In an unsigned "Guest Editorial," the Yiddish Newspaper, DEE ZEITUNG, in their February 11, 2011 edition, continued to repeat the lie that Weingarten convicted in a Bais Din and in Federal Court, of molesting his child, was totally innocent!
The Newspaper continues to insult the intelligence of its readers by dressing up this demented article as a "Guest Editorial"
The Yiddish Newspaper "Der Blatt" also copied and printed this convoluted article
Loose Translation: 1st paragraph
The Newspaper continues to insult the intelligence of its readers by dressing up this demented article as a "Guest Editorial"
The Yiddish Newspaper "Der Blatt" also copied and printed this convoluted article
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Dee Zeitung |
----Guest Editorial---
(in Hebrew) Sleepers wake up from your sleep:
Rebi Eliyokim Shlesinger Cannot Sleep At Night, And Us?
In the last few months, the community noticed that the name Rebi Yisroel Moshe son of Liba Weingarten, was constantly mentioned. It was done so that the community should help and pray for him and to support the "Pidyan Shevuim" fund to release him (from jail).
Yes, its true, that Jews are doing him a favor; that they mention his name (in prayors) and they send a couple of dollars and hope for the best.
Yes, its true, that Jews are doing him a favor; that they mention his name (in prayors) and they send a couple of dollars and hope for the best.
But the "Gedolei Yisroel" who are familiar with the case closeup, request from the community something totally different. They are of the opinion that every Jew must feel the hurt deep in the recesses of their soul, the terrible situation, of the "Sefer Torah" being in pain, and every Jew is required to be "Moiser Nefesh" to redeem him.
Dus Iz Nies comments:
"Gedolei Yisroel, that are "familiar with the case closeup?" Excuse me ,which "Gadol" of yours knows the case closeup? None of your "Gedolim" questioned any of the witnesses. Did Rav Moshe Green who went to Virginia to visit "Harav HaGoen Rosh Yeshivah, Rav" Yisroel Weingarten, ask him directly "did you sleep with any of your daughters?" I doubt it! I know for a fact that he did not question one single which "Gedolim" are familiar with the case closeup?
"Every Jew is required to be "Moiser Nefesh" to redeem him."
Rabbi Shlesinger ... were you "Moiser Nefesh" for Fruma Leah when she was crying out for help? Are we required to be "Moiser Nefesh" only for Rapists? We just want clarity about your psak!
"Every Jew is required to be "Moiser Nefesh" to redeem him."
Rabbi Shlesinger ... were you "Moiser Nefesh" for Fruma Leah when she was crying out for help? Are we required to be "Moiser Nefesh" only for Rapists? We just want clarity about your psak!
Translation of 2nd- 8th Paragraph
Here, is a Yiddish translation what the Renowned Gaon and Tzadik, from the Elders of the Jewish Scholars, Rebi Eliyakim Shlesinger Shitah wrote to the Community Organizers in Monsey, about his feelings and his observations after he visited the Rav and Gaon Rebi Yisroel Moshe Shlitah, with "Mesiras Nefesh"in such a far away place.
"It is noble for all of you who are involved in the great mitzvah of Pidyan Shevuim for our friend Harav the Gaon Rebi Yisroel Moshe Weingarten Shlitah.We are all in pain and with worry about his situation, and may G-D help you in all your efforts of trying to take him from darkness to light.
I would like to report what it looked like when I went visiting this great Scholar. I am still astounded and when I think about it, I shiver, I still cannot believe what I saw.
They took him into a room, where big burly guys dragged Harav the Gaon Rebi Yisroel Moshe by his hands. His hands and feet were bound in heavy iron chains, he could hardly walk, and he was suffering. Reb Yisroel Moshe sat in a tiny room, like an animal in a cage, and they closed the room with a large iron door where he was trapped. Harav the Gaon Rebi Yisroel Moshe looked horrible, scary. When I saw him I had to keep strong with all my strength so that I shouldn't faint from witnessing this painful and scary scene. "Woe to those who see a Sefer Torah in such pain."
I saw that his soul and body were in danger every second. He told me just abit about his struggles..frightening!
