Saturday, February 19, 2022

Ami Again Features A Rabbi Who has an "awful" Reputation. Read this "Crazed" Interview With Ukraine "Chief Rabbi" Bleich


The publisher of Ami Magazine, Yitzy Frankfurter, has a penchant for featuring the worst characters that the Chareidie world has to offer. He praised and lauded Nechamia Weberman, a convicted rapist who is sitting in jail, sentenced to 103 years,  he featured Shlomo Helbrans who headed the Lev Tahor Cult, gave him a 5 page spread trying to convince his readers that he was just another Chassidishe Rebbe. Just three weeks ago he featured Rabbi Zamir Cohen who claimed that the Zionists closed his "kiruv" Yeshiva because they were afraid that he was making chilonie children, frum. Turned out that that his co-ed school was patterned after the goyishe Finnish System and they were not teaching Torah in that school at all, and R' Cohen couldn't explain why the same Zionists had no issues with Chinuch Atamai Schools, Ohr Samaich, Aish Ha'Torah or the Kiruv Schools of Rav Yitzchok David Grossman. In fact the Zionists fund all the schools I just mentioned!

Well this week they hit a new low. Yitzy the Frank, decided to interview the "Chief Rabbi" of Ukraine, Rabbi Yaakov Bleich, who was disbarred from the Conference of European Rabbis (CER) at the request of Dayan Chanoch Ehrentreu. This Bleich character has allegations against him that are very similar to the ones of that of the Monster Walder. Harav Eliyashiv z"l had already said years ago that Bleich wasn't fit to be the Chief Rabbi of Ukraine. He was in fact asked to step down by the Rabbi that originally sent him to Kiev. 

When you read that a guy is the Chief Rabbi of Ukraine, where do you think he lives? If you are a person with an average IQ, you would naturally assume that he lives in Ukraine, right? Well not so fast!

Frankfurter: Where are you now?

Bleich: I'm in my house in Monsey. I'll be going back to Ukraine tomorrow, im yirtzeh Hashem. I got home on Thursday night after being in Ukraine all last week.

I was reading this interview on Shabbos afternoon holding a hot glass of tea, and laughed so hard that I spilled the tea all over myself. Now, this was the very first question that he was asked, it gets a lot worse!

Most of Bleich's rambling answers are not only childish and dumb they are outright dangerous, some of them are completely incoherent, with great effort I made an attempt to make sense of his stupid answers.

Here is a "dangerous" comment that he made when the Frank asked him:

Frankfurter: As the chief rabbi of Ukraine, how concerned are you about the safety of the country's Jews?

Bleich: The situation isn't simple because there some Jewish communities that are near the border, and we don't know Putin's real long term goal ......One possibility is that he just wants to jangle everyone's nerves and show that he is a superpower with one of the biggest armies in the world and that no one should mess with him .....bla bla bla bla 

but then he adds something that a Chief Rabbi of Ukraine should never ever say:

Bleich: Putin is a murderer. He's an international terrorist, a dictator, and a former member of the KGB, and they always taught us that there is no such thing as "former" KGB. He has killed dozens of people around the world because they were dissidents and didn't agree with him, and he's not going to stop. bla bla bla 

Now, all this may actually be true, but the fact is that Israel at this time has good relations with Putin, and Putin respected Netanyahu and he has pretty good relations with Bennett. Just this Friday Bennett spoke to Putin asking him to cooperate with Israel in getting Israeli Citizens out, and Putin agreed. 

So for a "Chief Rabbi" to utter these dangerous words puts Jews living in Russia and Ukraine and even in Israel in danger! If Russia should invade, Rabbi Bleich will likely be talking Russian in the gulag!

Then Bleich  goes on an anti-Zionist tirade helped along with his partner in hate, the "naar" Frankfurter:

Frankfurter: You said you were in touch with the Israelis, but they weren't very interested in helping the local communities.

Bleich: If you tell the Israelis you're ready to make aliyah, then they'll help you.

