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Showing posts with label boro park hikind. Show all posts
Showing posts with label boro park hikind. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Satmar Boro Park attacks Dov Hikind for being A Zionist, and mixing "Local Politics" with the State of Israel

The Satmar savages of Boro-Park are plastering the whole town with posters, "accusing" Dov of being a Zionist (OMG) and his campaign against President Hussain Obama's stance vis a vis Israel. They are chastising him for mixing in the interests of Israel with the American elections.

The poster also reads Herzl Y"MS (May His Name be Erased),the term used for the mass Jewish Murderer, Hitler! 
They are in effect equating the founder of the State of Israel, a country that now houses the majority of the Jewish people, and the country that has the most Torah being learned, and the country that allows and invites  any Jew in the world to its country, with Hitler!

Ok guys, tell me about the Chesed that these animals do!

Now, my friends, isn't every Jew obligated to look into every candidate and see if that candidate is pro-Israel?
Are local elections only about, how are we going to milk the goyim?
Shouldn't we put aside our interests, for the larger Jewish community?
I don't have a dog in this race, and I don't know Hikind's opponent.
I understand he is a nice guy! 
My point is, why are the Romanian Hooligans attacking Dov for being a Zionist?