He hardly sees the light of the day, they prohibit him from opening the little window of his room, he eats nothing but a little fruit, and this is also very skimpy. It is clear that they want to break and destroy him.
Dus Iz Nies comments:
Notice that he doesn't mention the pain or the struggles of Weingarten's victims! You did a great job describing the travails of YMW ... can you please describe in detail the horrors that a little girl must feel when getting sexually abused, by her own father, who is supposed to protect her?
Translation of 9th - 12th Paragraph
How sad and frightening, that on the other hand I saw the great strength of this great Scholar, though he is very scrawny, weak and sick, his words are measured, his thoughts are very organized, with knowledge and wisdom, with faith and belief with prayers and requests.
He made a special impression on me when he told me that he suffered all his life so that his children should grow in Torah and fear of Heaven, without any evil influences, and this he accomplished by most of his children, and this is his comfort.
I physically came apart when I heard words from this broken vessel, words of Torah and wisdom, Halacha, and aggada with strength of his soul.
Believe me with truth, my dear friends, that after this visit I would wake up on many nights crying, after seeing the great pain and the contempt of Torah. Till this very day I cannot free myself from this scary sight.
Dus Iz Nies comments:
Rabbi Shlesinger, did you shed ONE tear for Leah and the other children that were raped and abused by this monster? I think not! How many nights were you up crying when his innocent child was being raped? I suspect were sleeping peacefully!!
Rabbi Schlesinger....we call that "crocodile tears!" "Woe to the Jewish People that have leaders like you!"
Translation of 13th - 14th Paragraph
I am so far away from there, what can I do besides praying and to notify other Jews about his great pain.
I am very close with Harav Weingarten, always in touch with him, and I had a discussion about his situation with the Gaon Rebbi Chaim Kreisworth Z"L when he was still alive. He made clear that According to the Torah he is innocent, all complaints against him are all fantasies and Libels, and unfortunately his blood was shed by a couple of "Moisrim"
Dus Iz Nies comments:
Rabbi Shlesinger ... please enlighten us....who else was there when this discussion took place? What was discussed? On what basis did R' Kreisworth Z"L say he was innocent? Did he speak to any of the people or children who claimed that they were abused? Did he convene a Bais Din? No! We now know that he didn't ... so what information did you and him have to make such an outrageous statement?
If you were so close to Rav Kreisworth Z"L, why didn't you sign the typed letter stating that Weingarten was innocent?
And can you please tell us who the "Moisrim" were? What was their motive?
Rav Kreisworth Z"l was niftar in the year 2001... are you sure that R' Kreisworth would still have believed him innocent after a legitimate Bais Din convicted him of Rape?
What would Rav Kreisworth have said if he knew about the following FBI report when the Gaon & Tzaddik Weingarten was arrested:
From Frum Follies
The defendant was arrested by Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) agents in his home. Six of his children, including Chayeh and Chaneh Weingarten, were present. At the time of his arrest, and without having been asked any question by the agents, both Chayeh and Chaneh stated to the agents that it is acceptable for them to sleep in the same bed with their father.(Source: Pre-trial US motion In limine . . ., Docket number 18, page 24)
If you were so close to Rav Kreisworth Z"L, why didn't you sign the typed letter stating that Weingarten was innocent?
And can you please tell us who the "Moisrim" were? What was their motive?
Rav Kreisworth Z"l was niftar in the year 2001... are you sure that R' Kreisworth would still have believed him innocent after a legitimate Bais Din convicted him of Rape?
What would Rav Kreisworth have said if he knew about the following FBI report when the Gaon & Tzaddik Weingarten was arrested:
From Frum Follies
The defendant was arrested by Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) agents in his home. Six of his children, including Chayeh and Chaneh Weingarten, were present. At the time of his arrest, and without having been asked any question by the agents, both Chayeh and Chaneh stated to the agents that it is acceptable for them to sleep in the same bed with their father.(Source: Pre-trial US motion In limine . . ., Docket number 18, page 24)
At the time, Chayeh Surah was 22 years old, and Chaneh Goldeh was 19 years old!
By the way, Rav Kreisworth Z"L now knows the truth!
Translation of 15th - 17th Paragraph
The greatest strength to a "Mashchis" are those "Parve People" who do nothing and keep quiet. Whoever possesses a drop of "fear of heaven" must throw money and work, with body and money to rescue him.
