Thursday, February 24, 2022

‘Full Scale Invasion’ Ukranians Were Tough Against the Jews ..Let's See How Tough they are with the Russians


“Make no mistake this is a full-scale Russian invasion”. Shocking images show hordes of cars fleeing Kyiv, in addition to the sounds of air raid sirens.


Anonymous said...

How is our Dementia in Chief working out for the goal of world peace?
Still busy with Critical Race Theory and gender neutral washrooms?

Sholem said...

This war could have been avoided and a peaceful solution reached had the West and USA kept its word to the Russians and kept the Ukraine neutral without fanning false Ukrainian aspirations to join NATO. Instead Biden and gang are risking a nucular war חס ושלום so that the can try and turn Ukraine into a western democracy. Putin shouldn't be doing this and will have to answer ביום הדין for any bloodshed (Chazal teach us that one will even have to answer for hitting the horse he rode on too hard) but the fact is that the USA demanded the same of Cuba during the missle crisis.