Sunday, February 27, 2022

"Kosher Phone" Extortionists Now Targeting Bet Shemesh Kosher Cell phone stores

So it looks like they managed to destroy all the Kosher Cell Phone stores that refused to cave in to their Mafia tactics in Yerushalyim, so now they are trying Bet Shemesh. But in Bet Shemesh police quickly arrived and they ran like roaches, but two got arrested.

These are stores that carry Kosher Phones exclusively but without their hechsher!

They wouldn't try messing with the stores that sell smartphones because those owners will perform a bris on them!

1 comment:

Uriah’s Wife said...

Israeli anti-terror intelligence has neutralized terrorist thugs by infiltrating their military and social networks. Why doesn’t shin-bet do the same to the Chareidi terrorists? Why aren’t these Chareidi cretins arrested and imprisoned for ten years? Can someone explain how these criminals can get away with this?