Monday, February 14, 2022

Back to the "flat" Shrteimal As Toldos Avraham Yitzchok Rebbe Switches Because of Cost


The "hoicheh" tall Shtreimel fad may be over. The Toldos Avraham Yitzchok rebbe announced this week that he is switching to the flat shtreimels because of the inflated costs of the Huge Shtreimrlich. The cost of Tall Shreimlich can easily run up to $8,000.00. The Flat ones go for about $1250.00.
According to sources close to the rebbe, the" fatwa" is that a shtreimal will not be permitted if it is over 5 inches tall!
And you think that you had problems!


Anonymous said...

Nothing gained. The Shtreimel guys will just raise the price for flat shtreimeols and double the price for tall shtreimels.

מנהג החסידים הקטנים said...

In Liska shtiebel B.P. the big new shtreimels are the way.

וואס קלענער דעם "חסיד", וואס גרעסער דעם שטריימעל

מקום החתימה

פינחס עזרא פריעדלענדער גרופ אינק

lessor said...

The flat shtreimels looked somewhat regal. The higher ones destroyed that regal look. They really look ridiculously oversized!!

Anonymous said...

Tall shtreimels look like they have been "moussed" and combed just so, to get the fur to stand up. It looks very vain and funny to imagine how the "small" Rebbe's who don't have a hoiz buchur to attend to that for them, toil over that. When you see it, it's a reminder that even Rebbes are human beings, not celestial beings who are above nature... with a direct line to the kisei hakovod. It's the dead giveaway that the guy is materialistic.

Keep that in mind next time when you stand on line with a kvittel.