Monday, February 21, 2022

It’s Time for Frum Jews to Endorse a Republican for Governor....Askanim Have been Misleading the Jewish Sheep!


When are we going to wake up and realize that the Democrats have turned our society into a place of hate? Antisemitism is out of control. Every day there is another incident, some monster yells a slur, spits, shoves or punches an innocent Jew, or worse.

New York is starting to feel like pre-war Europe.

I’m sure that our leaders have sincere motives, but let’s face it–- the press releases and roundtable meetings don’t seem to be helping. In fact, it’s only getting worse.

The haters don’t care about tweets of condemnation or press conferences which condemn violence and proclaim “this must end”. They’re laughing at us. It’s not going to end, at least while Democrats are in power.

And here is why:

Fact 1: There is a seething hatred against Jews, and antisemites are not ashamed to act on it. It comes from all sides, but mostly the far-left. We are surrounded by hatred, and it’s worse than I’ve ever seen in my lifetime.

Fact 2: Because of bail-reform and leftist DA’s, criminals who assault Jews get released the SAME DAY they are arrested. They have no fear of consequences.

As long as these two facts remain true, the attackers can keep spitting at Jewish kids, yelling slurs, doing Nazi salutes, even punching us and knocking us unconscious. As long as the courts keep letting them loose, nothing will deter them.

The frustrating but also encouraging thing is, we know who the antisemites are. Every time there is an assault against Jews, the offender has a rap sheet and is already known to police. These attacks are preventable, but only if the courts keep the vicious monsters behind bars.

So what is the solution?

We need to use our power as a voting block, and our money, to ouster the current leadership from office. We need a Republican governor and as many Republican legislators as possible.

They have pledged to stop the no-bail insanity and keep criminals in jail. We need to use our money and influence to put them in office, so they can solve this problem. Let’s call upon our frum leaders to endorse Republicans.

I know that there are reasons why the frum community often refrains from endorsements. Or sometimes even endorses Democrats.

However these are unprecedented times. This is way more important than boosting welfare programs. It’s more important than pumping money into our community.

This is about public safety. It is a matter of life and death. The attacks keep coming, and eventually, somebody may lose their life. (In fact, Grafton Thomas murdered a sweet innocent elderly man in Monsey, yet due to the leftist courts, he is not standing trial.)

Endorsing a Republican is our best and only hope to stop the rampant daily hate crimes, and ensure the safety of our children.

If we don’t endorse a Republican, we are essentially saying that we are okay with the attacks continuing. We are choosing to condone hate, because we don’t want to alienate Governor Hochul and Laetitia James.

It’s time for our leaders to ensure that our children can walk down the street, without looking over their shoulders, afraid that someone may attack them simply because they are wearing a yarmulka.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fat chance of that happening. Jews love their social programs, especially di Haimishe Oylem, who are the only Jews likely to vote Republican. Beyond that, no vote in NY matters because the votes are overwhelmingly Democrat, and conservative-leaning Jews don't make up a big enough bloc to really influence anything. If we still mattered politically, we wouldn't have lost our power in the voting districts maps...