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Monday, February 21, 2022

Yeshiva Student Jailed By IDF For Desertion Demands Kosher Badatz Food


There isn't one Yeshiva Bocher sitting in an Israeli jail for not going to the army..not one!

So why is this tzaddik in jail?

Because he refuses to register. Even the "Toldos Aaron" extremists register for the IDF and yes even Satmar boys. But the Auerbach crazies refuse to register.

So how come he got arrested and not the hundreds of the Auerbach crazies?

This tzaddik decided to go to Eastern Europe to visit the cemeteries in middle of the zman. A "groiser tzaddik" who skipped his Torah shiurim but insists on Badatz Food!. 

He was arrested for "desertion" at the airport as he was getting on a plane!

Israeli jails serve kosher food and it was kosher enough for the "Geat Tzaddik" Berland and other "tzaddikim"

The "ukel" eventually got his Badatz food!

A member of the Jerusalem Faction, a group which does not recognize the authority of the army to register yeshiva students, was arrested by military police as he attempted to leave Israel and visit tombs of tzadikim in Eastern Europe. The yeshiva student was tried by a military tribunal as a deserter and sentenced to 15 days in jail.

Before entering the jail, the student declared that he does not eat any food without the hechsher (supervision) of the Badatz- Eda Chareidis. However the military officers took no notice of his request and did not give him food with the requisite hechsher. Moreover the yeshiva student was placed in a room with a television despite stressing that as a yeshiva student he cannot be in a room with television. The student requested time and again to be given the food he requested and a room without television but was ignored each time.

After repeatedly being denied these basic requirements, the student’s lawyers, Menachem Stauber and Kfir Appelbaum, submitted an urgent petition to the Supreme Court Friday against the commander of the jail, demanding that he be given his basic needs. The petition stated that the youth had not eaten for a week anything other than bread and water.

A Supreme Court judge ruled on the matter before Shabbos and stated that the commander of the jail must provide practical solutions for the student within two hours. The commander then relented and provided the student with food with Badatz kashrus and moved him to a room without a television.

Attorney Stauber said to Kikar Hashabbat that “this is an intolerable situation, that in the state of Israel a yeshiva student must subsist on bread and salt for a week because he keeps kashrus halachically. Thankfully, our petition to the court was enough to convince the prison commander of his serious error and he provided the student with the requisite food immediately.”

The IDF spokesman claimed in response that “the rights of the arrested student to maintain his way of life while serving his sentence were upheld by the prison. The student requested a few days ago from prison staff and received a proper response to his request. He received food with the hechsher of the Eda Chareidis and a room without a television as he requested.”


Anonymous said...

DIN your allowed to insist on on having the army pay for your AIDS meds, and having them pay for your gender surgery, but he cant insist on having kosher food?
please enough with the closed minded hate!

Anonymous said...

he's 100% right

Dusiznies said...

He had kosher food as do all frum inmates, he wanted the treif Badatz Food.

Gay Aveck said...

"Colmo the Homo" aka the pedophile Colmer used to call Rabbi Gornish all the time with kashrus shaylos from Rikers Island.

I can't even wish "Bubba" on that sick animal hypocrite because he'd probably enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

Eww wah, Gut gizakt!