlier cases this was at least partially
done for young men attending Yeshivot after they had been in an
environment where there was a teacher or rabbi who was an abuser. This
will be particularly difficult in this case because the women are
unlikely to be in educational settings where they can find people who
are qualified to meet with them."

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Nuchem Rosenberg Rejects Apology From Bleach-Tossing Attacker

A rabbi who advocates against child sex abusers refused to accept an apology from a Hasidic man, the son of an accused abuser, who threw bleach in the rabbis’s face.

Rabbi Nuchem Rosenberg told Brooklyn state Supreme Court Judge Joseph Gubbay, who asked Meilech Schnitzler to make the apology in court on Wednesday, that he would not accept the apology because “you didn’t harm me. You harmed all the children I represent,” the New York Post reported.

In December 2012, Rosenberg on his blog for sexual abuse victims accused Schnitzler’s father of being a child sexual molester. As Rosenberg walked past Schnitzler’s Brooklyn fish market, Schnitzler ran toward him with a cup of bleach and threw it in his face. Rosenberg, of the same Williamsburg neighborhood in Brooklyn, was treated for burns on his face, around his eyes and in his left eye.

The incident came a day after Nechemya Weberman, a Satmar Hasidim leader, was convicted on 59 counts of sexual abuse of a then-18-year-old woman when she was between the ages of 12 and 15 and went to Weberman for counseling. Rosenberg supported and assisted the victim throughout the judicial process.

Gubbay on Wednesday sentenced Schnitzler to 5 years’ probation for the attack. Schnitzler had pleaded guilty to the felony charge of “Intent to cause physical injury with a weapon” at a hearing in April.

Rosenberg reportedly read an impact statement in the court but, according to the Failed Messiah blog, was not allowed to read some of the parts that criticized the DA or the plea deal.

According to a copy of the statement obtained by the blog, Rosenberg said that the “plea bargain has compounded the damage of my assault.” He said the day after the plea deal was announced he was pelted with rocks by teenage boys outside of a Satmar synagogue in Williamsburg. One of the teens yelled, “Ha, Ha, Schnitzler is going free!”

“The reign of violence in my community aimed at children and their protectors must be ended. Those of us in the Hasidic community willing to cooperate with the criminal justice system are entitled to protection from violence and intimidation. If not for my sake, for the sake of our children, please let the world know that our children will not be abandoned to those who would abuse them and protect their molesters.
Please help make all of Brooklyn a safe place for children and those who fight for them,” he said.
Rosenberg runs a website and telephone hot-line for sex abuse victims.


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Rabbonim attempt to put Lady "Therapist" out of business in Boro-Park

The truth is that this lady (we will not publish her name) calls herself a "mentor". 
But in this poster, the signed Rabbonim say, that no one should consult her because, a) she has no credentials and b) she is "undermining chinuch".

Question: Why was it ok for Weberman, the convicted rapist to be called by Satmar a "therapist" and they defended him, saying that he  was a "therapist" even though he had a zero credentials, but it is not ok for her to be a "therapist" when she has the same credentials as Weberman!

How much "undermining chinuch" did Weberman do when he burned his victims' stomach for his own sadistical desires?

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Moshe Klein, Satmar Rebbe's Right Hand Man and Driver of Satmar Rebbe Tweeted picture of Weberman's Victim

The Satmar Rebbe, R' Zalman Teitelbaum, thundered at the "Anti -Internet" Asifa against the Internet and against smart phones, 
but his right hand guy and his personal driver, Moshe Klein, had no problem tweeting the picture of Weberman's victim testifying in court, according to the Daily News.

He has a tweeter account!

Lemon Juice

Story Background

The Chassidisher Meshiginer, that calls himself, Lemon Juice, was arrested for violating court rules that prohibits court spectators from phographing rape victims, he claims that he didnt post it to tweeter, "a fraudster" did it.

Turns out that the tweeter account belongs to Moshe Klein! Indeed, a "fraudster"!

A Brooklyn Hasid charged with posting a Twitter photo of a teen sex abuse victim testifying 
against her former counselor claims the picture was actually uploaded by a fraudster.

The defendant, known as Lemon Juice, was arrested in November 2012 during the explosive trial of Nechemya Weberman after a photo of the victim — who was 18 at the time — appeared on Twitter showing her testifying. Lemon Juice and two others are charged with criminal contempt.

Legal papers obtained by the Daily News show the real poster is believed to be Moses Klein, the personal driver of the Satmar sect’s grand rabbi. 

The document said the AOL email address associated with the Lemon Juice account is registered to Klein, “the driver and right-hand man to Rabbi Zalman Teitelbaum.

The case against the three defendants was pushed back to Feb. 7 after a prosecutor said plea offers may be made.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Ami Magazine makes fun of Netanyahu's Speech to the UN that warned them of Iran's Nuclear ambitions!