Frankfurter: But I read that they have plans for assisting the Jews of Ukraine.

Bleich: Only if they want to move to Israel.

Now anyone reading the news, knows that Bleich at this point is lying. The Israeli government is making plans in evacuating ALL Jews that are interested in leaving. 

But even if it was true that Israel wants to only assist those Jews that want to make Aliyah, is that something so bad? How thrilled would the Jews in Poland or the Ukraine have been if they would have been given that option during WW2? And why are Jews living in the Ukraine, a country that murdered their grandparents not too long ago? 

Bleich after having stated that Putin is an "international terrorist" is advising Jews to remain in Ukraine.

Frankfurter: What are you telling your people? To stay or leave?

Bleich: We're telling people to remain in the country. 

Does this answer remind you of anything? Remember when the Hungarians Rabbis were advising their followers to remain in Europe as Hiltler ym"s was advancing?

Here is a guy who calls himself the "chief rabbi" of Ukraine living in a multi-million dollar home in Monsey advising Jews living in Ukraine "to remain?"

Then he goes after Israel with an idiotic complaint:

Bleich: They (Israel) caused panic in the community when they pulled out all their shlichim and teachers who work for the Israeli Ministry of Education.

Thank G-d for little things, thanking G-D that I had no tea left to spill! 

So now after complaining with the lie that Israel would only evacuate those who want to make Aliyah, and that "Putin is a murderer" he is upset that Israel wants to protect it's teachers and staff

"עד מתי יהיה זה לנו למוקש"


Unknown said...

Lets hope the girls he molested and the woman he haunted start to come forward and break the silence. The married woman and the frum girl counselor's from his Kiruv camp that he kept on flirting with all come forward. Or perhaps we should just leave everything to Putin??

Shame on Frankfurter for giving him the front over when he was aware of all the allegations against Bleich.

What will it take for our Rabbonim to realize and come out against reading the Ami?

Let's all do our part and send an email to frankfurter himself showing him how we are not happy with him.

Anonymous said...

This is one of the stupidest articles I read on your blog in a while.

Anonymous said...

Stolin basically put him in cherem for stealing their money. His mansion in Airmont is probably worth $2 million & he zips around in German luxury vehicles.

He became persona non grata in the neighborhood when a veibela wrote all the rabbonim of south Monsey that he's hitting on her. Supposedly he moved out to another neighborhood but then I started hearing that he's around again. I think the only one protecting him in south Monsey is the Skohl Rebbe. The FBI was getting complaints about child molestation so he tried to make a quick run for Israel but an org had the Immigration Ministry blacklist him.

Eastern European media has reports of Bleich being a shik yingle for the mafia there.

His shver, a Chassidishe dayan in Bensonhurst, was accused of being a molester too.

There is a common denominator with these Ukrainian clowns. Other rabbis tell the Yated the same shpiel what Bleich tells Ami. They downplay the imminent invasion & tell everyone to stay - because everyone fleeing will hit them in the pocketbook. The clowns in the Yated admit they didn't even ask daas Torah but try to justify it that in their own estimation it must be the same thing as 2014 when Rav Shteinman said to stay put. It's no comparison because 2014 was only for 2 small areas that are ethnically Russian: Crimea & Donbas. This time it's most if not the whole Ukraine that Putin wants. This is just like Satmar & the Agudah Fressers telling everyone to pile into yeshivos & shuls during covid, because quarantining costs them money.

Boor-o Park said...

The Bleichs probably bought some shmattas over the years at the stupid 13th Ave gesheft of the Frankfurters. Yitzy should takka go back to being a slimy salesman of suits to Litvisher & hoizen to Chassidishe, because he doesn't belong in journalism.

And maybe Bleich was with Frankfurter in R' Dovid's Brisk after Telz-Chicago

Blogger said...

Unbelievable. Curious where he is living in monsey

Letz said...

Has Frankfurter offered DIN a free suit from Marcy's yet in an attempt to get the blog to tone down on tearing Ami to shreds?

