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Friday, May 10, 2024

Parents of Pro-Hamas Protestors Back them 100% !!


Parents of George Washington University (GW) students spoke out on Wednesday afternoon about their frustrations following the police and protest clash on campus early that morning.

They called for the resignation of two top administrators: President of the University Ellen Granberg and Provost Christopher Bracey.

“[Granberg’s] giving false information to the parents who are not involved in this, telling them that all trials from the organization to talk to the students have failed. This is a big shameful lie,” said one parent. “Because she declined every time to talk to the students and that’s why we are asking for her resignation.”

Parents were joined by professors and faculty from other DMV universities, including American University and George Mason University. They said they stood in solidarity with the students and shared their frustration about how their kids and all the student protesters were treated

“The Ellen Granbergs of this world represent and support this genocide and are willing to trample the rights of their students in the name of allowing this genocide to continue,” said one American University faculty member who spoke during the press briefing. “We support the basic demands of our students. We support the parents demanding the resignation of Provost Bracey and President Granberg. We support the cause for free Palestine for disclosure divestment boycott and sanctions.”

Parents stressed their support for their kids and the pro-Palestinian protesters.

“Students are the conscience of our nation. They are the moral compass of this society and they are holding up a mirror to our policies,” said Barbara Wien. “I am both a GW parent and I teach at American University and I stayed in the encampment with the students. They were democratic, they were peaceful.”

“I myself have family in Gaza and I like many others been completely disturbed by what has been unfolding first and foremost in Gaza in the completely manufactured genocide there which has from the very start been about collective punishment of the people of Gaza,” said Dr. Amrmad Kour, a faculty member at GW. “I was so touched by what our students at GW were able to produce in terms of a peaceful and well-disciplined and well-organized protest on our campus.”

“I’ve seen it myself. I’ve been there myself. I’m humbled by the dedication of these students,” he added.

Organizers of the press conference said a letter was sent to GW’s Board of Trustees, condemning university leadership for their “botched response” which they said led to the “unnecessary and dangerous” police raid on students.

One parent said she regrets sending her child to GW.

“Why did we send our students to GW? Because it’s one of the most esteemed educational institutions in the nation,” she said. “We were assuming that they [would] find the highest educators, the highest education and the best treatment and would not have hypocrite administrators that endanger them. Do you think we would ever send our children to a place where we have even a single doubt that they will be in danger? Of course not.”

Parents said during that Wednesday briefing that they won’t be standing on the sidelines anymore.

They said at least 79 parents signed the letter sent to GW’s Board of Trustees and they are waiting for the university’s response.

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