Frankfurter and his followers

Puny little Yitzy Frankfurter, the editor of Ami Magazine, ridicules Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech given at the United Nations General Assembly on October 1st.

The Prime Minister, was addressing the dire Iran situation vis a vis the nuclear threat that is endangering the entire Middle East in general and the State of Israel in particular. 
He warned that the tyrant Rouhani, the President of Iran
(who actually resembles Yitzy Frankfurter), 
is determined to use the "negotiations" in Geneva, to advance his country's nuclear program. 
The Prime Minister warned that Israel would have to take unilateral military action to stop Tehran from building the dreaded atomic bomb.

Netanyahu was pointing out to the world in his address to the United Nations that Israel will despite its enemies, endure and overcome its enemies. He quoted from the Navie Amos: 
"As the Prophet Amos said,
 " They shall rebuild ruined cities and inhabit them, they shall plant vineyards and drink their wine. They shall till gardens and eat their fruit, and I will plant them upon their soil never to be uprooted again."

The Prime Minister was telling the UN that the Novie's words have already come to fruition;
with Eretz Yisroel being rebuilt for the first time in 2,000 years, never to be "uprooted again."

But this piece of garbage, Frankfurter, claims that Netanyahu "deliberately misread it" (Amos)....

Frankfurter would have wanted the Prime Minister to tell the anti-Semites in the UN that Amos also prophesied that 
"G-d will hold the Jewish people accountable for their sins and failings"
Frankfurter adds:
 but  instead Netanyahu "went to the book's happy ending"

In other words, Frankfurter wanted the Goyim in the UN to hear that G-d will Chas V'sholom destroy the Jewish people because of their sins, in the same speech that  he was warning the world  about Iran???????? 
I don't get it!

Let's put the words of the Prophet Amos aside for a moment and quote from a greater Prophet than Amos:

Moshe Rabbeinu tells ALL the Jewish people moments before his death the following in Parshas Eikav (9:5):

"Not because of your righteousness and the uprightness of your heart are you coming to take possession of their land, but because of the wickedness of these nations does Hashem, your G-d, drive them away from you, 
and in order to establish the word that Hashem swore to you forefathers."

In other words Hashem gave us Israel not because we are all Tzaddikim. G-d gave us Israel and yes, the STATE of ISRAEL, because the other nations are worse, and because He promised this to our forefathers. 
Hashem wants Israel rebuilt whether Netanyahu has a yarmulka on his head when he quotes from the Prophets or not!

Then Frankfurter who is certainly a scion of Amaliek, writes that "Netanyahu, (is) a spiritual successor of Jeroboam"??????????

So here comes this vile piece of vomit who calls himself Frankfurter, and makes "choizik" from the whole speech, 
quoting from the left wing, communist and self-hating  Israeli newspaper Haaretz, that the speech "was the type of speech that is destined to be quickly forgotten and disappear into the infinitely large ocean of YouTube clips."

The headline of this rubbish masqueraded as an editorial says it all:
"Netanyahu's Yarmulka"

Instead of informing and alarming his  naive readers that Iran wants to destroy over 6 million Jews living in Eretz Yisroel and obliterate all of Klall Yisroel, G-D forbid, including Frankfurter and his  family, 
this animal pokes fun of the fact that the Prime Minister, didn't put on a Yalmulka while quoting from Amos!

Instead of praising Netanyahu, because the Prime Minister ordered and dispatched, the IDF,,,,,,,,, doctors, nurses and rescue personnel with tons of medical equipment and medicine to the Philippines, and made a huge KIDDUSH HASHEM, 
this cockroach, does not even mention this in his entire issue!

Quoting from the Anti - Chareidie Haaretz, Frankfurter continues his  nauseating satire:
"At least he was done away with that ridiculous habit of Israeli leaders over the decades who put on a skullcap every time they read from the Bible. If the ultra-Orthodox parties, Shas and United Torah Judaism, had been in the current government coalition, he wouldn't have  dared do what he did."

This lying buffoon, vilifies and mocks a leader of over 10 million people, during a time when Israel feels isolated and vulnerable. Mocks someone who was voted in by a majority in a democratic election.

 Yitzy Frankfurter sits in his luxurious Boro-Park house, fressing Potato Kugel and shmaltz herring, wolfing down his watery chulent,
and makes fun of a man who fought in the Israeli army, putting his life on the line to fight for the Jewish people and for people like Frankfurter
Netanyahu's brother lost his life saving Jewish lives in Entebbe.

Benjamin Netanyahu
This is the same bastard that is trying to convince the pathetic Ami readers that the Satmar Chasid Weberman, who was convicted of raping a Jewish child,  is innocent!