We have already seen that the prayer of a Tzaddik makes a mark, and he had the merit that his dear children have all been successful. They got married and managed to build Truthful houses. G-D will continue to help, calling to those who are bound, freedom. And all those who take a part will be helped with all that is good.
Dear Jews, lets take these words deep into our hearts, and have mercy on this great scholar that is suffering pain from his enemies. Let's have in mind with our prayers that he should be rescued, and let's answer to this appeal warmly with money to this great mitzvah of Pidyan Shevuim.
By the way, Rav Kreisworth Z"L now knows the truth!
Translation of 15th - 17th Paragraph
The greatest strength to a "Mashchis" are those "Parve People" who do nothing and keep quiet. Whoever possesses a drop of "fear of heaven" must throw money and work, with body and money to rescue him.
We have already seen that the prayer of a Tzaddik makes a mark, and he had the merit that his dear children have all been successful. They got married and managed to build Truthful houses. G-D will continue to help, calling to those who are bound, freedom. And all those who take a part will be helped with all that is good.
Dear Jews, lets take these words deep into our hearts, and have mercy on this great scholar that is suffering pain from his enemies. Let's have in mind with our prayers that he should be rescued, and let's answer to this appeal warmly with money to this great mitzvah of Pidyan Shevuim.
Dus Iz Nies comments:
Excuse me, I'm going to throw up!
I now believe that the above article printed exactly alike in all Yiddish Papers, more than likely was an ad paid by the Organizers to release the "pervert" from Jail. Its interesting that they all know that it will never happen, I believe that this campaign was organized to line the pockets of the Organizers....
In "Der Blatt" the Guest Editorial" appeared on page 24, under a paid advertisement which notified the readers that the three organizations that work to free Jewish Inmates have now joined together under one banner. The three oranizations are:
"Min Hameitzar," its logo are two hands in cuffs with the byline "A Hand For Jewish Inmates In Correctional Facilities," the second one is "Shalom Ateriech," also has a logo with hands in cuffs, and finally "Dror" with a picture of adults and children behind bars.
It now becomes crystal clear why the "clown" Handler on the Zev Brenner Show February 6, 2011 kept comparing the Weingarten case to the Rubashkin Case, to try to get the Rubashkin donors to contribute to the above organizations so that all funds go to one big pot, and then all of those "Community Organizers" fighting for the release of the pervert Weingarten can get rich! Nobody losses, Weingarten stays in Jail for 30 years, and the "Organizers" have parnassah for the next 30 years!
Excuse me, I'm going to throw up!
I now believe that the above article printed exactly alike in all Yiddish Papers, more than likely was an ad paid by the Organizers to release the "pervert" from Jail. Its interesting that they all know that it will never happen, I believe that this campaign was organized to line the pockets of the Organizers....
In "Der Blatt" the Guest Editorial" appeared on page 24, under a paid advertisement which notified the readers that the three organizations that work to free Jewish Inmates have now joined together under one banner. The three oranizations are:
"Min Hameitzar," its logo are two hands in cuffs with the byline "A Hand For Jewish Inmates In Correctional Facilities," the second one is "Shalom Ateriech," also has a logo with hands in cuffs, and finally "Dror" with a picture of adults and children behind bars.
It now becomes crystal clear why the "clown" Handler on the Zev Brenner Show February 6, 2011 kept comparing the Weingarten case to the Rubashkin Case, to try to get the Rubashkin donors to contribute to the above organizations so that all funds go to one big pot, and then all of those "Community Organizers" fighting for the release of the pervert Weingarten can get rich! Nobody losses, Weingarten stays in Jail for 30 years, and the "Organizers" have parnassah for the next 30 years!
1 comment:
CORRECTION: YMW did not sleep with his daughter, HE WAS WIDE AWAKE, it was קרוב לגילוי עריות ממש (see Stauber Letter). With the other daughter he procreated a ממזר that was later aborted (check with Hatzoloh in KJ).
About Schlesinger not sleeping, let him take a sleeping pill, NHS will surely pick up the tab.
Does anybody really know how many offspring YMW has?
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