Monsey said...

The Skohl Rebbe who protects Monsey sleazebags like Bleich has his beis medrash on the corner of Saddle River & Regina, next to the plaza with Newday supermarket. If Bleich is still there, he was on a tiny street near there called Burris.

Blah Blah Bleich said...

Anonymous said...

Zionist Israel wanted to save some Jews, not all Jews during WW2. They did the same thing here -- they would help Jews get out, if they were to make aliya. This has been reported by others elsewhere. This is not a unique report that only Bleich was reporting on.

Is ones life as a Jew, valueless, if one doesn't want to make aliya? What works for you, doesn't work for everyone. If someone has a reason for wanting to live in the country they were born a nd grew up, they have a right. And to do it without being attacked and harassed for being Jewish.

Can't answer to shocking allegations, but there are simple facts stated above that a fact-checker would quickly find to be outright wrong, so makes me wonder what part of the so-called allegations are wrong too.

Dusiznies said...

You Scribble:
"Zionist Israel wanted to save some Jews, not all Jews during WW2. They did the same thing here -- they would help Jews get out, if they were to make aliya. "

During WW2, Eretz Yisrael was under the cursed English Mandate, not the Zionists in fact the Zionists were fighting the British and there was a limited supply of visas from the damn English and so the Zionists had to make choices and so they chose, young people that could fight... Good for them!
After the State was created in 1948 all Jews were permitted to enter!So please don't re-write history!
The Israelis are giving priority to those who want to make Aliyah, good for them. For those Jews who don't think it's good for them to make Aliyah they can go to the Israeli Embassy and get a visa.
And just this morning close to 1,000 people arrived in Bet Shemesh who are NOT making Aliyah, so you are deliberately lying or don't know the facts! But if I was the PM I would only allow those who want to make Aliyah! absolutely! I wish my grandparents had that choice in 1944!

Anonymous said...

You are correct, it was not "Zionist Israel." It was "Zionists" operating in Europe, whose goal/ultimate mission was to build Israel. They didn't want the orthodox observant Jews while they were operating and recruiting in Europe. They didn't want people who will continue speaking Yiddish. Their behavior was immoral! Who are you to pick and choose when you have the power in hand to save one, but turn away bc you don't like their observance? As immoral as if the orthodox Hatzalah ambulance would refuse to assist a Reform Jew and not want to administer to them -- and we know that never happens.

You say: "if I was the PM I would only allow those who want to make Aliyah! absolutely!"

And so you're saying you would be exclusionary?

I understand your resentment of yidden who live in chutz l'aretz, for whatever reason. But I guess you never heard the official diplomatic line: "Israel is for all Jews and there's a division of responsibility. The Jews who live in Israel are responsible to fight in IDF and make political decisions. The Jews who live in Diaspora are responsible to financially support the state. Bc the state of Israel exists and is committed to protecting every Jew world-wide, there are no more "pogroms" in the world, bc the world knows there will be repercussions and the IDF will come in, just as they did in Entebbe." (Heard said by the Israel Ambassador in DC).

Because the state of Israel wants foreign donations and Jews in Diaspora to feel connected enough that they contribute via their own bank accounts, or to lobby their government to send foreign aid, this was what the Israel government claimed was their policy - they will protect Jewish communities world-wide in time of need. (And this is also part of the state of Israel's rationale why they have a claim to the money gotten from the Swiss banks, even though they are not heirs of the persons who died and left money in those Swiss banks). If that has changed at any point, and the state of Israel will only assist Jews who officially make aliya, it needs to be publicized.

Anonymous said...

This whole thing is made up lol. This article is made up and changed around. This guy must have had something with Bleich that now he is going after him. All this is made up and garbage. I know Rabbi Bleich very well. He is amaand respected Rabbi in Ukraine and around the world. All these things about him is made up thanks

Dusiznies said...

Ok here goes, give us ONE example that is made up! Just ONE!