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Saturday, May 11, 2024

Reb Shayala Kresterir Yurzeit


 Whenever one mentions Reb Shayale, or Reb Yeshaya ben reb Moshe one is filled with awe, only 90 years since his Passing and the Yeshuos are still pouring out, like the food that Reb Shayale used to dish out miraculously without it ever ending until the last visitor got to eat. 

His Tzavah – his will – is to emulate his ways – copy him – have Rachmonus on poor people and help to your upmost without making a chesbon.

Today is his Yahrtzeit

 – 3rd of Iyar, every year hundreds and thousands used flock to his home and kever to ask for Yeshuos and Refuos. 

Leilui Nishmas Reb Shaya ben Reb Moishe, light a candle in his memory, 
Reb Shayale will be Meilitz Yosher for you in Shomayim, by emulating his ways. 

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