He dedicated an entire issue in his filthy rag, Ami, to the lawyer, Mr. George Farkas, who defended Weberman, a serial rapist!

At this time it's important to point out who this Frankfurter, a Mamzer ben Nida , really is.

He is a fanatical Satmarer who hates and despises the State of Israel, and hopes and prays thrice daily that Eretz Yisroel should get, Chas ve'sholom, destroyed ... 
During the Bracha of V'lamshinim in Shemona Esra, these bastards think of Israel!
So you are sitting and scratching your itchy head thinking that DIN is crazy.... 
so let me quote from this very same "editorial":

"Netanyahu also apparently thinks he can pull the wool over the eyes of the international community and dupe them into believing that the Prophet Amos assured the Jewish people in the name of 
G-d that 
they will never be displaced from their land, regardless of how they behave.
At least Netanyahu made this misleading statement without a yarmulka on his head."

What Herr Frankfurter is intimating, in his sick and nauseating logic, that Israel will G-d forbid be destroyed because of the Zionists sins! He ignores Amos that states unequivocally 
"I will plant them upon their soil never to be uprooted again."

Well, Herr Frankfurter, 
take off your smelly fur hat from your head, and tell me when in the history of the Jewish people did we have so many people learning Torah in Eretz Yisroel? 

Tell us, which government in the entire world ever supported Torah (yes, even with the latest cuts) as much of the State of Israel??

Tell me, Mr. "Editor" how many frum governments were there ever in Israel from the time of Shaul Hamelech?
Count them for us, please!

Tell me, Mr. Vermin, how did Moshe Rabbeinu talk to Pharaoh? Mind you, Pharaoh murdered Jewish babies and then bathed in their blood.... 
Read the Torah and read with what respect  Moshe spoke to this murderer?

With what respect did Avrahom Aveenu speak to Efron Hachiti? The Talmud describes Efron as the biggest gangster in the world... the Torah spends 16 verses describing in detail how polite  Avraham spoke to this thief...

Look at last week's parsha describing how polite Yaakov was to Eisav, a murderer, someone who wanted and continues to want to kill all Jews....

We had kings, the  grandchildren of the Chashmonim (The Chanukah guys) that were by in large a bunch of thieves and murderers..
One of these kings, Yannai Hamelech murdered all the Tanaim and left only Reb Shimon ben Shatach alive.... who  was lucky enough to be saved by his sister who was the Queen at the time.

We had a Kohen Gadol, yes, a Kohein Gadol, who wasn't religious, by the name of Yeshuah ben Gamla.
The Talmud states that this non-religious Kohein Gadol will get credit for all  Torah learned from his time until Kingdom comes. 
Because he established Public Schools so that every Jewish child get a free education. Commentaries question whether Yeshua ben Gamla was even a Kohein. 
With all the Torah being learned in the State of Israel, I envy the Olom Haba that Benjamin Netanyahu will get.... 

Through out Jewish History, never did any Jew ever say 
"you can't live in Israel until we have Moshiach? 
Never did any Rabbi say that you cannot go to the Bais Hamikdash... because the king is a murderer, an Idol Worshipper etc.

Come the Holier than thou Satmars and prohibit anyone from going to the Kotel because it was liberated by the Zionists!

Frankfurter, for years, tried to  re-write the violent Satmar history into a  misunderstood Chassidus!
Satmar violently fought with the Kloizenberger Chassidim, Lubavitcher Chassidim, the Belzer Chassidim 
and fought with themselves!
This all happened during the lifetime of Reb Yoilish, the first Satmarer Rebbe..
The Kloizenberger Rebbi was forced to flee Williamsburg and relocate to Union City!
The Satmarer Rat, Frankfurter,  wrote a year ago that Reb Yoilish Teitelbaum, the first Satmar Rebbe was isolated, and wasn't respected by other gedolim!
First of all, its a blatent lie, 
but it was Reb Yoilish who decided that Satmar was not going to join the rest of Klall Yisroel when he prohibited his Romanian peasants from  learning the Daf -Hayoimie,
 because it was being pushed by Agudah, a "Zionist" organization! It was Reb Yoilish who decided to isolate and separate his chassidus from the rest of Klall Yisroel!

Now, only Satmar and the Goyim refuse to learn the daf.

Ever wonder why Klall Yisroel has all these Tzoros, ever wonder why Jewish mothers are dying in childbirth? Look no further.... look at your local newsstand that sells this dirty filthy rag called Ami!

Shame on you,,,,, Yitzy Frankfurter, hitting the Jewish people while they are down... shame on you....go back to your snake den, you filthy skunk! You don't come to Netanyahu's toenail!

Time to call the Advertisers of Ami and tell them if this sick article is not retracted we will boycott the products...

Lest you think that DIN made all this up, 
here is the "editorial" that reads right out of a Nazi newspaper.