Thursday, February 24, 2022

Satmar Chassidim Reading Der Yid Will Never Know that the USA is Going Back to the Iran Deal that could G-d Forbid Destroy the Jewish State


Close to 6 million Jews residing in Eretz Yisrael are facing danger from Iran that vowed to wipe Israel off the map. The USA under the leadership of a demented old fool has decided to re-join the Obama's Iran Deal and to remove all economic sanctions from the Iranian Terrorist State.

This latest news was on the front pages of every single newspaper sharing headlines with the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

But the Satmar "oilim goilim" that get their news from Der Yid will never know about the eminent danger that their brothers and sisters living in Israel are facing. 

Instead, Der Yid has a byline on their first page of a protest against the "Misrad Hashichon" the Office of Housing, because they are excavating land in the Gilo section of Yerushalyim, that the Gaavad of the Eida Hachreidis said is an ancient graveyard of Jews. The Gaavad is none other than the aged R' Tuvia Weiss. We will never know if the Gaavad even knows about this or if he is in the frame of mind to issue Halachic decisions of this nature. The Raavad of the Eida is R' Moshe Shternbach, also an extremist but he had examined the site and ruled that there is no problem excavating the site.

In Beit Shemesh we had a similar fight amongst the leaders of the Eida Ha'Chreidis, where R' Weiss ruled that a site where a developer built a Chareidie community is a former gravesite, and R' Shternbach who actually examined the site ruled that there wasn't any Jewish bones buried there, and the developer built his development. 

Back to Der Yid

Why wouldn't Der Yid report the Iran story? 

Because Satmar supports the Iran Deal! Yes, let me repeat : The Satmar Rebbe is all for the Iran Deal that would allow Iran to continue their murderous quest of obtaining Nuclear arms. We wrote about this numerous times; you can do a search on this blog. 

They would rather write about some idiotic irrelevant protest and place it on their front page than write about something that can very well effect every single Jew!

Last week we all heard the Baal Korah read how the "Eirav Rav" fashioned and then worshipped a golden calf. I guess Moshe didn't kill them off, they are still around!

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