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Showing posts with label Dov Hikind. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dov Hikind. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Nachman Caller Slams Dov Hikind: Which Daas Torah Allowed You To Send A Jew To Jail?!?

Nachman Caller is upset that Dov Hikind advocated that the convicted Child Rapist Nechamia Weberman be put in Jail! Get it?
Well, I'll tell you, Mr. Caller. "Which Daas Torah".... how about the Torah that was given at Har Sinai that says that a Rodef has to be stopped!

Read from THEYESHIVAWORLD my comments in red!

In the final 24 hours of the campaign, R’ Nachman Caller has come out with a scathing attack on Assemblyman Dov Hikind questioning whether the Assemblyman has Daas Torah (rabbinical guidance). Specifically, Caller points to Hikind’s decision to go after Nechemya Weberman and celebrate via press release his imprisonment. The ad states “for political reasons Hikind helped throw a Jew in jail for 103 years. Which Daas Torah allowed Hikind to go so extreme?”
First of all, Hikind didn't sentence the Rapist Weberman to 103 years, the Judge sentenced him. Second of all, Tell me which Daas Torah says that Weberman was allowed to have Yichud with many girls, which Weberman the Child Rapist, actually admitted. 

Further enraging the Daas Torah crowd, Hikind was an early supporter of Ezras Nashim – the all women competitor to Hatzolah and boasts of helping them get state certification for their volunteer ambulance service. 
Didn't the local Rabbonim give an Haskama for this Ambulance Service?

Finally, Caller points to numerous stories in mass media including most recently in the New Yorker and New York Times where Hikind proudly criticizes the community for have a serious problem with child molestation, “Did you vote for Hikind so he would embarrass us in the secular press?”
Stop feeling up and raping our children, then we will stop "embarrassing" you in the secular press!

 the second ad reads Hikind is battling challenger Caller in a race for New York State Assembly. While insiders expect Hikind to win, they will be watching very closely to see the if the anti-Hikind votes exceeds 30% indicating a weakening in support for Hikind in the Jewish community.
No matter who you decide to vote for – make sure and vote today. Polls close at 9PM!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Satmar Boro Park attacks Dov Hikind for being A Zionist, and mixing "Local Politics" with the State of Israel

The Satmar savages of Boro-Park are plastering the whole town with posters, "accusing" Dov of being a Zionist (OMG) and his campaign against President Hussain Obama's stance vis a vis Israel. They are chastising him for mixing in the interests of Israel with the American elections.

The poster also reads Herzl Y"MS (May His Name be Erased),the term used for the mass Jewish Murderer, Hitler! 
They are in effect equating the founder of the State of Israel, a country that now houses the majority of the Jewish people, and the country that has the most Torah being learned, and the country that allows and invites  any Jew in the world to its country, with Hitler!

Ok guys, tell me about the Chesed that these animals do!

Now, my friends, isn't every Jew obligated to look into every candidate and see if that candidate is pro-Israel?
Are local elections only about, how are we going to milk the goyim?
Shouldn't we put aside our interests, for the larger Jewish community?
I don't have a dog in this race, and I don't know Hikind's opponent.
I understand he is a nice guy! 
My point is, why are the Romanian Hooligans attacking Dov for being a Zionist? 

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hatzolah running scared, accusing Dov Hikind and Ruchie Freier of running to "Goyish Media"

The Yeshiva World Blog

An unsigned op-ed piece in todays The Yeshivaworld blog accuses Attorney Ruchie Freier of complaining to the "Goyish Media" about the fact that she would rather have women respond to all calls to Hatzolah to  assist women giving birth! The absurd letter says that Daas Torah is against women joining Hatzalah. This is of course a blatant lie, since there is no one frumer than the people of New Square, and they actually require women to respond to women giving birth.
Attorney Ruchie Freier
Here read the outragious letter:

The massive chilul hashem that I warned about last week here on YWN, has come to pass. Sadly, despite outrage by rank and file Hatzolah members and a very clear statement by the CEO of Hatzolah that this proposal is absolutely forbidden based on halchic rulings by our gedolei hador, Attorney Ruchie Freier and Assemblyman Dov Hikind are continuing their crusade to force women into Hatzolah.
Even more disturbing, they have apparently enlisted the help of New York’s secular newspapers to do so. Earlier this week the New York Post, which has a circulation of over 500,000, splashed an article in its paper with the salacious headline: “Jewish ‘Siren’ Ladies” chock full of quotes by Ms. Freier and Mr. Hikind. (Crain’s Business Magazine also had an article) The story had a preposterous exchange where Hikind proclaimed, “I’m sure Hatzalah will listen and consider [admitting women into Hatzalah].” Of course, to no one’s surprise, the story continues: ‘But Hatzalah CEO Rabbi David Cohen said it’s a non-issue. “This was discussed years ago by the rabbinic board. They said not to do it, and that’s pretty much where we stand,” he said. “It’s not on the agenda. There’s no reason to put it on the agenda.”
The obvious question is how dare Hikind tell the New York Post that he was “sure” that Hatzolah will consider going against Das Torah? What’s more, as a member of Hatzolah, I know for a fact that the leadership reached out to Hikind immediately after his radio show to make it clear to Hikind that Hatzolah’s rabbanim are against this proposal. What chutzpah does Hikind have to continue to promote his agenda after the leadership of Hatzolah reaffirmed directly to him that the gedolei hador are oppose to this proposal?
Mr. Hikind, it’s not too late. You have a few hours to do teshuva before the start of Rosh Hashona and publicly renounce your support of forcing women into Hatzolah. Or at the very least, identify the Daas Torah that instructed you to go against the Gedolei Hador that ruled for reasons of tznius women may not join Hatzolah. Unless that happens, Mr. Hikind, you will continue to be responsible for the massive chilul hashem. And Chas V’Shalom if this blows back on Hatzolah and hurts this life-saving organization in any way, I shudder to think what kind of achrayas beis din shel mayla will assign to you.
A long-time New York Hatzolah member.