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Sunday, May 12, 2024

Ted Cruz Points Out That Biden is really an antisemite and it goes back to the 80's When He was a senator

 After October 7, The Rasha  Biden ordered Israel not to retaliate but pulled it back because of a massive backlash! 


Kapo Konvention said...


Shomer Yishmoel Shmuckie Chuckie Schumer has also always been a backstabber when it suits him politically

anonymous said...

Bad title! That part is cut off

cyrano said...

I don't think Joe Biden is an antisemite in the sense that he hates Jews and wishes them to all be annihilated.

I believe that Biden just doesn't think that Jews are real people; to him they're more like weeds. It's Ok as long as there aren't too many of them and you could just ignore them.

But when Jews start to be annoying like when they fight back when attacked, then something has to be done to stop them.

Biden doesn't think of himself as antisemitic. After all he laughs at the Three Stooges movies.